Frames from a past life — hidden opportunities for schizophrenics

There is such an idea in esotericism: if a person reaches a certain level of his consciousness, the secret of a past life will be revealed to him, and he will see who he was in a past reincarnation. It is believed that the soul does not die after death, but reincarnates, taking on another shell. This means that every person in all his reincarnations has quite managed to be a woman, a man, a rich aristocrat and a poor peasant, to live in different eras and corners of the planet. After we are reborn, all past memories are erased, a new person is born who has to create a new life story. But, according to experts in the field of esotericism, the soul retains all memories. It turns out they can be taken out.

So, ordinary people, with all their desire, are not available to see frames from a past life even when they undergo special practices and meditations, but schizophrenics can achieve this without effort and see the past, by and large, due to expanded consciousness.

Ways to remember your past life  

There are several effective methods that allow you to restore fragments of the memory of past lives, hidden deep in the soul. The following steps will help with this:

  1. Follow your dreams. Especially those dreams that are repeated will help. If you program yourself in the evening to remember everything that you dream about, you can put together a past life. To do this, write down everything that happens in the subconscious at night: sounds, people, events, phrases heard, even sensations, emotions, atmosphere.
  2. You can try the practice of programming sleep. To do this, before falling asleep, you need to completely disconnect from what is happening, from your worries and deeds, plans for the coming day. It is important to completely clear your mind of this. Now you need to go through the events of the present day, then — to review everything that happened the previous day, and then two days ago, and so on, as if going into the past. On this note, you need to fall asleep.
  3. Remember the faces of people in dreams. Upon awakening, the thought may arise that you have already seen this person and even knew each other in the past.
  4. innate abilities. It works on people who have some kind of creative ability, despite the fact that no one in the family was distinguished by such skills. This may indicate the transfer by the soul to the new body of the past gift.
  5. Fears. They also testify to a past life. For example, a person from virginity has an unreasonable fear of water bodies. He does not know how to swim and with all his desire he cannot learn it. Perhaps this happened for the simple reason that the soul passed into a new body from the drowned man.

Much of what we do not notice or take for granted can be a reference to one of the reincarnations of our soul.

Frames from a past life — hidden opportunities for schizophrenics

Regression Therapy for Past Life Flight

An effective way to remember the whole past and find out who you were is to undergo hypnosis. Introduction to deep sleep helps not only to get new information, but also to get rid of various mental disorders, clamps, mental illnesses.

The budget method of diving into yourself in search of answers to questions is meditation. True, in order to come to that very deep meditation, you need years of practice, the ability to completely abstract yourself from the outside world for a long time. In any case, if there are signs of schizophrenia, then it is worth contacting specialists in order to try hypnosis therapy. Perhaps it will help bring the patient to a new level, and doctors can heal him from mental illness.

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