Frequent urination – causes, treatment. What does frequent urination show?

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Frequent urination is a disorder of the urinary system in which you need to urinate excessively – often in very small amounts. It may indicate an infection of the system and more serious diseases, e.g. diabetes.

  1. In a healthy person, the urge to urinate appears when the bladder is filled with approx. 200-350 ml of urine.
  2. Urinating 7-8 times a day and at least twice a night is an indication for a doctor’s consultation
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Frequent urination – characteristics

The problem of frequent urination can accompany many other ailments or be a side effect of taking medications or drinking too much fluids. In a healthy person, the urge to urinate appears when the bladder is filled with approx. 200-350 ml of urine. However, it should be emphasized that the need for micturition is different for everyone, because some people are able to keep up to half a liter of urine in the bladder.

So when should you be concerned? It is assumed that urinating 7-8 times a day and at least twice a night is an indication for a doctor’s consultation. Summing up, frequent urination is a condition characterized by a frequent need for micturition, sometimes the need for micturition does not pass despite visiting the toilet.

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Frequent urination – causes

Frequent urination can have many causes, the most common being:

  1. inflammation in the urethra and bladder,
  2. inflammatory reaction in the prostate gland,
  3. renal colic in the course of urolithiasis,
  4. bladder cancer,
  5. tuberculosis,
  6. painful bladder syndrome,
  7. type I and type II diabetes (especially when your urine smells sweet),
  8. bladder hernia,
  9. reactive arthritis,
  10. bladder overactivity,
  11. hypopituitarism,
  12. damage to the brain or spinal cord.

Diseases of the reproductive organ: frequent urination may be one of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Pollakiuria occurring in women may be caused by diseases of the reproductive organ, any inflammatory processes of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, endometriosis or neoplastic diseases may coexist with frequent urination. At Medonet market you can buy gynecological ultrasound that will help you exclude the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs.

Frequent urination by women may also be related to their sexual activity – then this condition may indicate venereal diseases (e.g. chlamydia). The chlamydiosis testing package for women and men is offered by the Al-Med medical center. You will perform the tests discreetly, without leaving your home.

Frequent urination caused by preparations: Pollakiuria can occur in people who take preparations that affect the amount of urine output. Among such drugs, we can mention: furosemide, torasemide or thiazides. Pollakiuria is also influenced by diuretics used, for example, in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome or pulmonary edema. Diuretics also include certain herbal preparations (such as cranberry, nettle or horsetail herb). Diuretics also include (due to the caffeine content) coffee, black tea, chocolate and cola drinks. Alcohol also has a diuretic effect;

Irritable bowel syndrome in women: frequent urination very often occurs simultaneously with a disturbance of the menstrual cycle, which in turn indicates irritable bowel syndrome. It is a disease characterized by disturbed bowel function, accompanied by constipation, flatulence, diarrhea or vomiting. The cause of this disease may be intestinal hypersensitivity and even abnormal motility. At Medonet Market, you can buy a mail-order test package for irritable bowel syndrome.

Reactive arthritis: Along with pollakiuria, asymmetric arthritis of the knees, ankles and metatarsophalangeal joints, as well as unilateral or bilateral conjunctivitis may also appear. In addition, small and painless sores may appear in the mouth, tongue, palms, soles of the feet and the glans penis within 1-2 weeks of the last sexual contact.

Injury to the brain or spinal cord: in addition to pollakiuria, other symptoms will also include weakening of contractility of the anal sphincter muscle, weakness of the lower limbs, and lack of rectal reflex. You may urinate suddenly and frequently because of damage to the nerves that send information from your brain to your bladder.

Frequent urination in men may indicate problems with the prostate gland, especially when they are 50 years of age. Pollakiuria occurs especially in the presence of prostate cancer and its benign hypertrophy. Then urination is accompanied by pain. Buy a laboratory test, made of blood and urine samples, to help rule out the possibility of prostate disease.

Find out more: What does dark urine mean? What diseases can it indicate? [WE EXPLAIN]

Frequent urination and urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection is a disease characterized by the presence of bacteria in the urinary tract that normally should not be there. Urinary tract infection is more common in women, especially those that are sexually active. What does frequent urination have to do with urinary tract infection? A lot. Pollakiuria is one of the symptoms of this disease.

In addition to frequent urination, other symptoms of urinary tract infection include:

  1. pain in the lumbar region or above the pubic symphysis,
  2. urinating at night
  3. urinary incontinence problems,
  4. high temperature,
  5. bad mood.

See also: Increased urination at night

Frequent urination is a bothersome problem that should not be taken lightly. It can not only hinder functioning, but also indicate serious diseases. If you have any disturbing symptoms, contact your doctor. You can do it via the website, where you can arrange an online teleconsultation with a urologist.

Do you want to take care of your urinary system? Buy Healthy Bladder today – Panaseus dietary supplement, which consists of only natural plant extracts. You can also choose the Uroner cranberry extract dietary supplement or Uroner D-mannose capsules.

Frequent urination and bladder disease

Painful bladder syndrome: disease accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, it worsens when the bladder is full, and softens after urinating. Painful bladder is also accompanied by frequent urination at night, and the reasons for its formation can be found in infections and neurogenic inflammations.

Overactive bladder: this condition is associated with a disturbance in the work of the bladder muscles, the patient may experience a sudden urge to void more often than always, and may urinate uncontrolled during sleep.

Bladder cancer: it is malignant and most often comes from the epithelium that lines the urinary tract. Bladder cancer is more common in men than in women, and usually after the age of 60. What are the reasons for its formation? These can be: smoking, genetics, addiction to caffeine, the use of certain drugs. This cancer can cause symptoms such as a blood clot in the urine or a painful urge to urinate. An advanced tumor can even produce palpable lumps.

Foreign body in the bladder: this happens quite rarely, most often due to the insertion of various objects into the urethra, which consequently move into the bladder or as a result of the bladder wall being pierced into the body cavities. The presence of a foreign object in the bladder leads to inflammation, which often results in frequent urination, urinary retention and pain.

Vesicoureteral outflow: is a disease that often affects children. In this disorder, urine flows back from the bladder to the ureters and kidneys, frequent urinary tract infections, increased urination, and urinary incontinence problems. The disease usually passes spontaneously with age, however, it may lead to serious complications in the form of kidney failure.

To check the work of the urinary system and to rule out suspected disease, perform an ultrasound of the urinary system. You can also purchase a home urinary tract infection test for children and adults. You can buy the survey on Medonet Market.

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Frequent urination in children

In preschool children, 6-8 visits to the toilet a day are considered normal (boys under the age of 7 may urinate up to 9 times a day). Frequent urination in this youngest group of people is considered to be a natural course of action, not accompanied by additional symptoms, e.g. change in the appearance of urine or abdominal pain.

Usually pollakiuria has some relationship with the psyche. This condition generally disappears with age. The same is the case with frequent voiding at night. In such children, attention should be paid to drinking caffeine-containing drinks before going to bed and drinking plenty of tea.

In addition to the factors mentioned above, pollakiuria in children may also be caused by urinary tract infection (often associated with upper respiratory tract inflammation) or in an abnormally developed urinary tract.

Find out more: Cystitis in children – symptoms, causes and treatment

Frequent urination and pregnancy

The need to urinate frequently is very common in pregnant women. This symptom occurs from the 6th week of pregnancy until delivery. The most common cause is an enlarged uterus that puts pressure on the bladder. You should be concerned about a sudden need for micturition at night, accompanied by burning sensation and pain in the urethra – this could mean a urinary tract infection.

Cystitis is very common in pregnant women. While this infection appears to be generally harmless, it should not be taken lightly as it can spread to the kidneys and genital tract and result in a miscarriage. By purchasing a medical subscription, you provide yourself with comprehensive medical care at every stage of pregnancy.

You may be interested in: Cystitis in pregnancy – symptoms, causes and treatment

Frequent urination in men

In the case of men, pollakiuria is usually closely related to prostate problems faced by men over 50. The prostate gland grows bigger and starts to put pressure on the urethra, which in turn leads to pollakiuria, nocturia and problems with starting micturition. According to the data, up to half of men in their fifties and almost 90% of men over the age of 80 struggle with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Frequent urination in men over 50 can be a sign of one disease of the prostate gland: benign hyperplasia, inflammation or cancer. Prostatitis usually presents with nocturnal pollakiuria with a feeling of sudden urge to urinate and pain when urinating. In addition, there may also be: fever, chills, purulent discharge from the urethra, lower back pain, a feeling of fullness in the genital area, pain in muscles and joints, and palpation of the prostate gland.

In the case of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer, we can deal with: weak urine stream, problems with starting urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder resulting from the pressure of the enlarged prostate on the bladder neck. Perform an ultrasound of the prostate through the abdominal wall to exclude any suspicion of the disease.

If we do not go to the doctor with the problem, the urine may be completely retained. This will involve an operation that will reduce the volume of the prostate gland.

Check it out: Ureters – structure, function, course, diseases

Frequent urination – the amount of fluids you drink

Frequent urination does not always have to be associated with some diseases or disorders of our body. Before a person goes to a doctor, it is worth considering your own daily schedule and thinking how much and what kind of fluids you are taking. Not only the amount but also the type of fluid matters, as drinks such as beer and coffee are diuretic.

Perhaps passing urine more often than usual is caused by events in our lives, such as excessive work, as a result of which we are forced to consume more caffeine, or perhaps more frequent occasions to celebrate where we have the opportunity to drink alcohol. Perhaps it is not a disease and the reason is prosaic.

Are you seeing disturbing symptoms? Analyze them yourself in the medical questionnaire and decide whether to go to the doctor.

Frequent urination – psychological background

Occasionally pollakiuria may be of a psychological nature. More and more people are struggling with depression, which can manifest itself in the form of many different ailments that may obscure the real problem. One of such ailments may be frequent urination or painful pressure on the bladder.

If all other disorders and diseases of the urinary system have been excluded, it is worth paying attention to the psychological basis of pollakiuria. Thanks to the use of appropriate treatment, problems usually disappear, so it is worth going to a consultation with a psychologist.

Frequent urination and kidney stones

Nephrolithiasis is nothing more than the precipitation of calcium oxalate deposits in the urinary tract. They are formed in the renal pelvis and calyces, from where they then travel to the ureters and bladder. Urolithiasis causes stones in the urine to build up. It causes disorders of urine outflow, urinary tract infection and a shortage of substances in the urine that are supposed to inhibit deposits: magnesium, citrate, pyrophosphates.

Kidney stones are formed when we provide the body with too little fluid or consume in excess protein, calcium or sodium. This ailment is manifested by renal colic which radiates from the loins to the groin. Frequent urination during illness is due to the presence of a stone in the bladder. In addition, vomiting and urgency to urinate appear, patients sweat more often. At Medonet Market you can buy a laboratory test that allows you to exclude any suspicion of kidney disease.

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Treatment of frequent urination

Frequent urination is associated with a constant urge to pee that continues even after visiting the toilet. The method of treating this condition depends on the cause of pollakiuria. This is why it is necessary to carry out a thorough diagnosis, which includes the following tests:

  1. general urine test
  2. Vaginal ultrasound of the reproductive organ,
  3. Abdominal ultrasound (test to assess the condition of the bladder and kidneys),
  4. blood test (usually performed when diabetes is suspected)
  5. ultrasound examination of the prostate gland in men,
  6. assessment of the PSA level in men,
  7. urodynamic examination and endoscopy of the bladder (performed when cancer is suspected).

Treatment of the disease requires consultation with a doctor. Some patients require antibiotic therapy, while others may use painkillers or antispasmodics.

Frequent urination may be a sign of kidney problems. A healthy kidney is a set of blood and urine tests to look for ailments in this organ. You can buy the package, which you can make in branches all over the country, on Medonet Market.

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