French health pass: instructions for use

In two weeks, on June 9, a new document will come into force in France, it is the health pass. The Secretary of State in charge of digital, Cédric O, tells us a little more about the features of this pass. What format? Will it be compulsory? Who can monitor its implementation? Passeport Santé takes stock.
«Tous AntiCovid carnet»
The French health pass will make it possible to certify that a person is vaccinated against Covid-19, that he has a negative result on the screening test or that he has been infected and then cured of the coronavirus. This will be a new feature of the TousAntiCovid application, in a section called ” License “. Cédric O confirmed that there would be several formats: “ It can be used in digital format on TousAntiCovid or on paper “. The health pass will allow the person to go to events involving more than 1 people. The user will be able to ” integrate your digital evidence into the notebook ”, For easy storage and presentation. The vaccination certificate issued after the first injection or the RT-PCR and antigen test certificate can be recorded via a QR code (QR Code to be obtained from the email or SMS received after having carried out a test). Indeed, “ It will take the result certified with the QR code, not a simple report of biological results », Clarified Cédric O. Note that vaccinated people who have not received their certificate will be able to retrieve the vaccination certificate on the Health Insurance platform.
Will the health pass be compulsory? In which places?
The Secretary of State announced that the French health pass ” will be mandatory for events »Of more than 1 people. The document will be requested from each ” from the age of 11 According to the government. However, since vaccination against Covid-19 is not yet possible for children in France, he specifies that “ the test will be the proof to be argued. It can be RT-PCR or antigenic (salivary or nasopharyngeal) “. The executive also unveiled the places in which the health pass will be required: “ marquees, theaters, sporting or cultural performance venues, conference rooms; trade shows and exhibition fairs (gauge imposed on each exhibition hall); theme parks; outdoor festivals (sitting or standing); large casinos; stadiums, outdoor establishments and indoor sports establishments; outdoor sports competitions (if the feasibility conditions are established); passenger cruises and boats with accommodation; other events, when they are specifically localized (a ball organized by a community for example) ».
On the other hand, the health pass can in no case be requested to go to restaurants, museums or shops: ” this device will not be extended to day-to-day activities “, Had already specified the Minister of Health Olivier Véran. Cédric O also added that the health pass ” cannot be requested to enter French Club Med hotels ».
Who will control the health pass?
These are professionals who will be authorized to read the QR Code and therefore validate the health pass. This step will be carried out thanks to a new application intended for them: TousAntiCovid Verif. According to Cédric O, professionals will only have access to part of the information such as “ the name, first name and date of birth of the person concerned and will only appear ‘green’ or ‘red’ to validate or not access “. However, ” for airlines, there will be a specific version because they are required to have access to the detailed content, with the date of vaccination, the type of vaccination, etc.. », Cédric O reported to Parisien.