Fresh cabbage salad. Video

Fresh cabbage salad. Video

Cabbage salad is called vitamin for a reason. This vegetable contains many useful elements. Cabbage is also rich in fiber. It helps digestion, improves metabolism, and helps to maintain harmony.

Fresh cabbage salad: video recipe in 4 minutes

Cabbage salad – the recipe of our grandmothers

Cabbage has been loved in Russia since ancient times. This delicious vegetable is present in almost all traditional dishes. Cabbage soup, cabbage pies, cabbage rolls, hodgepodge and, of course, salads. There are several old recipes that are still very popular today.

The simplest and incredibly delicious vitamin salad is made from finely shredded cabbage mixed with apple and carrot. Housewives often prepare a large amount of such salad at once, filling it in three-liter jars. In a cellar or refrigerator, lettuce can be stored for up to two and a half weeks. The recipe for this salad is simple:

– a head of cabbage (medium size); – carrots (3 pcs.); – an apple (better than hard varieties, 4 pcs.); – vegetable oil (0,5 cups); – salt (1-2 tsp, taste); – pepper (1 tsp.); – vinegar 9% (1 tablespoon, if you do not like sour salads, and 2 tablespoons, if you want the cabbage to look like pickled).

There are many types of cabbage – white cabbage, red cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. All of them are extraordinarily tasty and contain a lot of fiber and nutrients.

All ingredients are finely chopped. You can do this on a grater, using a special blender attachment, or using a food processor. Then spices, vegetable oil, vinegar are added. The salad is mixed and placed in a cold place for 3-4 hours. This is necessary so that the cabbage is saturated with juices and softens.

Cabbage salad is the first step to slimness

Cabbage is present in almost all diet menus. It is one of the so-called negative calorie vegetables. That is, the body spends more energy on its digestion than it receives from cabbage. In addition, this vegetable contains a lot of fiber, which stimulates and improves the digestion process. If you replace one of the main dishes with the “Brushka” salad, the main ingredient of which is cabbage, you can lose 5-10 kilograms in a month.

Salad Recipe:

– a head of cabbage (medium size); – carrots (3 pcs.); – an apple (better than hard varieties, 4 pcs.); – raw beets (2 pcs.); – celery stalks (bunch); – salt (1-2 tsp., to taste); – lemon juice for dressing (2 tbsp. l.).

In order for fiber to fill the stomach faster, drink a glass of warm water before consuming the “Brush” salad.

All products are finely chopped and mixed. The salad can be eaten at lunchtime, instead of the second course, or for dinner. The calorie content of the dish is very low, while the fiber found in vegetables expands in the stomach, providing a feeling of fullness. Losing weight with this salad will go quickly and easily.

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