What is fractional mesotherapy
Fractional mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure during which the skin is pierced with a special device with many small and very sharp needles (Dermapen). Thanks to micropunctures, fibroblasts are activated, which are responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The action of the procedure is enhanced by the serums and active substances contained in the meso-cocktails – with micro-punctures they penetrate even into the deeper layers of the skin, causing a powerful rejuvenating effect. If you apply these products just to the skin, then their effectiveness will decrease by about 80 percent, compared with the procedure.
Fractional mesotherapy is performed using a special Dermapen cosmetic device. It is made in the form of a pen with replaceable cartridges with needles that oscillate, while the depth of punctures can be selected and controlled.
Fractional therapy helps to cope with such aesthetic imperfections as: dry skin, reduced skin turgor, mimic wrinkles, pigmentation and hyperpigmentation, dull uneven complexion, “smoker’s skin”, cicatricial changes (post-acne and small scars). The procedure can be used not only for the face, but also to remove striae (stretch marks) and treat alopecia (baldness).
Already after the first session of fractional mesotherapy, you can achieve excellent results. On average, the number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist depending on the problems that need to be solved. The standard course of fractional mesotherapy includes 3 to 6 sessions with a break of 10-14 days.
Advantages of fractional facial mesotherapy
– Fractional facial mesotherapy has several important advantages. Firstly, the device passes every millimeter of the selected area of the face.
Secondly, the procedure can simultaneously cope with many cosmetic problems. For example, a patient came with pigmentation, he also has dry skin and, as a result, mimic wrinkles. Fractional mesotherapy simultaneously brightens the skin and moisturizes, filling mimic wrinkles.
The third advantage is a short rehabilitation period. After the procedure, bruises, spots, scars do not remain on the face, so the very next day you can safely go to work or go to some event.
Fourthly, fractional mesotherapy causes much less pain than conventional mesotherapy, due to which the procedure is very comfortable, explains cosmetologist-esthetician Anna Lebedkova.
Cons of fractional facial mesotherapy
As such, fractional facial mesotherapy has no disadvantages. There are contraindications to the procedure: dermatological diseases in the acute phase, acute acne, herpes, pregnancy and lactation, a recent chemical peeling procedure.
In addition, in rare cases, allergic reactions to the meso-cocktails themselves may occur, which may cause redness or swelling, which disappear after 1-3 days.
How does fractional facial mesotherapy work?
A few days before the procedure, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and taking medications that thin the blood or worsen its clotting.
Before the procedure itself, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face of cosmetics, as well as disinfect the intended area of impact with an antiseptic.
During the procedure, the beautician with the help of Dermapen quickly pierces the skin at a certain interval. Due to the fact that the needles are very sharp, and the depth of the puncture is controlled, the microinjections themselves are very fast and almost painless, since they almost do not affect the nerve endings.
The duration of a fractional mesotherapy session depends on how many areas need to be treated. On average, the procedure with preparation lasts about 30 minutes. After the procedure, the skin is again disinfected with an antiseptic, after which a soothing and cooling gel is applied.
To restore the skin faster and avoid any side effects, it is important to follow a few rules.
Immediately after the procedure (and even better the next day) it is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics (consult the beautician in advance on this). In the early days, try not to go out into the scorching sun, do not visit baths and saunas, do not rub or touch your face unnecessarily.
How much does it cost?
On average, one procedure of fractional mesotherapy costs 2000-2500 rubles.
Where is held
Fractional mesotherapy can be performed both in the salon or cosmetology clinic, and at home. At the same time, it is important to understand that only a certified master can ensure complete disinfection of surfaces, correctly and safely carry out the procedure, so it is better not to take risks and entrust your beauty and health to a specialist.
Can I do at home
Fractional mesotherapy can be performed at home, but it is worth considering a few mandatory points.
– Firstly, before the procedure, you need to prepare the place – wipe the dust everywhere, do wet cleaning, process the table, chair – thoroughly disinfect everything with an antiseptic. After that, you must also carefully disinfect Dermapen and prepare a disposable cartridge. Here it is worth emphasizing the word disposable, since some make a serious mistake and use the cartridge 2 or even 3 times in order to save money. Under no circumstances should this be done. Firstly, the needles of the cartridge are so sharp that they become blunt after the first procedure, and when you use it again, you no longer pierce, but simply scratch the skin. Naturally, there is no benefit from this, but bruises, scratches may appear, and if the cartridge is not yet processed, then an infection can be introduced.
It is also very important to set the correct depth of punctures on Dermapen. Here you need to take into account that the skin on the face has a different thickness – on the forehead, on the cheeks, around the lips and eyes, on the cheekbones, etc. And many make a serious mistake, exposing one depth of punctures to the entire face. But there are areas where a delicate effect is simply necessary. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin. For example, with rosacea, deep punctures should not be made, otherwise closely spaced vessels can be easily damaged, which will cause bruising. The consequences of an incorrectly performed procedure can be various rashes, inflammatory elements, so it is preferable if the procedure is performed by a specialist, explains cosmetologist-esthetician Anna Lebedkova.
Before and after photos
Reviews of specialists about fractional facial mesotherapy
– People turn to a cosmetologist with different problems: someone complains about dry skin and, as a result, mimic wrinkles, pigmentation and hyperpigmentation, dull complexion – especially after winter. Significant changes are already visible after the first procedure. The skin becomes moisturized, shine appears, the skin begins to revive in the truest sense of the word. The dull complexion disappears, pigmentation either dissipates or brightens, mimic wrinkles become less pronounced, lists cosmetologist-esthetician Anna Lebedkova.