The film «People and Mannequins»

Arkady Raikin. I started drinking, smoking and talking at the same time.

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Often, free education is identified with permissive education, but this is not so. In permissive education, in fact, there is no education at all.

When a child commands the parents, when there is a “sloppy upbringing”, when parents or other educators are simply not up to education, or when the child is left alone with himself, the yard, the TV or the computer — this is not free education, but the absence of education. “Life itself will teach” is not a slogan of free education, more often it is an excuse of negligent or inept parents and teachers.

It is not obvious that life will necessarily teach bad things, some children grow up to be wonderful people even without upbringing specially applied to them, sometimes in defiance of it; it’s just that this model of education, namely permissive education, is completely different than free education, at least in the senses that were set by those thinkers and educators who initially raised this topic and somehow identified it.

A free upbringing is not a permissive upbringing. This education is thoughtful and difficult, education with its own difficult and hard-won ideology.

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