Erectile dysfunction during quarantine, the consequences of sexual abstinence, how to act on a positive for Covid-19 and the keys to increasing fertility are common questions in online consultations

Are we more sexually active now than before confinement by the threat of Covid-19 or actually the uncertainty and anxiety taking a toll on sexual desire? There is no unanimous answer to this question, at least for the moment because perhaps in a few months the consequences of confinement on a sexual level will be studied in detail. Meanwhile, each one can contribute their personal answer to this question. What is certain is that, as has happened with other types of medical or psychological consultations, online questions about sexuality They have increased exponentially, as assured by Dr. Nicola Tartaglia, urologist, andrologist and expert in sexual health.
Although experts never tire of repeating that, in sexual matters, each person is unique, there are some common and frequent doubts that have also manifested themselves through virtual consultations during these difficult weeks of isolation or confinement. These have to do with the four thematic blocks that Dr. Tartaglia thus details in the form of questions.
1. Why am I suffering from erectile dysfunction now?
Why am I having episodes of erectile dysfunctionright now that I have more time with my partner if I have never had problems? It is the most common doubt. But the expert affirms that, if you have never suffered from erectile dysfunction, it is unlikely that in just a few weeks something physical could have happened to the genital tract. In fact, organic causes erectile dysfunction (hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, smoking …) act over a long period of time and the presentation of the problem is usually slow and progressive, as clarified. That is why he believes that going from having a satisfactory sex life to failing to maintain an erection, despite having a partner available “24 hours” is, according to Dr. Tartaglia’s analysis, a emotional problem, especially in a period like the one we live in. The uncertainty, fear and frustration that the tragic events related to the coronavirus entail cause the levels of adrenaline in the blood to increase, which has a vasoconstrictive action, which constricts arterial and capillary dilation, affecting the erectile phenomenon.
Trying to play sports at home, listen to music, stop obsessing over the news (checking once a day is enough) and trying relaxation techniques can help at this stage.
2. How can I improve fertility?
Some people have decided to take advantage of isolation or confinement to seek to be parents. For this reason, the most common online queries include questions about how to increase the chances of pregnancy. But before addressing this question, it is important to clarify that, according to Dr. Tartaglia, one in five men over 35 years of age has an altered semen analysis, a test of semen quality; and that, depending on whether the alteration is minor or major, medical treatment may be necessary or even have to go to an assisted fertilization center.
However, the expert clarifies that in the face of slight alterations in fertility parameters there are a series of habits that can improve semen quality and they can increase the chance of pregnancy. They are measures that improve the state of the sperm and help detoxify the body fluids in which they are generated and stored until ejaculation. First of all it is important eliminate tobacco and alcohol, reduce sugars, reduce the intake of animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products and eggs) to a maximum of twice a week and promote during this time a diet rich in raw vegetables that includes tomato (due to its high lycopene content) lettuce (for folic acid), lentils and peas (selenium), pumpkin seeds (zinc), oranges and kiwis (vitamin C), virgin olive oil and dried fruit (vitamin E). Some studies show, according to the expert, that there is a beneficial effect on the quality of semen for men who, for a limited period and controlled by a specialist, follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Finally, it is important to ensure a minimum of 20 minutes of daily exercise. “Someone might object that all this is too much if we also add it to the stress that isolation already brings. But I answer him, what better moment of a world hiatus for a personal reset? », He proposes.
3. How do we relate if one has tested positive for Covid-19?
The disease of Covid-19 it is a highly contagious respiratory condition. Thus, Dr. Tartaglia explains that when a member of the couple tests positive or simply presents the symptom of the disease (fever, cough or shortness of breath are the main ones) the correct thing is to avoid any contact with healthy people.
The level of isolation measures They will depend on the age and the eventual pathologies that the healthy member of the couple may have, because the disease begins to be really dangerous after 60 years of age or at any age if other diseases are suffered, as he explains. In cases where there is a risk of pneumonia, it is recommended that the infected person be confined most of the time during the day and sleep in another room. It is important to avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth without having washing hands with soap unwashed and is also indispensable clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched frequently. It is preferable that both the infected person and the healthy person wear a mask, although in the case that only one unit is possessed, it is better for the infected person to wear it.
4. Will I lose interest in sex?
Can it affect the sexual abstinence to my sexual activity when the quarantine is over? “No, not at all”, asserts the expert, who explains that sexual abstinence is not a cause of atrophy of the erectile tissue of the penis as long as it is a limited period. As he clarifies, various studies show that a difficulty in maintaining satisfactory erections begins to manifest after the year of abstinence. In addition, it must be borne in mind that abstinence also means “absence of masturbation.” However, it is possible that after the quarantine period someone may suffer one or more episodes of erectile dysfunction due to the state of inactivity and accumulated stress during these weeks.
In short, as Dr. Tartaglia clarifies, just as it will be difficult for us to resume other healthy habits and social life, there can also be two “triggers”.