Four colors that attract mosquitoes like a magnet

There are many theories that mosquitoes are effectively attracted by a particular blood type. It turns out, however, that the color of our wardrobe is also important. We check what research says about colors that mosquitoes like.

  1. By choosing effective mosquito remedies, you can minimize the risk of mosquito bites, regardless of the color of your clothes
  2. It is worth avoiding red clothes, because it is this color that attracts mosquitoes
  3. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

What colors attract mosquitoes?

To understand the relationship between colors and the risk of a mosquito bite, it is important to know that mosquitoes use smells to distinguish between nearby items. They sense carbon dioxide from the human breath, and this smell stimulates mosquito eyes to look for specific colors and other visual patterns related to the host to the bite.

Professor Jeffrey Riffell, a scientist from the Department of Biology at the University of Washington, participated in an experiment to track the behavior of Aedes aegypti females. Mosquitoes were located in miniature test chambers, into which specific odors were sprayed and dots of various colors were presented.

It is worth noting that mosquitoes usually ignored the dot on the bottom of the chamber, regardless of its color, if the visual pattern was not preceded by an odor stimulus. It is carbon dioxide that stimulates mosquitoes to search for a host.

Worth knowing

Human skin, regardless of pigmentation, emits a signal with a long wavelength in the red-orange range.

The study found that mosquitoes, when exposed to carbon dioxide, became extremely sensitive to the following colors:

  1. red,
  2. orange,
  3. black,
  4. cyan (shade of blue).

How to dress in summer so as not to attract mosquitoes?

The above study showed that the colors red, orange, black and cyan are not exactly the right choice for people looking to minimize the risk of mosquito bites. In this case, it is worth rearranging your summer wardrobe and choosing colors to which mosquitoes are less sensitive.

The experiment showed that mosquitoes remained indifferent to the following colors:

  1. green,
  2. Violet,
  3. blue,
  4. white.
In summer, it is not only mosquitoes that bother us

Summer is associated with beautiful weather disturbed by annoying mosquitoes, but not only. Allergy sufferers also experience rough days during the warmer months. Do you want to check if this problem may apply to you? offers a package of allergy tests: Allergy – diagnostic blood tests.

This may interest you: Nine natural ingredients that effectively repel mosquitoes

Get effective mosquito remedies and wear whatever colors you want

Wearing clothes in colors that do not attract mosquitoes does not always guarantee that mosquitoes will not bite. It is worth bearing in mind that mosquitoes are attracted not only by sights and smells, but most of all by the carbon dioxide we emit when breathing, which is a natural activity that keeps us alive. An excellent solution is to obtain professional anti-mosquito remedies. They give off odors that repel mosquitoes.

It is definitely worth having in your first aid kit:

  1. Set for ticks, mosquitoes and black flies + free disinfection spray,
  2. Mosquito and fluff repellent plasters, 
  3. Mosquito repellent fragrance,
  4. Chiccho mosquito repellent spray,
  5. Set for mosquitoes and ticks – spray 50% DEET + balm for MUGGA bites. 

Knowing that mosquitoes often attack people who train. This is because mosquitoes are attracted to the lactic acid produced in the muscles during exercise. People running in the open air can get a special armband that repels mosquitoes and black flies.

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