french bulldog dog
According to one version, the ancestor of the French Bulldog is the English Bulldog. At first, these dogs were used to guard herds of bulls. Later in England they began to fight with bulldogs and bulls. Dogs entertained the English elite by driving bighorns to death
Name of the breedFrench Bulldog
Country of originFrance, England
The time of the birth of the breed1896 year
A typedecorative dog
The weight9 – 14 kg (males), 8 – 13 (females)
Height (height at the withers)27 – 35 cm (males), 24 – 32 cm (females)
Lifespan10 – 12 years
puppies price20 – 000 rubles
Most popular nicknamesWolf, Willie, Laura, Rum, Riana, Enri, Ricky, Hati, Forest, Oliver, Mix, Mark, Chris

History of origin

The history of the appearance of French bulldogs is quite confusing. In England, fights with the participation of fighting bulldogs, which were set on bulls, were popular. But at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, such entertainment was banned, and the bulldogs from ferocious fighters began to turn into devoted companions.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, a revolution began in England, and many workers migrated to France, and with them the bulldogs. The ancestors of the French Bulldogs are considered to be the English Bulldogs and the already extinct Spanish Alans. Jennet Browne, breed historian, believes that the compact, straight-legged and short-faced Bulldog inherited its appearance from the English.

By the end of the XNUMXth century, the French Bulldog had become an independent breed. The first owners of these dogs were workers, then prostitutes, which gave them a bad name. And then these cute dogs became popular with shopkeepers and industrialists, because they were good at catching rats. Gradually, the French earned universal love, and even in high society, ladies gladly got themselves such dogs.

In Our Country, the French Bulldog appeared at the beginning of the XNUMXth century and quickly became fashionable. For example, Vladimir Mayakovsky liked to walk around with a bulldog under his arm, and Fyodor Chaliapin kept two French bulldogs at once at his house.

Breed description

И хотя французский бульдог произошел от английского сородича, внешне они сильно различаются. Это декоративная порода небольшого «комнатного» размера – с крепкими короткими лапами, округлым приземистым корпусом и широкой грудью. Голова у французов крупная, с резким переходом ото лба к носу. Брови и глаза словно разделены глубокой кожной бороздой, верхняя губа также разделена пополам. Челюсти мощные, квадратные с явно выраженным прикусом. Глаза большие, темные, выпуклые — многие владельцы отмечают умный и внимательный взгляд своего питомца. Уши по форме напоминают уши летучих мышей: стоячие, крупные, с широким основанием и закругленным кончиком. Хвост купирован естественным путем.

The coat of French Bulldogs is short, dense, thick and close to the body. In a healthy animal, the coat is shiny and glossy, and hard to the touch. The color is the most diverse: black, white, red, spotted, brindle. Light or white spots on the head and chest are allowed. Colors such as all shades of blue, chocolate or mouse are not allowed.



These dogs are very loving and require a lot of attention. Do not leave them alone, because they are very difficult to endure loneliness. Representatives of this breed are companions, they like to be near the owner 24 hours a day. Frenchies are ideal for families, but preferably with older children – dogs are not always patient with them. French bulldogs are unlikely to get along with other animals – they like to be the only pets. They will get along only in one case – if they grew up together.

French Bulldogs have a developed sense of ownership, so they will be good at protecting their home from intruders. Bulldogs have minimal exercise requirements, so they are ideal for apartment living.

Care and maintenance

The content of the French does not require special care. It is enough to comb them once a week to remove dead hairs. You should not bathe your dog often – only as needed and without shampoo. Frequent water procedures cause dry skin, itching and dandruff.

You need to carefully monitor the paws – take care of the pads, lubricate them with a moisturizer after walking on the asphalt in the presence of cracks. Once a week, you need to cut the claws so that they do not hurt the pet when walking and jumping.

It is worth taking care of the crease on the muzzle constantly, because it is in it that moisture and dirt accumulate. All of these can lead to infection. You need to clean this place with a cotton pad dipped in water.

An important and regular procedure should be cleaning the ears: they must be clean. If you see suspicious discharge or smell an unpleasant smell from your ears, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

The breed does not require long walks – just one hour a day is enough. But he needs to get the right amount of attention.

The French love to eat, so keep an eye on their weight, otherwise they may become obese.

A purebred Frenchie can’t smell doggy. If such a “flavor” is felt, then you have a mestizo male. If you still come across a non-purebred pet, then only shampoo for short-haired dogs will save you. They need to be washed once a month.

Education and training

To begin with, the bulldog must learn its nickname. It should be very short and simple. You need to stroke him on the head and at the same time call his name. Toilet training the French is not easy. Small dogs will initially go to a diaper or litter box after each meal.

The French don’t learn commands that fast, so don’t push him too hard. For example, one team is enough for several days. It is important to teach the “fu” command so that he immediately stops doing what is forbidden.

At 4 – 5 months, bulldogs will gnaw on everything. It is necessary to strictly stop this and wean them from biting their hands during the game, slipping the toy in time.

On a walk, it is important to teach the “Next” command so that the dog is always at the foot. It is important to stop bad behavior, because the Frenchman, with the wrong upbringing, will become spoiled, angry.

Health and disease

In general, Bulldogs are healthy dogs. But a number of diseases that are often found in them still exist. Frenchies can develop skinfold dermatitis on the face when moisture builds up inside the skinfold and interdigital dermatitis.

They also often have food allergies. The dog begins to itch, his eyes may “leak”. Diagnosis is also made of urolithiasis. It is very difficult for bitches of this breed to give birth.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about French Bulldogs with zoo engineer, veterinarian Anastasia Kalinina.

How long does it take to walk a French Bulldog?

The French Bulldog is an ideal dog for the city and can be content with walks for about 1 hour a day.

Can a French Bulldog get along with a cat?

French Bulldogs are very friendly, so they are able to get along with cats and any small pets.

How do French Bulldogs react to other dogs?

Французские бульдоги очень хорошо общаются с другими собаками. Часто их держат в одной квартире или одном доме даже с крупными молоссами (кане-корсо). Единственное, что характерное похрюкивание французика может насторожить собаку, незнакомую с этой породой. 

Do French Bulldogs get cold in winter?

The coat of French Bulldogs is very short, so they get cold in winter. A warm jumpsuit or sweater is required.

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