Fractional distillation: step by step how to do it right

The main task of fractional distillation is the separation of high-quality alcohol from various harmful substances. This must be done as efficiently as possible, with minimal loss of a useful product.

Fractional distillation can be performed with mash or with raw alcohol, which is presented in the form of moonshine obtained after the first distillation. The resulting product will not have foreign tastes and odors.

How fractional distillation is carried out on a moonshine still

This process has two main steps. The first distillation is carried out at maximum speed. When your mash is ripe, you can start distilling.

Features of the first distillation:

  1. About 75% of the total volume of mash is poured into the distillation cube.

  2. The maximum possible heating power is switched on.

  3. The product is collected “dry”. After a noticeable decline in the selection rate, it will be necessary to stop the distillation of the mash.

The first distillation makes it possible to obtain crude alcohol. Further, it must be crushed into fractions.

Features of the second distillation:

  1. The moonshine obtained earlier is diluted with water. The mixture should have a strength of approximately 15-20%. This will significantly improve the selection process.

  2. You will need to turn on the heating to the maximum possible power.

  3. After heating the liquid to a temperature of approximately 78 degrees, the first drops of distillate will appear. The power will need to be reduced so that the extraction rate is approximately two drops per second.

Step Comments

It should be noted that at the initial stage of fractional distillation, it is required to select approximately 50 ml of liquid from each kilogram of sugar.

Such a faction is very harmful, it is called the “head”. The liquid is forbidden to drink, it contains a large amount of acetone.

At the second stage, a new receiving container is necessarily used. The “body” is collected until the strength of the drink drops to 40 degrees. Fluid should be checked periodically with a hydrometer.

When collecting “tails” it is also necessary to change the receiving container. A liquid with a low alcohol content is called “underrun”. It can be used in further distillation. “Tails” are added to the mash to increase its strength.

Do not forget that you can only drink the “body”. The “head” and “tails” are used for other purposes – ignition of the barbecue, cleaning contacts on the circuit boards, processing and much more.

Relevance: 16.11.2019

Tags: vodka, mash, moonshine

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