Meet the spring, my friends and I decided to dacha. Nature, traditional barbecue and, of course, alcohol. We went to the supermarket to buy the necessary products. My friend went to the spice department and said that there he would find the main ingredient for his homemade barbecue tincture.
We were at a loss – how can an alcoholic drink be made from seasoning? But, it turns out, they make a very unusual tincture on fennel.
The story was shared by our subscriber Peter.
What ingredients and equipment will be needed
For the experiment, you only need vodka (or moonshine), the seasoning itself and kitchen utensils. To prepare the tincture, you need to have a frying pan, a rolling pin or a glass bottle, an infusion bottle and a container for the original product at hand.
I prefer to cook large volumes of alcohol at once, so I recommend the following proportions:
- fennel seeds – 90 gr. (you can buy at any minimarket, but personally I take 2 bags of 45 grams for 134 rubles on Ozon);
- moonshine – 3 liters (at a cost of preparing home-made moonshine, it costs about 250 rubles).
Fennel seeds are the most amazing tincture base for me.
This exotic tincture can be prepared on any alcohol base that does not have a characteristic odor. For example, if it is not possible to make homemade moonshine, store-bought vodka will also do. But then the cost will skyrocket.
For the tincture, you need roasted fennel seeds. But I buy them raw and roast them myself. I recommend to refrain from purchasing fried fennel, because in the package it can be corny burnt. Then the tincture will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.
The cooking process
I put a frying pan on a slow fire and pour the fennel seeds into it. Please note – I do not add oil (neither sunflower nor olive) in any case! Alcohol is poorly compatible with oil and the drink will be spoiled as a result. Roast the seeds until they turn golden brown.
Seeds are important to roast properly. I recommend to bring to a shade, as in my photo.
It is extremely important not to overexpose the seasoning on the fire. In order for the seeds to roast evenly, it is necessary to constantly mix them with a wooden spatula.
I pour the finished seeds on a plate, let them cool slightly. After that, I lightly press them down with a mortar or glass bottle. I fall asleep in a balloon, fill it with moonshine, close it tightly and insist for a week in a cool place. I filter through gauze to clear the seeds from the tincture.
What will be the result
The color resembles an ordinary store cognac. After high-quality filtration, the tincture becomes transparent, clean, without cloudy sediment.
Roasted fennel seeds give vodka a noble brown hue, reminiscent of expensive cognac.
The aroma has notes of anise, dill and menthol. Very complex, specific bouquet. The taste is slightly sweet, spicy. A bit like coffee. There is a slight woody aftertaste in the mouth. Anise is felt only a little, unobtrusively and not cloyingly.
If made on moonshine, the cost of three liters of tincture is only 384 rubles. If we take bottled vodka as a basis, the costs will fluctuate around 1000 rubles.
How to serve and with what to use tincture
Can be served either chilled or at room temperature. But I want to note that the chill enhances the flavor of the seasoning, the drink becomes more complex and unusual.
I advise you to use a snack similar to the one you serve with vodka. It can be meat / sausage cuts, pickles and even fish.
Pairs very well with barbecue. Especially if the meat is cooked with a lot of spices. Fennel tincture perfectly complements the juicy pork marinade, you get a chic aftertaste.
Fennel tincture is the perfect partner for barbecue.
Previously, I did not suspect that tinctures can be prepared from spices and seasonings. The result is surprised and subdued! I want to continue similar experiments. If you know non-standard tincture recipes, be sure to share in the comments.
Dear readers, remember that alcohol abuse harms your body. Take care of yourself!