
When will we behave more honestly: in conditions of complete freedom or, on the contrary, lack of choice? Psychologists from the universities of Minnesota (USA) and British Columbia (Canada) conducted an interesting experiment.

When will we behave more honestly: in conditions of complete freedom or, on the contrary, lack of choice? Psychologists from the universities of Minnesota (USA) and British Columbia (Canada) conducted an interesting experiment. One group of students was convincingly proved by examples that free will is an objective reality, and the other group that actions depend on circumstances. After that, the students performed a computer test, and the program “randomly made a mistake” — immediately after the question it gave the correct answer. Those who were convinced that our actions were independent of us used the hint significantly more often than those who were infected with the «freedom virus». Thus, if we believe that free choice is not a chimera, there is a chance that we will actually choose something that we will not be ashamed of later.

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