From 2 years old: manual and artistic games

The balloon flies away. Get yourself a balloon, blow it up, and have it fly overhead. The child will want to imitate you. Then ask him to send the ball in the air once with his head, then with his hands, then his feet… He learns anatomy while having fun. From 3 years old, you can make this game more difficult by asking him to return the ball with various objects that you will have placed in front of him.

Drawings in salt dough. Prepare the salt dough with your child: mix in a bowl 2 glasses of flour, 1 glass of salt, 1 glass of water and a few drops of food coloring to make it look prettier. Spread the resulting dough on the table and let your child’s imagination run free. Offer to draw animals (you can use a cookie cutter), shapes… To preserve these works of art, bake them for 1 hour in the oven at 100 ° C, then 1 hour at 125 ° C .

Magic boxes. Take several boxes of photo film or empty matchboxes and fill them with rice, coarse salt, small beads, pebbles or small marbles. The child will have to choose the box he wants and can shake it to listen to the sound. Little more: you can fill some boxes with the same ingredients and he will have to find out which ones have the same sound.

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