Four books to help broaden your horizons

It is impossible to know absolutely everything, but being well erudite does not hurt anyone. Traditionally, good books can help with this. Litres experts recommend the best in various fields of knowledge

God’s Equation. In Search of a Theory of Everything Michio Kaku

Famous scientist and popularizer of science Michio Kaku knows how to talk about complex things in simple language. His books help many people fall in love with physics, learn more about the structure of the Universe and understand its laws. The latest novelty of the author – “The Equation of God” – is dedicated to the achievements of the greatest physicists of the past, and the work of modern scientists who are on the verge of a real revolution. For more than half a century, leading experts from different countries have been striving to derive a single “theory of everything” – an equation that will connect all physical laws and people’s knowledge about the world and its nature. This book is a kind of scientific epic describing how people comprehended the structure of the universe.

“Five Essays on Ethics” by Umberto Eco

The scientist and writer Umberto Eco became famous throughout the world as a brilliant scholar and one of the main European intellectuals at the turn of the XNUMXth-XNUMXst centuries. The author’s debut novel “The Name of the Rose” impressed critics and readers with its depth, philosophy and many meanings. And all subsequent works of the famous Italian only confirmed his talent and wisdom. The book “Five Essays on Ethics” today will seem to many especially relevant. A selection of articles encourages reflection on war, hatred, religion, tolerance and other important issues for all of humanity.

“0,05. Evidence-based medicine from magic to the search for immortality” Petr Talantov

What do you think about frogs and toads as a remedy for whooping cough, warts, stomatitis and thrush? What about using fish heads for migraines? Humanity has come a long way from magical practices and charlatanism to medicine, and Peter Talantov’s book is just about that. The doctor and member of the RAS Commission for Combating the Falsification of Scientific Research tells in detail and fascinatingly about the origin of real medicine, its current state and the future of pharmacology. Behind every new drug and therapy, there are years of development, exhausting experiments, mistakes, doubts and rare successes. Readers will be able to see this hidden side of medicine, understand how the modern healthcare system works and debunk many myths and misconceptions for themselves.

“The Empire Must Die” Mikhail Zygar

The name of the Russian journalist Mikhail Zygar (included by the Ministry of Justice in the register of media-foreign agents) thundered in the big literature after the release of the national bestseller “All the Kremlin’s Army”. A few years after the release of this documentary hit, the author released another sensational book, this time dedicated to the events in our country on the eve of the October Revolution. The Empire Must Die is a measured, analytical, yet engaging and understandable account of what happened a hundred years ago. What mistakes and crimes on the part of the authorities led to the collapse of the empire? Why was Russian civil society unable to stop the impending catastrophe? What lessons can the creators of today’s history learn from the past?

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