«Joy. Sadness. Chaos. Wisdom” – this is the subtitle of the creator of Gestalt therapy Frederick Solomon Perls provided his autobiography. Professor Fritz.
«Joy. Sadness. Chaos. Wisdom” is the subtitle of the author of Gestalt Therapy, Frederick Solomon Perls, in his autobiography. Professor Fritz (this is what Perls was called by his patients and students) in his childhood was a repeater and a thief, then he worked as a military psychiatrist, rescued the wounded under the bombing, changed several countries, rarely hesitated in expressions, endlessly honored his wife, constantly cheating on her, and once nearly strangled by his own patient. A difficult man, Fritz Perls wrote a difficult book in which there are life stories flowing into each other, poems, philosophical reflections, disputes with himself and with colleagues, but there is no sense of distinct completeness and finality — however, just like there is none and in real life.
Psychotherapy, 224 p.