😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers! In the article “Friedrich Nietzsche: biography, interesting facts” – about the main stages of the life of the German philosopher, classical philologist, poet, composer.
Biography of Friedrich Nietzsche
Фридрих Вильгельм Ницше родился 15 октября 1844 года в семье священника, в деревне Реккен, тогда еще в Прусском государстве. Его назвали в честь короля Фридриха Вильгельма IV, который тоже родился 15 октября (1795).
After Frederick’s father died, the mother was engaged in raising and primary education of the son. From the age of 6 she taught him to play the piano. At the age of 10, he was already making his first attempts at composing music.
When the young man turned 14, he went to study at the Pfort gymnasium. There he studied Latin and Greek classical literature and experienced a strong desire to become a musician.
В 16 лет он продолжил свое образование в университете Бонна, познавал геологию и филологию. Из-за конфликта со студенческой средой, перешел в университет Лейпцига.
Уже в 24 года, благодаря большим успехам, ему (еще студенту) предложили стать профессором филологии в университете Базеля. Это был уникальный случай!
Frederick officially renounced his Prussian citizenship in 1869. The philosopher in many of his writings pointed to his Polish origin and was proud of it. The philosopher did not hide his dislike for Germany.
Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche
Свой творческий путь Фридрих начал с музыкальных произведений. В 1862 г. он работал над поэмой “Эрманарх”. Она была закончена только отчасти. Фридрих писал музыку на стихи А.С. Пушкина, Ф. Рюккерта, К. Гротта. После нескольких разгромных критик его музыкальных произведений, Ницше бросил музыку.
Nietzsche was quite friendly with the composer R. Wagner, But after Wagner called the philosopher’s book “Human, Too Human” “sad evidence of the writer’s illness”, the friendship ended. The book “Wagner’s Case” was written under the impression.
An interesting fact is that two grandfathers and a father were priests, and Frederick became an “evil atheist.” He talks about this in his work “Antichrist”.
The philosophy of Nietzsche questioned the principles of the existing forms of morality, religion, culture. His works do not lend themselves to unambiguous interpretation and cause a lot of controversy and disagreement.
Personal life of Nietzsche
Frederick was never married and had no children. His height is 1,73 m, Zodiac sign – Libra. He was in poor health. By the age of 30, headaches and insomnia had practically led him to blindness. He tried to be treated with opiates. I had to give up my professorship.
In 1882, in the capital of Italy, fate brought Nietzsche to Salome Lou (Louise Gustavovna Salome), a Russian student of philosophy and theology (in the future Freud’s assistant. But she refused to marry and offered to create a triple friendly alliance with their friend Paul Ree This idyll was destroyed by Elizabeth Nietzsche (sister).
In one of his books, “My Sister and Me,” written in the last years of his life, Friedrich confesses about having a sexual relationship with his own sister. As a result of these events, Nietzsche published part 1 of Thus Speaks Zarathustra. Later, parts 2 and 3 were released, and part 4 was published in an amount of 40 pieces.
Elizabeth was married to an anti-Semite who tried to create New Germany in Paraguay, but committed suicide due to financial difficulties. My sister came to Germany, but did not communicate with her brother because of the contradictory political views. However, Frederick’s illness still brought reconciliation into their relationship.
Lou Salomé in a cart drawn by Paul Ree and Friedrich Nietzsche (1882)
After the death of her brother, Elizabeth continued to publish his drafts under her own editing. One of these works was “The Will to Power”. Also, thanks to Elizabeth, 20 volumes of her brother’s writings were published.
В 1934 г. Гитлер, по приглашению Элизабет, три раза посещал музей-архив Ницше. Адольф Гитлер назвал этот музей центром германской идеологии. Причем книги “Майн Кампф”, “Так говорил Заратустра” и “Миф двадцатого века” (автор Розенберг) были помещены в Гинденбургский склеп.
His ideas inspired Hitler to fight for the greatest German Reich and for the Superman.
Illness and death
By the end of his life, the thinker developed a hereditary predisposition to mental disorders. His friend the philosopher Frans Overbeck helped arrange Friedrich in a psychiatric hospital. He spent 11 years there.
In 1890, his mother transported Friedrich to her house, to Naumburg. When she died, he suffered a stroke. On August 25, 1900, at the age of 55, Nietzsche passed away. The grave of a world-famous philosopher is located in the cemetery of the Rekken church next to his deceased relatives.
Friedrich Nietzsche: biography (video)
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