
Horsetail and horsetail extract are known primarily from numerous cosmetics, especially those that strengthen hair and nails. However, horsetail is a herb with many uses, not only in cosmetics. It is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs.
Field horsetail in cultivation
Field horsetail is called in Latin Equisetum arvense and is a perennial plant. It grows very commonly in Poland; very common in Europe. The properties of horsetail extract allow you to call this herb a medicinal plant: they affect the condition and functions of our entire body.
Horsetail extract: the most important information
- It is an excellent source of flavonoids
- It is obtained from the barren above-ground parts of the plant
- It reduces the concentration of vitamin B1 in the body. With frequent use, it is also worth using dietary supplements with this vitamin
- It contains the power of vitamins and microelements!
Horsetail extract: action and properties
- Horsetail has a remineralizing effect. It contains a lot of easily absorbable microelements and ions that the body needs for proper development and functioning
- Horsetail extract has a diuretic effect. It is worth using it in all ailments of the urinary system, including frequent cystitis. Treats urinary tract infections
- Horsetail extract also has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is worth using it for internal and external infections
- Field horsetail is recommended by doctors for atherosclerosis
- It protects against the formation of stones in the urinary system
- Horsetail extract can be used to treat children suffering from asthma and bronchitis
How to treat yourself with horsetail extract?
It is worth buying horsetail extract in a pharmacy and using it as an infusion. The infusion is prepared by throwing one tablespoon of the herb into a pot, pouring a glass of water and gently boiling for about 10 minutes. Then wait for the drink to cool down a bit. You can drink 2 to 3 glasses of infusion a day.
Hair and nails: a brilliant treatment!
In cosmetics, horsetail is recommended primarily for hair and nail care, but also for skin care. Mixed horsetail decoction with a small amount of alcohol gives a great remedy for acne and boils.
Horsetail contains silicon, which is responsible for inhibiting the splitting of hair ends. Silicon is also the basic building block of collagen, which is why cosmetics with horsetail are so great for skin care, including those with various types of problems. Horsetail extract also helps against splitting and brittle nails.