Four surprising effects of the fall solstice. How does it affect your health? [WE EXPLAIN]

Autumn means shorter and shorter days, less sun and lowering temperatures outside. For the body, the transition from a warm summer season to a cool and rainy fall is like jet lag. This is a shock that can cause four surprising symptoms over the next few weeks.

  1. We talk about jet lag in the context of air travel, when the body within a few hours is in a different time and climatic zone
  2. In fact, the arrival of autumn is something similar. The temperature outside is changing and night is falling earlier and earlier
  3. The body usually needs several weeks to adapt to these changes
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

We sleep longer in the fall

Scientists from Harvard Medical School have determined that in the fall, there is a risk of hypersomnia – excess sleep – more than insomnia, or insomnia. It turned out that October differs in this respect from other months of the year. Then we sleep an average of 2,7 hours a day more than in other periods.

  1. See also: Melancholy – symptoms, causes, methods of prevention [EXPLAINED]

At the same time, researchers found that our sleep quality declines during the fall solstice. Although we spend more time napping or going to bed earlier, rest is not as effective as in the rest of the year. We wake up more often and wake up in the morning sleepless.

The rest of the text is below the video.

We are more tired during the autumn solstice

This, in turn, brings us to the second clearly tangible effect of the Fall Solstice on the body. And this is a feeling of chronic fatigue. Many people would like to go to bed again after waking up. During the day, we lack energy, and we do everything slower.

According to scientists from Harvard Medical School, the culprit here is sunlight, or rather less of it. This creates a situation similar to what happens when you suddenly have to switch from morning shift to night shift at work. A sudden decrease in the amount of sunlight disrupts the natural rhythm of activity during the day and a good night’s sleep.

  1. Also read: Six Things That Tell People Like You. How to recognize the signals?

Vitamin D3 deficiency is also responsible for chronic fatigue during the solstice, which is why in our latitude its supplementation is recommended in the fall and winter season. You can buy good quality vitamin D3 from Medonet Market.

The autumn solstice is a seasonal depressed mood

Autumn is also associated with a seasonal depressed mood, i.e. SAD. It is a condition that manifests itself in a similar way to depression. SAD appears periodically, sometimes not only during the autumn solstice, but also during the spring solstice.

Scientific research links seasonal melancholy or overwhelming sadness to poorer sleep quality during this period, as well as vitamin D3 deficiency.

At the same time, researchers from the National Institutes of Mental Health found that depressed mood in early fall caused young women to avoid social contact. They also wanted to eat simple carbohydrates, i.e. sweets and fast food.

The good side of the fall solstice: the brain works better

Although it is assumed that the autumn solstice brings with it only negative experiences, it also has positive sides. Especially for people who do not like hot weather. Such people feel better in the first weeks of autumn, increase their activity and go out more willingly.

In turn, scientists from the United Kingdom concluded that when the temperature outside begins to drop, the human brain jumps to a higher speed, i.e. it simply works better. During summer, the body must focus on lowering body temperature to prevent overheating, which keeps the brain from being in peak condition. However, when it gets colder, we regain clarity of mind, we are more creative and productive. Provided we wake up, of course.

Also read:

  1. Depression, how to quickly get rid of it and improve your mood?
  2. Depression – Who Is Most At Risk and Why?
  3. What to eat to improve your mood?

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