Frautest for pregnancy

Frautest is a modern miniature device that allows you to detect pregnancy in the early stages. The main advantages of Frautest are its low cost, high accuracy and ease of use.

Frautest is produced by the German company Human Gesellschaft, and the excellent quality of German medicines and medical devices is known all over the world. Therefore, Frautest is in high demand among the female population of Russia and not only.

The range of tests produced under the Frautest brand is quite diverse, which allows you to choose the product that is optimal in terms of price and feature set. The manufacturer offers strip strips, tablet and inkjet tests. Accordingly, the higher the price, the more informative the test will be, so it is worth dwelling on each of them in more detail.

The principle of operation of Frautest pregnancy tests

Although Frautest tests have some differences in appearance and use, they are based on a single principle of operation. It is based on the determination of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine of a woman. This hormone begins to be produced in large quantities when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Up to this point, the level of hCG in the body of men and women is approximately the same and is at around 5 mIU / ml.

If conception has occurred, then after 10 days the level of hCG in the blood will increase by 2 times, and after 14 days it will reach the level of 25 mIU / ml. Accordingly, its concentration in the urine will also increase and continue to increase every 48 hours.

All Frautest tests are equipped with a litmus strip, which, after urine gets on it, turns crimson. It is a control and indicates that the test worked. The second strip remains invisible, provided that pregnancy has not occurred. However, when the level of the hCG hormone in the woman’s urine rises, the strip appears.

Ultrasensitive Frautest tests. Manufacturers of the Frautest test system are constantly striving to improve their product, so not so long ago, devices appeared on sale that determine the level of hCG in the urine already at 15 mIU / ml. While earlier this threshold was 25 mIU / ml. Accordingly, thanks to such sensitive tests, it became possible to determine pregnancy a few days earlier (2 days before the expected start of menstruation).

However, deciding to use such a test, a woman should be prepared for the fact that the reliability of the result will be the lower the earlier she conducts the research procedure. While performing the test on the first day of a missed period guarantees the detection of pregnancy in 99% of cases. Accordingly, the manufacturer equates the probability of an error to 1%.

Types of Frautest pregnancy tests, their pros and cons

To choose the best product for yourself from the entire Frautest line, you should familiarize yourself in advance with what the manufacturer can offer you. Knowing what the price of a particular device consists of, you will be able to save money without overpaying for unnecessary functions. So, there are the following types of Frautest pregnancy tests:

Frautest express. This test is a strip attached to a plastic substrate-base. The strip is completely impregnated with a special reagent. To conduct a study, the strip must be lowered into a container with collected urine and left there for 5-10 seconds. At the same time, it is not completely immersed in urine, but only up to a certain point. After five minutes, you can evaluate the result.

It is Frautest Express that is the most popular product among the entire line of products manufactured under this brand. The fact is that such a test has a low price, which averages 70 rubles. At the same time, it gives a guaranteed reliable result from the first day of the delay in menstruation.

As for the shortcomings of the test system, first of all, it is the need to collect urine in a separate container. It is possible to conduct a study with comfort only at home.

Frautest double control. The product is a package with two test strips. In its appearance and principle of use, this test system is no different from Frautest express. However, the presence of two devices will relieve the nervous tension that every woman experiences when conducting a pregnancy test. After all, the result can be checked at any convenient time.

In addition, buying two tests in one package will cost less than buying two tests in individual boxes. So, the cost of Frautest double control is about 120 rubles.

Frautest expert. This test is a cassette containing two windows. Urine is applied to one of them using a special pipette that comes with the kit. In the second window, you can evaluate the result. According to the manufacturer, testing with Frautest expert is the most accurate. At the same time, the procedure meets all hygienic requirements.

If we consider the price of such a device, then it will be slightly higher compared to conventional test strips. For Frautest, the expert will have to pay about 170 rubles. The disadvantages of the test also include the fact that for the study, urine will have to be pre-collected in a separate container in order to be taken from it with a pipette. While only 4 drops of urine are required to enter the window.

Frautest exclusive. This test is presented in a modern and stylish case. It is very convenient to use such a device, since it is an inkjet. This means that no urine collection is required. It is enough just to bring the test under the stream during urination. After 3-5 minutes, the result will appear in the window.

The disadvantages of the test include its high price. So, you can buy Frautest exclusive for an average of 260 rubles. The overpayment in this case is justified by the fact that the test is inkjet, that is, it is more comfortable to use it than conventional test strips. It is possible that for some of the women the design of the device, which is quite attractive, matters.

Frautest comfort. This test is a handy device for determining pregnancy. It is very convenient to use, as it is jet, which means that urine will not need to be collected in a separate container. The procedure is as hygienic as possible, which is possible due to the unique elongated shape of the device. Testing can be done almost anywhere, including away from home.

If we consider the disadvantages of Frautest comfort, then its main disadvantage can be called a rather high cost. It averages 170-230 rubles.

General rules for conducting a Frautest pregnancy test

Using Frautest pregnancy tests is very simple, because each product comes with individual instructions. However, in most cases it is not required, since the test is understandable even at an intuitive level. Nevertheless, you should not refuse to familiarize yourself with the official instructions, because this is the only way to minimize the risk of an error.

The general rules for using Frautest to determine pregnancy are as follows:

  • It is necessary to remove the device from the packaging and remove the protective cap, if any.

  • The test is then exposed to urine. If this is an inkjet test, then simply bring it under a stream of urine so that it hits the tip. In the case of a test strip, it is simply lowered into a container of urine to the desired level (it is marked on the device itself). If a test cassette was chosen for the procedure, then urine must be introduced into a special window.

  • To obtain the result, you need to put the test on a dry and even surface.

  • The average exposure time is 3-5 minutes. However, the result can be evaluated no later than 10 minutes after the study.

You can determine pregnancy using the Frautest test no earlier than 2 days before the start of the expected menstruation. Otherwise, the manufacturer does not guarantee a reliable result.

Evaluation of results. Any Frautest is equipped with special zones on which stripes appear. The first of them should appear under any circumstances, since it is a control and indicates the correctness of the procedure. The second band, if it becomes visible, indicates the presence of pregnancy. When it is not present, pregnancy has not come.

It should be borne in mind that the stripes should be approximately the same color and shape. If a woman has a very short gestation period, then the second strip, which gives a reaction to hCG, may not be too bright. However, it will be placed across the entire width of the control zone. Weak color saturation is due to the fact that the level of hCG in the woman’s body has increased, but has not reached the level of 25 mIU / ml.

The white strip that is on the test does not indicate the presence of pregnancy – it’s just an unmanifested reagent. It may become more noticeable due to the fact that too much urine has got on the device.

A woman should also have doubts about the presence of pregnancy in the case when the second (test) strip appears, but it is blurry or located in the place where the plastic substrate connects to the base of the test (we are talking about test strips).

An erroneous test should be considered the one on which not a single band appeared.

Reasons for a false positive result

A false-positive result is one that indicates a non-existent pregnancy.

This can happen for a number of reasons, including:

  • A woman is taking medications that include hCG. They are prescribed for the treatment of infertility. A false positive result can occur both during the test while taking drugs, and 10 days after the completion of the course. Such drugs, for example, are Profazi and Pregnil.

  • A woman has a tumor – chorionepithelioma of the uterus, cystic mole.

  • The woman recently had an abortion, during which the embryonic tissue was not completely removed.

Reasons for a false negative result

It is possible that the test may give a false negative result, the reasons for this are as follows:

  • The woman took the test too early. This is especially true for those representatives of the weaker sex who have an irregular menstrual cycle.

  • A woman has diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, which prevents the normal excretion of hCG in the urine.

  • The woman drank a lot of water or took diuretics before testing.

Also, a false negative result can be obtained if there was not enough urine for the test. However, then the control band should not appear.

Useful Tips

  • You need to purchase the test only in proven pharmacies. In this case, the risk of buying low-quality or fake goods is reduced.

  • The test must not be expired.

  • It is best to perform the test in the morning, using the first portion of urine for diagnosis. It is after a night’s rest that urine will contain the maximum of the hCG hormone. This rule is especially relevant when testing in the early stages.

  • If the test was decided to be done in the evening, you should not take diuretics or drink plenty of fluids that day.

  • It is important to evaluate the result no earlier than 3 minutes after the test, but no later than 10 minutes after its start.

When the test shows a negative result, and menstruation does not start on time, you need to repeat the testing procedure again. It is best to do this after 2-3 days from the date of the expected period. If the test is also negative, then you should consult a doctor for advice.

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