Free Man’s Manifesto

To be a free man – what does it mean? After much discussion, we agreed that there are ten statements that certainly apply to him. This list is not exhaustive and not the only possible one. Do you agree with him? Would you like to comment?

While working on this “Dossier”, we tried from different angles to approach the answer to the eternal question: what is freedom? The answer seems so simple and close, “intuitive” … and yet elusive. But the main thing for us is not concepts and definitions, but the mode of existence of a free person. What does he feel, how does he act, what is important to him, what does he believe in? After much discussion, we agreed that there are ten statements that certainly apply to him. This list is not exhaustive and not the only possible one.

We invite everyone who recognizes themselves in this portrait to join the manifesto and, possibly, supplement it in the comments.

1. Freedom for me is not a goal, but a way of life.

2. What I think is in line with what I say and what I do. I avoid falsehood and hypocrisy.

3. I support the expression of freedom in others and I respect other people’s opinions.

4. I take responsibility for my thoughts, words and deeds. I don’t wait for someone in my life to make a decision for me, and I don’t complain about the circumstances.

5. I remember that I can be wronglike any person. I can see my mistakes and admit them.

6. My views may change. If today I think differently than yesterday, I will not hold on to old ideas for the sake of the illusion of permanence.

7. I understand that I can’t know everything. I strive to distinguish what I know from my conjectures, conjectures and desires.

8. I don’t take anyone’s opinion on faith only by virtue of the authority of the one who expressed it. I strive to receive information from various sources, independently analyze it and test it by experience.

9. Fear is the main obstacle to freedom. I get rid of fear – before life, before other people and before myself, before possible condemnation. My first step to overcoming fear is to notice and honestly admit if I am afraid of something.

10 I am aware and accept any of my feelings and desires. I am not ashamed and do not blame myself for them. When I express my feelings, whether I will achieve my desires and what means I will choose for this depends on me.

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