Fresh packaged vegetables conquer the hospitality industry

Fresh packaged vegetables conquer the hospitality industry

Florette grows with the commercialization of its 4th range products in the hospitality channel

The company of Navarre origin, also begins to be a benchmark in Food Service within the market of fresh vegetables packaged ready to eat.

With a figure close to 50% of share within the sector, Florette fresh vegetables are today present in hundreds of catering establishments throughout the national territory.

The division Foodservice of the company treasures an important experience with 30 years of professional experience, and gradually increasing its share within the global sales of the company.

This growth lever is contrasted by the different consumption habits of Spaniards inside and outside the home. This is confirmed by the study carried out by Florette last spring with the title “Do we Spaniards eat healthy? “, where it reflected the clear trend of vegetables as the basis of food in 98%, and the consumption by the population of salads, which for the citizens consulted represents a common dish in their day to day.

The figure is not trivial:

6 out of 10 Spaniards opt for healthy options when eating out

The extensive catalog of salads and fresh prepackaged vegetables Designed especially for the hotelier, with formats that save time, effort and space within the premises, they are a perfect ally to save money and provide solutions that increasingly improve the quality and safety of the product. 

The Hospitality industry cooks and consumes more and more fresh vegetables

From restaurants to hotels, going through any of the types of premises, who seek to offer healthy, healthy and fresh food, with an important advantage in the variety and convenience of product preparation.

More and more people are demanding in their meals outside the home, that the offer of dishes in restaurants are of a vegetable type, either for taste or for the growing demand for vegetarian dishes within a segment of the population.

Likewise, Florette vegetable products for the hospitality channel can be used not only in salads, they are part of the necessary ingredients that any establishment uses for culinary preparation.

As a garnish for your dishes, as an accompaniment to a tapa or serving, as an ingredient in a sandwich, hamburger or pizza, even to fill excellent fajitas or tacos.

Among Florette’s products for the hospitality industry, we highlight the single-product, the mixtures, the first shoots, and especially the Buds Great Selection, a more sophisticated mix composed of 8 first shoots to which sorrel is now added, a new variety of Florette that gives it a citrus and refreshing touch, and the new Supreme Mix, with a variety of endive called frisee fine, with more curl and less stem than curly endive, which adds color and texture to the mix.

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