Frenuloplasty (frenulotomy)

Short frenulum plasty is a common format of surgical intervention, which is almost equally often used in all world countries. Functionally, the frenulum bears a great responsibility, since the skin strip is designed to connect the foreskin together with the immediate head of the penis. Such a duty provides for a stable regulation of the movement of the penis during an intimate act at the stage of erection. When the member increases in size, it is this connecting component that helps the foreskin slide down to expose the head. Additionally, the frenulum acts as a kind of fixator, designed to prevent the skin fold from dropping below a certain level.

But the duties of a part of the male reproductive system do not end there, because it is she who is responsible for the perception of sexual pleasure. Physiologically, this is due to the fact that a large number of especially sensitive receptors are concentrated there. They affect the quality of perception of orgasm.

The normal state of the frenulum is designed to deliver only pleasant sensations, but if it is a source of discomfort or even pain, then this indicates the development of serious abnormalities. To eliminate unpleasant feelings, as well as restore the quality of sexual life, the representatives of the stronger sex are often recommended to resort to plastic surgery. In medical terminology, this format of surgical intervention is called frenulotomy.

When surgery is indispensable

In most cases, problems with the functionality of this body part are congenital, which adds some complexity. Because men are often unaware of the fact that a normally functioning frenulum is designed to bring pleasurable moments during an intimate act, they assume that discomfort is a common occurrence.

This is due to ignorance of how everything should function in a healthy state. Because of this, not all guys seek qualified help, experiencing discomfort for years.

Most often, the cause of inconvenience is an individual anatomical feature with a hereditary predisposition, or with a genetic failure. Outwardly, this is expressed in a too short section for the penis. Also, the anomaly almost always involves a narrowing of the foreskin, which professionals call phimosis.

If the parents of the baby carefully monitor his health at an early age, and also regularly take him to the urologist for preventive examinations, then it will be possible to detect problems even at a young age. Such forethought helps to protect the boy from possible future physical and even psychological trauma during sex.

Occasionally, the transitional age during puberty becomes the reason for the out-of-control development of the frenulum. Sharp changes are caused by the fact that not all adolescents have genitals that grow gradually and evenly.

But even if we throw aside the standard causes of deviation like anatomical anomalies, then there is still a lot of primary sources of the problematic condition. Among them, the most common reasons are called:

  • mechanical damage;
  • chronic balanitis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • diabetes mellitus at the stage of decompensation.

The first paragraph provides for violations of the integrity, or elasticity of the specified part. It provokes such wearing of too tight clothes, which is a guarantee of microtrauma.

In the future, this is the key to the fusion of the foreskin along with the head during normal regeneration.

Another root of the problem with mechanical damage is improper sexual intercourse, which contributes to ruptures of the frenulum. After that, it will heal anyway, but at the same time, the connective tissue will become rough, scars will form, and elasticity, along with sensitivity, will come to naught.

With the development of balanitis or balanoposthitis, tissue deformation of the head occurs along with the frenulum and foreskin. This is a serious reason for the development of phimosis, or injuries.

Equally dangerous is diabetes mellitus, which is not treated. Due to the ability of the disease to negatively affect vascular conditions, this increases the risks of possible pathology several times.

In order not to delay the provision of professional assistance to urologists, you should always listen to your own well-being. The following signs will help to recognize possible anomalies:

  • soreness during exposure of the glans penis;
  • bleeding and cracks in the indicated place after recent intimacy;
  • head prolapse during erection;
  • feeling of tightness with normal erectile function.

If the victim has at least one of the symptoms presented even on an irregular basis, then this is a reason to seek qualified advice. When postponing a visit to the doctor, you can wait for serious complications that interfere with a harmonious sex life.

Risks for men

If a problem is found with this part of the reproductive system, it is most effective to immediately sign up for an examination in order to avoid heavy bleeding with a complete rupture of the connective tissue.

In the future, the lack of competent treatment will come back to haunt:

  • inability to control ejaculation;
  • phimosis or paraphimosis;
  • pinching of the head with subsequent violation of stable blood circulation;
  • pain syndrome during intercourse;
  • inflammation due to regular injury;
  • the appearance of scars due to prolonged healing.

Due to too aggressive actions in bed, the probability of damaging the thin link increases due to the strong tension of the tissues. Due to the fact that a lot of blood vessels and nerve endings are concentrated in the frenulum, during the rupture, the man will feel a sharp pain. With a low pain threshold, it leads to a state of shock, which not only provokes bleeding, but also causes moral trauma. A person remembers that sex can bring discomfort, in the future trying to avoid it.

If you let everything take its course, then self-healing without medical supervision threatens the formation of specific growths. The reason for this is the slow healing process in such a delicate area, and constant injury from clothing further exacerbates the situation.

Too short a frenulum is a frequent source of premature ejaculation. The male partner is still capable of experiencing an orgasm in this state, but only with strong tension it becomes impossible to control its onset. A scenario like this quickly leads to:

  • erotophobia;
  • impotence;
  • erectile dysfunction.

It will be possible to cope here only with the appointment of the correct treatment after passing the initial examination and passing some of the tests shown by the doctor.

Medical indications and contraindications

Often, a frenuloplasty is performed simultaneously with therapeutic circumcision. Because of this, prefabricated manipulation is classified as a full-fledged surgical intervention. But modern technologies have completely leveled the risks of possible deviations during such an operation. The victim will only have to find an experienced urological surgeon who will undertake to correct the problem.

The indications for separate plastics without circumcision are:

  • small size of the bridle;
  • tissue breaks;
  • untimely ejaculation;
  • scar formations.

If phimosis was detected along the way, then it is easier to combine circumcision with plastic surgery in order to inject anesthesia once. As a preliminary step, it is enough for the victim to give urine, blood for analysis, and also follow other simple medical instructions.

Despite the many medical indications, there are a number of converse.

We are talking about absolute and relative contraindications, among which are:

  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic diseases during the next exacerbation;
  • infectious ailments;
  • oncological benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • problems with normal blood clotting;
  • hepatitis;
  • AIDS;
  • infections that are transmitted through sexual contact.

Sometimes atypical options are added to the list, which are characteristic of rare hereditary diseases or an allergic reaction to anesthetics.

Frenulotomy classification

The presented operation on the time frame takes very little, but at the same time it provides a XNUMX% result in solving the main problems in the functioning of the frenulum. To implement the plan, you don’t even have to use general anesthesia, because it will be possible to limit yourself to a local solution that is safer for the cardiovascular system. An injection is made into the penis itself and after a few minutes it is already possible to operate. If the victim has not reached the age of eighteen, then anesthesia is administered intravenously to him.

In terms of time, the procedure, even with anesthesia, lasts no more than twenty minutes.

The exact date will be announced by the specialist, focusing on the chosen method of treatment. In total, there is a duet of variations in surgical intervention for these purposes:

  • classical;
  • laser

The traditional proposal relies on the involvement of a surgical scalpel. Despite the development of modern technologies with a lot of thematic innovative equipment, it is the scalpel technique that is still the most in demand. The only possible drawback here is the extensive blood loss in relation to the laser analogue and the risks of tissue infection. But in the latter case, doctors simply recommend contacting clinics with a proven reputation in order to mitigate such risks.

Those who want to get the perfect result with minimal blood loss choose the laser approach. It is believed that the rays generated by such a device have a softer effect on tissues than a scalpel. Technically, the safety of the method is explained by the fact that the rays trigger the coagulation of cells and blood vessels, which provokes the evaporation of the liquid instantly. Due to this, the recovery period is much easier to carry, and the incision sites remain almost invisible to the naked eye.

But the advantage of the technique can become its significant drawback. For the absence of visible seams, you will have to pay the need to keep the penis completely calm during the rehabilitation period. As soon as even a slight erection starts at the recovery stage, the soldered tissues will disperse. Sometimes the process of erection starts in patients even unconsciously, so doctors have to be reminded of the need to fix the position. Otherwise, the repeated divergence of the soldered cut threatens the formation of a rough scar.

But on the other hand, with a laser solution, you do not have to worry about infection, which became possible due to the ability of the laser beam to produce an incision by heating up to 400 degrees Celsius. Some residents believe that the issue of infection is nothing more than a horror story. But statistics say that about 10% of possible complications after surgery are due to the development of inflammation due to infection.

But even if everything went as smoothly as possible, there is still a chance of complications such as:

  • pain syndrome;
  • edema;
  • bleeding;
  • scarring.

Not always the finished result satisfies the patient from the aesthetic side, which is most often rooted in the unprofessionalism of the specialist, or the congenital pathologies of the victim.

Most of the side effects can be neutralized on an outpatient basis, which means that there is no mandatory hospitalization in the hospital. To relieve pain, the doctor will prescribe suitable analgesics, and specialized ointments are used to level extensive swelling.

Operation scheme

There are several techniques for performing frenulotomy. The preference for one of them is given depending on the severity of the defect and the resulting complications. Most often, experts resort to standard short frenulum plasty, or use the VY technique.

If there was too aggressive sex, which became a catalyst for the gap, then you should immediately fix the penis with a tight bandage and immediately contact a urologist. An emergency examination involves suturing the wound, applying an antiseptic bandage, prescribing drugs that are designed to accelerate healing. The course also involves taking drugs that block a possible infectious lesion.

Features of conventional short specimen repair include:

  • cross section of the fold;
  • cutting off possible growths, or formed scars;
  • stitching of fabrics in the longitudinal direction.

To reduce trauma, it is recommended to use only ultra-thin self-absorbable sutures. The manipulation takes about ten minutes, after which the man can go home.

Sometimes the situation is so critical that complete removal of the frenulum is required. This forced decision is made if the patient has previously had multiple ruptures and then the tissues grow together incorrectly on their own. If the scar tissue has occupied the entire place of a useful connection, then it is much more effective to remove it entirely. Removal of the fold with suture of the wound is called a frenulectomy.

But occasionally it happens that the surgeon sees a way to improve the situation using frenulum lengthening, which, in terms of the mechanism of implementation, is similar to the algorithm for short plasty. The differences are only in the shape of the cut. If it is necessary to lengthen the distance, then the incision has the shape of the letter “V”, and if suturing is required, then the contours of the letter “Y” are repeated. Manipulation allows you to increase the element by approximately one centimeter or a little more.

Rehabilitation period

Although the presented procedure is more like a cosmetic operation, this does not mean that the requirements for the recovery period should be ignored. To return the functionality of the element to normal, you will have to spend about a month. During this period, you will need to especially carefully monitor the personal hygiene of the organ.

At least for two weeks, you will need to exclude any sexual contact.

In the first few days, the patient will need dressings with sterile dressings. In addition, antibacterial ointments and other medicines prescribed by the doctor are used to relieve pain. With poor healing dynamics, experts advise making local baths with medicinal herbs, taking into account the absence of an allergic reaction to healing fees.

It is also worth limiting vigorous physical activity for approximately the same period, and also avoid wetting the penis while swimming in the first few days. To protect the penis, a new condom is used each time, which is put on before bathing and removed immediately after.

Once the abstinence period is officially over, lubricants should be used for the first few months to soften the force of friction during sexual contact. Otherwise, there are no more serious restrictions.

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