Four ways to become more patient and tolerant

Sometimes the lack of patience and the inability to wait play a trick on us: we get nervous, our mood deteriorates, unpleasant sensations appear in the body, but this does not affect the course of things. How to become more patient and learn to accept ourselves, those around us and the events that happen to us as they are?

Learn to Recognize the First Signs of Impatience

The first step to managing impatience is to recognize in yourself the source of future irritation. Learn to analyze behavior and listen to your body. What is happening to you? Are you tense, your muscles are tense, thrown into a fever? Whence irritation, intermittent breathing? The ability to observe yourself allows you to read body signals in time. But noticing them is not enough, you need to learn to identify the causes. Sometimes this is how “plus” impatience manifests itself: the urge to move forward, to do something better than before. But most often it’s about intolerance, unwillingness to wait. To acknowledge this is to go half way.

By observing yourself for several months in a row and fixing the moments when you show impatience, you will see how it manifests itself in different ways. This practice will help you become more aware and prepare you for the next stage.

Accept calmly everything that happens to you

Most often, the reason is inflated and therefore deceived expectations in relation to others and to life. It is worth learning to accept events and other people as they are. This does not mean that you should become a carefree fatalist. Your job is to learn how to remain calm in the face of the unexpected.

You have to start with the body. Sometimes the stomach “twirls” from tension, breathing goes astray. Learn to slow down the rhythm and breathe deeper. Learn a few relaxation techniques, walk more in the fresh air, go to dance therapy, which disciplines both body and mind. Do your usual things more slowly, in a queue or in a traffic jam, try to breathe deeply, relax your tense shoulders, look at the faces of your neighbors, try to see the beauty of the world. Learn to “slow down”, give yourself the opportunity to observe, reflect, be aware of the moment you are living.

Gradually, you will learn to cope with irritation, even listening to the automatic commands of the cameraman.

Set aside time for doing nothing. Sit without a TV, a smartphone, a book, anxious thoughts about a lot of upcoming things. In the first minutes of performing such an exercise, it may seem especially difficult: curbed impatience returns to us with a vengeance. But gradually you will learn to cope with irritation, even listening to the automatic commands of the cameraman: “If you need a credit department, press the number 1.” Once you have mastered this technique, you will be in better control of yourself when faced with more serious challenges.

Be tolerant of others and the world

Accepting the world and the people living in it as they are, showing tolerance and respect, we become more patient and tolerant. Learn not to get annoyed by the slowness of old people or babies, not to get angry if the person in front of you is barely walking. You also often interfere with those who follow you. An intolerant person does not tolerate the imperfections of others, their differences. Understanding others means putting yourself in their place, putting up with actions, learning from differences. Patience begins when thought seeps in between impulse and action. Do not wind up with half a turn!

The next step is to realize that if you are annoyed by a child who broke a glass, this is selfishness: such a minor incident just took you out of your comfort zone. Try to learn from each such episode a constructive lesson.

Be tolerant of yourself

They say the secret of happiness is to demand a lot from yourself and little from others. This leads to an extreme: some become perfectionists and make excessive demands on themselves. You need to be patient with yourself, admit your shortcomings and failures. Accepting one’s imperfections helps to treat the flaws of others in the same way.

It is pleasant to communicate with a patient person – someone who is calm, benevolent, in harmony with himself, people around him love and appreciate such people. Ideally, patience should be fed with small doses of impatience, both qualities should coexist harmoniously in us and make us whole. Think about what you can do today to move closer to a state of balance and harmony.


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