Losing weight up to 4 kg in 5 days.
The average daily calorie content is 640 Kcal.
A fractional diet is one of the more loyal, yet effective ways to transform your body. It is successfully used by millions of people around the world. Living by the rules of this technique, you can lose weight without harming your health and morale.
As you may have guessed, the diet is based on crushing meals. Consuming even smaller portions of food throughout the day than the usual ones helps in 5 days to get rid of three to four kilograms that prevent you from fully enjoying life.
Split diet requirements
Like all weight loss methods, the fractional diet has certain important principles that are responsible for the effectiveness of weight loss.
- The days of direct fractional meals should be alternated with days of rest. The first lasts 5 days, the second – 10.
- The interval between meals during a split diet should not exceed 2 hours. Ideally, start eating at 8:00, warming up the body with a hot drink, and end at 20:00 with a light snack in the form of low-fat kefir.
- Drink plenty of clean, still water throughout the day. Coffee, teas without sugar are also acceptable, but the priority is pure water.
- Both during the fixing 10 days and after losing weight, it is worth eating, excluding fast food, fatty, too salty and spicy foods, high-calorie bakery products and sweets, as well as carbonated drinks and alcohol (especially beer and liqueurs containing an abundant amount of calories) from the diet. ).
- After reaching the desired weight, try not to have dinner later than 19:00, and transfer the most high-calorie foods to the first half of the day.
5-day split diet
8:00 – a cup of unsweetened hot drink (your choice is not very strong coffee, green or herbal tea, chicory).
10:00 – grated or finely chopped large carrots, seasoned with a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
12:00 – a fruit weighing up to 200-250 g (apple, peach, orange, banana, pear) or a handful of dried fruits soaked in water (dried apricots, dates, prunes).
14:00 – a piece of lean meat or fish, cooked without adding oil; a slice of bran or rye bread, thinly spread with butter.
16:00 – 200 g of low-fat curd or boiled chicken egg, or 40-50 g of hard cheese with a minimum fat content.
18:00 – 200-250 g of any non-starchy vegetable salad, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil.
20:00 – a glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.
Approximate Diet on a 10-Day Result-Fixing Cycle
Breakfast: 100 g of rice porridge, into which you can add a drop of butter or vegetable oil, or an omelet made from two chicken eggs and non-starchy vegetables; as well as a glass of unsweetened fruit / vegetable juice or fruit drink.
Snack: orange.
Lunch: about 150 g of soup, cooked in chicken or beef broth, with a few pieces of lean meat; a slice of bran bread and a cup of herbal or green unsweetened tea.
Afternoon snack: a couple of peaches or an apple.
Dinner: 100 g mashed potatoes (preferably without oil); the same amount of carrot salad and fresh white cabbage; a glass of kefir.
Note… This is just an approximate diet, which must be adhered to 10 days after weight loss on a fractional five-day period. You can replace products, for example, using buckwheat or oatmeal instead of rice. It is also allowed to eat tangerines, grapefruits, bananas (do not abuse them), other vegetables (preferably non-starchy). Instead of kefir, you can drink homemade unsweetened yogurt, fermented baked milk, milk. It is also allowed to use low-fat cottage cheese, a small amount of hard cheese (just make sure that it is not too salty).
Fractional diet contraindications
- It is not recommended to sit on the proposed diet for the fair sex during pregnancy, adolescents under 16 years of age, people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- It is better not to start a diet during an exacerbation of any disease. After all, the calorie content of the diet decreases, and in case of illness, it is recommended to eat fully in order to provide the body with strength and energy for a speedy recovery.
The virtues of the fractional diet
Let’s pay attention to the main advantages of the fractional diet:
- tangible weight loss already in the first dietary days;
- improving the functioning of the digestive system and the whole body as a whole;
- lack of feeling of acute hunger;
- decreased increased appetite;
- shrinking stomach size, making it easier not to gain weight after the diet is over;
- normalization of metabolic processes;
- the body is cleansed of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances.
Disadvantages of a fractional diet
- Perhaps the main noticeable disadvantage of the fractional diet is the need to eat by the hour. Busy people may simply not be able to eat every 2 hours, as recommended by the rules of the method. In this case, if you still want to experience this diet personally, try to subordinate it to your life schedule, but not forgetting about the basic rules, monitoring the calorie content of the products you eat and trying not to take long breaks between meals so that your efforts do not end up in vain …
- In any case, at first, if you are not used to eating so often, you will have to look at your watch and do not forget about the next meal that brings you closer to the desired physical shape.
Repeating the fractional diet
If you want to lose more weight and feel good with fractional meals, just repeat the five-day period as many times as you need (within reasonable limits, of course), alternating them with 10-day pauses.
To maintain the achieved result in the post-dietary time, one should also not indulge in all food spree. You need to try to eat correctly, fully (preferably fractionally) and make sure that the calorie content of your daily diet is not high.