Mushrooms are a traditional food; in the old days, salted and pickled mushroom snacks were in special demand. At present, interest in mushrooms is only increasing, and numerous fried and stewed dishes from them are gaining popularity. Even those mushrooms that were mostly used for salting and pickling are trying to be used in a different form and often it turns out very well. For example, quite recently, few people thought of frying volnushki. After all, it was the most famous variety of mushrooms after milk mushrooms, used exclusively for salting. But times are changing, at the moment, many housewives are successfully experimenting with fritters, creating various culinary masterpieces from them using frying.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

Is it possible to fry volnushki mushrooms

At first glance, volnushki, also called volzhanka, volnyanka and volnukhi, slightly resemble saffron mushrooms – agaric mushrooms with a hat whose edges are twisted down. That’s just the color of the mushrooms is completely different, there are no patterns and fringe on the hat. Yes, and volnushki belong to the Russula family, so it seems that they can be used in almost any form. In addition, according to their nutritional value, it is customary to refer them even to the second category. But this is the next step after the whites, milk mushrooms and mushrooms.

But with all this, volzhanki are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms, which means that when fresh they contain bitter substances that are harmful to human health, they can have an unpleasant odor and require mandatory pre-treatment.

However, when carrying out mandatory procedures that must precede cooking, it is possible to fry the waves. And the result is a very delicious and healthy dish.

How to cook fried fritters

Cooking fried volzhanka will require the hostess to comply with some mandatory manipulations, without which the mushrooms may turn out to be at least inedible. But if you follow all the recommendations described, then you can choose the most suitable one according to your taste from the many proposed recipes for making fried waves.

How to cook fry rolls

In order to remove the bitterness inherent in them and help them enjoy their nutritional and taste qualities, mushrooms are usually soaked or boiled.

Of course, first of all, as in the case of any other mushrooms brought from the forest, the waves should be sorted out, removing spoiled, wormy and broken ones. Then they are washed in cold water, cleaned of twigs, specks, leaves and other forest debris.

Then there are two main ways to remove bitterness from them:

  1. Mushrooms are soaked in cold water for 24 to 48 days. At the same time, it is advisable to drain the old water from the waves and replace it with a new one every 12 hours.
  2. Boil in salt water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) for about an hour so that the mushrooms are completely covered with liquid during cooking.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

Many housewives who successfully cook dishes from fried mushrooms according to various recipes prefer to use both methods at once. Moreover, it was noticed that too long soaking can adversely affect the taste of Volzhanka. Therefore, if you want them to fully retain both their nutritional and taste properties, you must first soak the volzhanki for 24 hours (changing the water once), and then boil them in salted water for 1 hour. After such processing, all the negative properties of the waves disappear.

Is it possible to fry volushki without boiling

As noted earlier, volushki are conditionally edible mushrooms that contain bitter milky juice. Not only does it greatly spoil the taste of mushrooms, but it can also cause severe eating disorders, such as diarrhea, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, if they are not pre-cooked.

If volzhanki are prepared for salting, then it is enough to soak the mushrooms in water. But, in order to fry volnushki, they must be boiled, and then drained of water.

Important! The main bitterness is usually found in the fringe of the caps of the Volzhanka, therefore, when cleaning the mushrooms, it is desirable to remove it.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

Is it possible to fry volnushki with other mushrooms

It’s not for nothing that the volnushki slightly resemble mushrooms; these mushrooms go well with each other when frying. However, after preliminary preparation (soaking and boiling), the flakes can be fried in the same pan with almost any other mushrooms that are suitable for frying.

Is it possible to fry salted or pickled fritters

Salted and pickled volnushki are also quite suitable for frying. Cooking mushrooms is not difficult, but just before frying, the flakes are washed in cold water, changing it several times, and boiled again in milk. As a result, the taste of fried Volzhanka can surprise even an experienced mushroom picker.

How to quickly fry the waves

Soaked and boiled volnushki mushrooms can be fried using the following simple recipe.

You need:

  • 500 g of waves;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 50 g butter or corn oil;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Preparing fried wedges:

  1. Onions are peeled, cut into small cubes.
  2. Pre-prepared volzhanka cut into strips.
    Comment! If the mushrooms are very small, with a cap diameter of up to 3-4 cm, then they can be left as a whole.
  1. The oil is heated and the onion is fried in it first, then the mushrooms are added.
  2. The total frying time is 7-10 minutes.
  3. A few minutes before the end of the process, salt and pepper are added to the waves.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

How to cook volnushki mushrooms fried in batter

Especially interesting and delicious will be a dish of waves, created according to the following recipe. Moreover, for it you can use large-sized mushrooms, which are poorly adapted for salting and pickling.

You need:

  • 10 medium or large waves;
  • 1 a glass of wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp paprika;
  • 1/3 tsp mustard powder;
  • 1 tsp dried onions and garlic;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 / 3 a glass of milk;
  • ½ tsp baking powder;
  • ground black pepper and salt – to taste;
  • about 300 ml of vegetable oil.
Advice! It is best to cook voluhi in batter in a special kitchen appliance – in a deep fryer. This will help save time and effort compared to pan frying.


  1. Prepared mushrooms are cut into 2 or 4 parts.
  2. All flour is divided into two halves. In one part, pieces of waves are immediately rolled down.
  3. The other half is mixed with all the spices, spices and vegetables recommended in the recipe.
  4. The egg and milk are beaten until a thick foam forms.
  5. In a deep fryer or in a frying pan, a portion of the oil is heated.
  6. Each piece of mushroom is dipped in the egg-milk mixture (batter), then rolled in flour with the addition of spices.
  7. At the end, fry in oil until golden brown on both sides.
  8. Spread the finished mushrooms on a paper napkin or towel to let excess fat go.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

Serve fried volnushki prepared according to this recipe, with sour cream and herbs.

How to fry volnushki with onions and herbs

If, during the frying of volzhanki, not only finely chopped onions are added to them, but also chopped greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, basil), then they will acquire an additional incomparable aroma and taste.

For 1 kg of prepared mushrooms you will need:

  • 300 g onions;
  • 100 g of various greens to taste.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

How to fry volnushki with cheese and herbs

From any mushrooms, you can create a dish that is unique in taste, if you add cheese to them when frying. Waves are no exception to this rule.

You need:

  • 1 kg of waves;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • 2 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1/3 tsp mixtures of ground peppers;
  • 20 g of parsley, dill, basil, cilantro.
  • salt – to taste.


  1. Soaked and boiled volnushki mushrooms are cut into slices and fried in hot oil until golden brown.
  2. The onion is peeled, chopped finely and added to the mushrooms along with spices, fried for another 5-6 minutes.
  3. The cheese is finely rubbed, sprinkled with mushrooms, mixed, covered with a lid and simmered until it is completely melted.

    Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

  1. Greens are crushed, added to fried volzhanka, removed from heat.

How to fry fritters with tomato and garlic

You need:

  • 700 g of waves;
  • 3 bulbs;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tsp ground paprika;
  • 3 Art. l tomato paste;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 st. l. butter;
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper;
  • salt – to taste.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods


  1. Specially prepared volnushki are fried in butter for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  2. Add onion and salt, fry for another 10 minutes.
  3. In a separate container, mix tomato paste with chopped garlic, paprika and pepper, add water.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into the pan to the mushrooms and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

How to deliciously fry wedges with vegetables

Mushrooms in general, volushki in particular, are not very well digestible foods. The addition of vegetable waves when frying not only helps the assimilation of the dish, but also makes it possible to create a real culinary masterpiece, which is also notable for its low calorie content.

You need:

  • 600 g of soaked and boiled waves;
  • 3 medium zucchini;
  • Eggplant 2;
  • Xnumx sweet bell pepper;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter and olive oils;
  • black pepper and salt to taste.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods


  1. Large volnuhi are cut into pieces, small ones are left as a whole.
  2. Peppers are cleaned of tails and seeds, cut into strips.
  3. Zucchini and eggplant are freed from the peel and cut into small slices.
  4. Onions after peeling are chopped into half rings.
  5. Melt the butter in a frying pan to a liquid state and immediately add the olive oil.
  6. First, the mushrooms are fried to a beautiful golden color.
  7. With a slotted spoon, move them to a separate saucepan or pan with a thick bottom.
  8. Onions are placed in the pan and fried to the same shade, removed with a slotted spoon and transferred to the company with mushrooms.
  9. All other vegetables are separately fried in the same pan for 15 minutes, adding a mixture of oils if necessary. And after frying, they are attached to the mushrooms.
  10. The contents of the saucepan are salted and peppered, brought to readiness over low heat, avoiding burning.

How to fry volnushki for the winter with garlic

Cooking delicious fried fried garlic cloves for the winter according to this recipe will not be too difficult even for novice housewives.

You need:

  • 3 kg of already boiled waves;
  • 3 st. l. butter;
  • 1,5 Art. l. vegetable oils;
  • 10 garlic cloves;
  • 7 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  • ½ chili pepper;
  • salt and ground pepper – to taste.


  1. Mushrooms are cut into pieces, fried in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown.
    Comment! A mixture of oils will not only give the workpiece special taste properties, but also protect to some extent from the formation of mold.
  1. Garlic and hot pepper are finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  2. Salt and spices are added and fried mushrooms are placed in pre-sterilized glass jars, periodically adding a mixture of hot pepper and garlic.
  3. A little salt is added to the mixture of oils in a frying pan, vinegar is poured in and heated to a boil.
  4. Mushrooms in jars are poured with the resulting oil-vinegar mixture, covered with lids and put on sterilization in hot water.
  5. Sterilize 0,5-liter jars in boiling water for about 30-40 minutes, roll up and leave wrapped until completely cooled.

Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

A similar blank is stored in a dark, cool and well-ventilated place (cellar, basement) for 12 months.

How to cook fried volnushki with onions for the winter

Quite simply, you can prepare fried volnushki with onions for the winter.

You need:

  • 2 kg of boiled waves;
  • 150-200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 10 bulbs;
  • 10 peas of black pepper;
  • salt – to taste.


  1. Volzhanka is cut into convenient slices, onions – into thin rings.
  2. Fry the mushrooms in oil first (about 10 minutes), then add the onion and bring to readiness over medium heat for another quarter of an hour.

    Fried waves: recipes and cooking methods

    Advice! It is better to fry the mushrooms with onions in small portions so that they have time to bake well from the inside.
  1. Pepper, salt, laid out in sterile jars.
  2. Sterilize for about half an hour, roll up.

Store the workpiece on a glazed balcony or in a cellar, cool, without access to light. It is desirable to use the waves fried in this way during the year.


If it was still unusual for someone to fry volushki, then with the help of the recommendations and recipes described above, it will be easy to cook a delicious mushroom dish for the whole family. Moreover, the choice of additional ingredients is very diverse, and everyone can choose the right option for themselves.

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