French red wine: a short history and how to drink

Red wine from France is a standard of prestige and beauty, an indicator of high quality, a drink that will definitely bring pleasure. This is the wine that you are not ashamed to drink with friends and with your beloved woman, at a holiday and a romantic dinner.

wine cocktails

Small birthplace of red French wine

France, so famous for its wines, has separate regions where grapes are grown only for red wines: sauvignon blanc, cabernet sauvignon, merlot, rarely malbec.

In the skin of the grapes of these varieties there is a large amount of anthocyanins – biological coloring substances that give color to the skin of the fruit or berries.

Therefore, grape juice, converted into wine during the fermentation process, acquires a color from transparent red to deep bloody.

Also, grapes contain tannins, which is why red wines have a tart, velvety taste.

The most popular region in which red wine is produced is called Bordeaux. The wines from this region are of high quality and have a good reputation.

They have a pleasant aroma and noble taste. In turn, the wine-growing regions are divided into appellations – separate small vineyards where grapes, unique in their organoleptic properties, are grown. Among the most famous are Medoc, Poyac, Pomerol.

Bordeaux wine has a very delicate, mild taste with notes of fruits and spices, a pleasant smell of herbs, a subtle smell of violets and roses.

In order to feel the beauty of wine from Bordeaux, do not forget the “golden” rule of drinking: pour less than half a glass, drink in small sips.

Popular red French wines

  1. The first place is proudly occupied by wine brand Chateau Gruaud Larose (Chateau Gruau Larose) – dry red wine. This wine receives one of the highest scores in the Wine Advocate ratings, wins a large number of competitions, which is a strong argument proving the high quality of this product.

  2. The second place goes to Chateau Lagrange (Chateau Langrage) – the property of Bordeaux, one of the best wines in the dry red segment. Also produced in the version of dry white wine. Contains from 13% to 13,5% alcohol, has a pleasant sourness.

  3. The bronze medalist of the rating is Château Margaux (Chateau Margaux) – the famous wine, which became famous for its delicate and tart taste. It has been holding the bar of high quality since the XNUMXth century.

How to drink properly

Like all wines, French red is served chilled to 9-11 degrees. It is poured into “tulips” in small “portions”, occupying less than half the glass. Red wines are incomparably combined with a variety of snacks: truffles, fruits, cheeses, red or white meats, fish and seafood.

Bordeaux will complement an important holiday for you. With this wine, friendly gatherings and romantic evenings will go off with a bang, and guests will receive only positive emotions.

Relevance: 05.09.2018

Tags: wine and vermouth

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