France: Chenonceau castle, history, interesting facts, video

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On the banks of the famous French River Loire, there are beautiful castles – real symbols of the French Renaissance. You need to come here for more than one day to feel the indescribable royal atmosphere, to appreciate the elegance of the architecture and interiors.

History does not tolerate fuss, so here you need to take a leisurely walk in the parks and sit on old benches. The best time to travel is spring or early fall. During this period, the air is fresh, and the landscapes delight with delicate colors.

Chenonceau Castle was founded in 1411. Location from Paris – 195 km.

History of the Ladies’ Castle

Chenonceau Castle Bridge has the title of ladies’. For 500 years of existence, he was in the disposition of powerful women, each of whom brought her own flavor to him.

The first is Catherine Brissone, who laid the foundation for the castle and introduced elements of elegance into it. Then Diane de Poitiers, the most powerful favorite in the history of French monarchs, gave her charm to the castle.

Here she arranged hunts, chic receptions, holidays and literary evenings. There are many interesting stories associated with it. For example, the fact that she was the mistress of not only the king, but also the Dauphin.

Francis I himself asked to teach the wisdom of love to his son Henry III, who for a long time became her faithful lover. It was he who introduced the emblem of the crescent – the symbol of Diana the huntress, which still adorns one of the halls. After the death of Henry, Diana ceded the castle to his widow, Catherine de Medici.

An interesting fact: Catherine de Medici was the niece of Diane de Poitiers.

The new queen immediately began rebuilding. She laid out new gardens here, erected a second floor above the castle bridge for a huge ballroom. Added sculptures and bas-reliefs to the rooms. All ideas were realized until 1568, and since then the castle has remained almost untouched.

France: Chenonceau castle, history, interesting facts, video

The territory of the castle, top view

Then Chenonceau passed into the possession of Louise de Vaudemont, wife of Henry III. Louise became a widow early, which is why until her death she grieved and wore mourning, according to local customs – white, for which she was awarded the nickname White Lady.

A reflection of this sad time remained in a bedroom decorated with black silk tapestries with dark wood furniture and paintings on biblical subjects.

After Louise, the castle was ruled by Françoise de Mercer for some time. Then sold to the landowner Claude Dupin, whose wife breathed its former grandeur into the castle-bridge, setting up a fashionable salon there. It is worth noting here a wonderful park, which covers an area of ​​70 hectares and is divided into two parts: the gardens of Diana de Poitiers and Catherine de Medici.


Don’t miss this video “France: Chenonceau Castle”! Halls, bedrooms, kitchen, gardens, beautiful views.

Chenonceau Castle. Loire Valley. France.

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