The film «Sergey Kalugin»

Cry from the freedom of violent cry, boundless and terrible freedom …

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Freedom is the ability to make independent decisions and implement your own plans.

Freedom is a mandatory attribute of a person. No freedom, no personality. Freedom is an essential feature of the human way of life. Man is only one who is free. As much as a Man, as far as he is free. Grass cannot be other than grass, an animal is only what is given to it genetically and inserted from upbringing. I also have a lot of predetermined things, and if I follow the path of least resistance, live naturally, naturally, I am grass. And if I become taller, I begin to be the master of my soul and life, I acquire freedom — I am already a Human.

However, not everyone distinguishes between freedom FROM and freedom FOR. “Freedom from” (freedom as permissiveness) is the ability to act without restrictions. In particular, without responsibility, ignoring any external framework and restrictions that constrain a person. Such freedom is often called irresponsibility and arbitrariness. People gravitate toward «freedom from» with inner dissatisfaction and protest against the natural limitations of life.

«Freedom for» (freedom as a duty) is a fundamentally different understanding of freedom. Such an understanding of freedom appeals to conscious social and moral activity aimed at the realization of life goals and principles, for the implementation of which a person feels personally responsible and which do not separate, but unite him with others.

free upbringing

Freedom is one of the most important vital values ​​of human life, and the topic of free education has long been of concern to both the best minds of mankind and just parents, for whom children are not just entertainment, but a joyful opportunity to create a decent human life at least in one instance. Where to begin? In order to give a small child maximum freedom? It turns out — no, this path is rather a dead end. The fact is that a person is not born free, but a dependent being, dependent at least on his inner nature. Education must begin with coercion, but end with freedom. The path to freedom lies through coercion.

Price of freedom

Freedom is the great task of life, but this vital value has a price, and sometimes a very big one. This is evidenced by the fear of freedom, in particular — the fear of loneliness, so often associated with the choice of freedom.

September makes flocks

And the first leaf rings at the feet …

The eternal truth is simple:

Free means lonely.

Dreaming of freedom years

We don’t notice that

That our own freedom

We fear the most.

And on confused faces:

Where should we put our lives? —

Lies down with a saving wing

The power of the state and the family.

In the corner behind the removed icon

All in a web of emptiness

Free means outlawed.

How simple is this truth!

The front door rattles like a gunshot

In my empty house

So we live together like leaves

And fall down one by one.

So we live together like leaves

And fall down one by one…

(A. Gorodnitsky, Elegy)

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