Foursome mom shared an incredible photo before and after childbirth

The woman suffered several miscarriages, and then fate rewarded her with four babies at once.

Lindsey Haye couldn’t believe her ears when she found out she was pregnant with fours. The Instagram blogger suffered several miscarriages, and the doctors were worried that her tiny body could not bear four children.

“I remember that gloomy atmosphere in the ultrasound office. I’m only 158 cm tall and weighing 52 kg, terribly excited and scared to learn about the quad. And the doctors convince me: my body will not survive this pregnancy, ”says Lindsay.

But contrary to the dire forecasts, in the 30th week, four wonderful crumbs were born: a girl and three boys. Seven months after giving birth, my mother shared a photo of the grown-up babies, and this picture flew all over Instagram.

“I carried these lovely babies inside me for 30 weeks and 4 days, and now 30 weeks and 4 days after they were born. To say that they have grown up, to say nothing, ”- signed the photo Lindsay.

The happy mother admits: behind these babies there are new marks and folds on the body that are impossible to look at.

“But with the children came new strengths that I didn’t have before. I feel that the little ones are my blessing, and now I will never allow this life to be taken for granted, ”says the happy mother.

Lindsay was very happy when she was able to pass the 28 week mark.

“It’s really a miracle that we crossed the average gestational age for a quadruple,” she says. “I’ll never forget my doctor said, ‘You can’t bear four children with your body.’ How happy I am that I did not obey him. “

Lindsay admitted that she took that picture 4 days before giving birth with great difficulty, because she practically could not stand.

“And now I look at that photo and think:“ Did my little body really do this ?! ” – says a mother with many children.

But it was really difficult.

“I constantly feel terribly tired, the sciatic nerve just kills,” wrote Lindsay in the 20th week. – I suffocate even from talking. And when I sit for a long time in one position, my legs go numb. My stomach is constantly tense, and now I began to grow in breadth. “

On the 25th week, the woman got up under the shower at night in order to somehow alleviate the pain – the babies began to actively toss and turn and push in the stomach.

Lindsay gave birth to a quadruple on July 23, calling it “the most incredible experience of her life.” At first, the kids had to be kept in the intensive care unit, but after a month and a half, the happy mother brought the children home.

“I still remember the feeling of euphoria when for the first time I held them all in my arms without pipes and wires. I laughed so hard that I even cried, – says Lindsay. – Now they practically do not fit on hands. But when they turn 18, I don’t know how, but I’ll recreate this photo again. ”

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