Fried chanterelles for the winter: cooking recipes

Chanterelles are especially good fried. Such an appetizer will perfectly complement the everyday and festive table even in the cold season. To do this, you need to prepare fried chanterelles for the winter in jars or frozen.

Preparing chanterelles for frying for the winter

Mushrooms are recommended to be sorted and processed on the day they are picked, while they are still fresh. It is best to select hard specimens, setting aside loose ones.

Advice! Chanterelles grow in grass and moss, they usually have a lot of blades of grass and sand, so they need to be thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Processing before frying consists of several stages:

  • Sort, clean from leaves, moss, blades of grass.
  • Rinse in plenty of water in a suitable dish and cut off the roots.
  • Rinse again, fill with clean water and leave for 30 minutes to get rid of the sand that may be between the plates.
  • Drain in a colander to drain the water and pat dry on a paper towel.

After that, you can start cutting and frying.

Fried chanterelles for the winter: cooking recipes

How to cook fried chanterelles for the winter

There are two ways to prepare fried chanterelles for the winter: canning and freezing.

Canned fried chanterelles for the winter

For canning, you need to fry the chanterelles and roll them into jars for the winter. The optimal volume is 0,5 liters. To make food in jars edible, you need to properly process storage containers.

You can harvest fried mushrooms with and without sterilization. In the first case, jars and lids are first sterilized. This can be done over steam or in the oven. After that, pour 2 tablespoons of the oil in which the mushrooms were cooked. Then put the mushrooms in a jar and pour them with the remaining oil, which should exceed the content level by 1 cm.

Fried chanterelles for the winter: cooking recipes

This is followed by sterilization of jars along with mushrooms before closing them with lids. At the bottom of the pan you need to put a folded towel or cloth, put jars on it. Pour water into the pan so that it reaches the shoulders of the cans, and put it on the stove for 40 minutes. Remove the jars from the pan, roll up the lids, turn upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely. Then remove the blanks to the place provided for this. Another way to sterilize is to put the jars with the contents for 1 hour in an oven heated to 100 ° C.

The process without sterilization looks simpler: you only need to sterilize the jars and lids, fill the containers, roll up the lids, cool and put away for storage.

Frozen fried chanterelles for the winter

Modern household appliances allow you to freeze fried chanterelles for the winter and take them out of the freezer as needed. For such a blank, containers with lids will be required.

Mushrooms need to be fried, adding ground pepper and salt. You need to cook until the moisture has completely evaporated.

Containers before laying mushrooms in them should be thoroughly washed with soda and completely dried. Fried chanterelles cooked in oil can be frozen for the winter as follows: put in containers, close tightly, put in the freezer. If there are no containers, plastic bags will help out, which must be tied tightly so that they are airtight.

Freezing is a very simple way of harvesting for the future, even novice cooks can handle it. The product must be thawed at room temperature, otherwise the taste and texture may deteriorate.

Recipes for fried chanterelle mushrooms for the winter

The easiest option is to cook fried chanterelles in vegetable oil with spices for the winter. In addition, you can add onions, carrots, garlic and parsley.

Advice! Chanterelles do not need to be boiled before frying, since they belong to category 1 mushrooms and can be eaten even raw.

Fried chanterelles for the winter in vegetable oil

Softer and more delicate in taste, they are obtained by frying in butter or a mixture of vegetable and cream, taken in equal proportions. You need to focus on your taste and storage time. You can cook fried chanterelles for the winter without butter, completely replacing it with sunflower oil – this way they will be stored longer (up to 6 months, versus 3 months for those cooked with butter).


  • 1 kg of chanterelles;
  • salt – to taste;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 70 g of butter.


  1. Rinse the mushrooms, let the water drain, cut into small pieces.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the mushrooms, fry for about 20 minutes, until all the liquid has evaporated from them.
  3. Add butter, continue frying until the liquid has evaporated. You can not add creamy, but take sunflower instead.
  4. Arrange the mushrooms in dry sterile jars, pour in the remaining oil so that the jars are filled to the top. If the filling was not enough, heat the required amount of oil in a pan and pour it hot into the blanks.
  5. Close the chanterelles fried in vegetable oil for the winter under the lids using a seaming machine and put away for storage.

Fried chanterelles with onions for the winter


  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 2 large bulbs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 180 ml of water;
  • spices (salt and ground black pepper) – to taste.


  1. Cut the prepared mushrooms into 2 or 4 parts, depending on the size, leave the small ones whole.
  2. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove, put mushrooms in it. During frying, they will quickly decrease in size and release juice. When the liquid has almost evaporated, add water.
  3. Salt, add ground pepper, mix well, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes or thin halves of the rings.
  5. When 20 minutes have passed since the start of the stew, reduce the flame to the weakest, add the prepared onion and mix. Fry until a golden crust forms on the onion.
  6. To give the dish a more delicate taste, put butter. When it melts, mix the contents of the pan and fry for a few minutes.
  7. Prepare jars, fill them, tamp the contents, add vegetable oil to each and roll up. Cool and store.

Another option for preparing this dish is to fry the onions and mushrooms separately, then combine them.

Fried chanterelles for the winter: cooking recipes

Recipe for fried chanterelles for the winter with garlic and herbs

Ingredients for 1 l:

  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 50 g fresh parsley;
  • 400 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 30 g of garlic;
  • 200 ml apple cider vinegar (6%);
  • Spices to taste.


  1. Chop the garlic and parsley with a knife, mix.
  2. If the mushrooms are large, cut them into halves or quarters.
  3. Fry by adding salt and ground pepper.
  4. Combine the remaining vegetable oil with vinegar, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Prepare jars, pour 20 ml of the prepared mixture into each.
  6. Place fried mushrooms in jars interspersed with herbs and garlic, filling them to the shoulders.
  7. Pour hot marinade so that it is 4 cm higher than the contents of the jars.
  8. Roll up fried chanterelles in jars with metal lids.

Fried chanterelles for the winter: cooking recipes

Fried chanterelles for the winter with carrots


  • 1,5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 200 g onions;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 50 ml of table vinegar;
  • salt to taste;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar;
  • peppercorns to taste;
  • 3 st. spoons of vegetable oil.


  1. Cut mushrooms into halves or quarters, onions into halves of rings, chop carrots with a grater.
  2. Fry the onion and carrot in a pan. Add salt, granulated sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns, pour in vinegar, simmer until almost cooked over medium heat.
  3. Separately, fry the mushrooms until half cooked so that the liquid has partially evaporated.
  4. Mix them with onions and carrots and cook everything together for another 20 minutes.
  5. Sterilize jars.
  6. Put the prepared mixture in jars, roll up. When cool, store.

How to save fried chanterelles for the winter

Fried canned chanterelles are stored from 3 to 6 months, frozen – no more than 4 months.

The rules for storing such blanks depend on the method of preparation. If the dish is prepared with sterilization and hermetically sealed, then the jars do not have to be refrigerated, they can be stored in any room where the temperature does not exceed 18 ° C. Opened jars can only be kept in the refrigerator and eaten within 2-3 days.

Unsterilized fried chanterelles can only be stored in the refrigerator. If from the very beginning it is planned to store blanks in the refrigerator, sterilization can be abandoned, as well as metal lids with rolling: it is allowed to close the jars with nylon lids.

Frozen fried chanterelles should be stored in the freezer in a tightly closed container or tightly tied bag. It is desirable to freeze small portions, since re-freezing is not allowed for such a product.

Why did chanterelles fried for the winter go bad

Signs of spoilage are a bitter or sour taste, cloudiness or discoloration, foam or mold. The most common causes are improper processing, leakage, storage at too high temperatures. You should not try to save such blanks, you need to get rid of them ruthlessly.


It is very convenient to prepare fried chanterelles for the winter in jars or frozen. They just need to be warmed up and they are ready to eat. They can also be added to a salad, in which case heat treatment is not required.

How delicious to prepare fried mushrooms. Preparation for the winter of chanterelles.

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