Frightening discovery: is the coronavirus transmitted through the eyes?

We deal with doctors how to protect our health.

WHO has declared an international emergency with the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. According to the Chinese news resource People’s Daily, the virus is quite capable of being transmitted through the eyes! Is this true and how, in this case, to protect yourself from infection – the ophthalmic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Igor Aznauryan understood the issue.

Ophthalmologist, MD, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, founder of the Yasny Vzor network of clinics.

Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

Why is the public so alarmed? The fact is that at best this virus causes fever, a rare dry cough and complications in the gastrointestinal tract, while at worst – acute respiratory syndrome, pneumonia and death. At the same time, doctors identified 6 types of this virus, however, due to constant mutations, it is still impossible to offer an effective method of therapy. Although scientists and doctors are actively working on the creation of such methods, at the moment their only recommendations are – do not overwork, drink plenty of water, avoid smoky areas, and in the case of the first symptoms drink ibuprofento relieve your condition.

Eyes – a transmission route for coronavirus?

The doctors were able to establish that the eyes can indeed become the “gateway” for the Wuhan infection. If for any reason there is a sufficient volume of coronavirus on the hands, then it will enter the body upon contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes and be carried by the lacrimal fluid. The consequences for the eyes of infection with coronavirus have not yet been fully identified – theoretically, it can infect the retina, but such an effect occurred only in laboratory conditions, during experiments with intraocular administration of the virus, when there are already all local inflammatory manifestations. However, if the virus entered the body through the eyes, then symptoms of conjunctivitis are possible. But there is also a high probability that it is the eyes that will not suffer in any way, but will only let the virus inside.

Risk groups and security measures.

The main risk group is residents of megalopolises, because they are in constant contact with a very large number of people, for example, in the same transport. Children are no less at risk: in addition to active communication with peers and adults, babies often forget about the basic rules of hygiene. Doctors should also be vigilant, among whom ophthalmologists stand out, because due to regular close contact with the eyes, a specialist can become infected only by accidentally touching his eyes after contact with an infected patient.

The protective measures against coronavirus are the same as for regular flu:

  • always wash your hands after outdoors and in public areas,

  • do not touch the mucous membranes with your hands (and not only the eye membranes),

  • avoid crowds,

  • wear safety glasses to keep the virus out of your eyes.

By the way, sometimes even ordinary flu can cause eye complications. In the stroma of the cornea, point opacities of different depths appear, and the more acute the disease progresses, the more of these opacities. Also, with the disease, redness of the eyes, lacrimation and photophobia are observed. Therapy in this case consists of taking antiviral drugs.

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