Free makeup with MAC

Only the visitors of the portal had a unique opportunity to make free makeup from Valeria Filippova, MAC’s chief makeup artist, and also to receive a gift from the brand. Find out what you need to do this!

From 20 to 22 April inclusive come to the shopping center “Vesna” на Новом Арбате и оставьте свои данные. Вечером 22 апреля мы подведем итоги, и каждую пятую из общего списка we will invite you to a personal one-hour make-up session. We will personally call all the winners and provide details.

In addition to the magnificent professional make-up performed by the chief make-up artist of the brand Valeria Filippova, all the finalists will receive gifts: mascara Zoom Lash, M.A.C and lip conditioner Lipcare Lipconditioner Hydrant, M.A.C.

We wish you good luck!

Moisturizing lip conditioner Lipcare Lipconditioner Hydrant, MAC

Удлиняющая и придающая ресницам объем тушь Zoom Lash, M.A.C

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