Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

In this publication, we will consider formulas with which you can find the height in various types of triangles, as well as analyze examples of solving problems to fix the material.

Height – a perpendicular coming from any vertex of a triangle, to the opposite side (or its continuation, for a triangle with an obtuse angle).

The heights of the triangle intersect at one point, which is called – orthocenter .

Find the length of the height of a triangle

  • H – the height of the triangle
  • a – side, base
  • b, c – sides
  • β , γ – angles at the base
  • p – semiperimeter, p=(a+b+c)/2
  • R – radius of the circumscribed circle
  • S – area of ​​the triangle

Finding the Height of a Triangle

Recall triangle height – this is a segment drawn perpendicularly from the top of the figure to the opposite side.

Height in scalene triangle

triangle height a B Cheld to the side acan be found using the formulas below:

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

1. Through area and side length

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

where S – area of ​​a triangle.

2. Through the lengths of all sides

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

where p is the half-perimeter of the triangle, which is calculated as follows:

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

3. Through the length of the adjacent side and the sine of the angle

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

4. Through the sides and the radius of the circumscribed circle

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

where R is the radius of the circumscribed circle.

Height in an isosceles triangle

Height length halowered on the base a isosceles triangle, is calculated by the formula:

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

Height in a right triangle

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

The height drawn to the hypotenuse can be found:

1. Through the lengths of the segments formed on the hypotenuse

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

2. Through the sides of the triangle

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

Note: the other two heights in a right triangle are its legs.

Height in an equilateral triangle

For an equilateral triangle with side a the formula for calculating the height is as follows:

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

Heron's Formula to Find Height of a Triangle

Examples of tasks

Task 1

Find the height of a triangle drawn from a vertex B to the side ACif it is known that AB = 7 cm, and the angle LAC = 45 °.


In this case, the formula for finding the height through the side and the sine of the included angle will help us:

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

Task 2

Find the length of the base of an isosceles triangle if the height drawn to it is 3 cm and the sides are 5 cm.


You can derive a formula for finding the length of the base from the formula for calculating the height in an isosceles triangle:

Formulas for finding the height of a triangle

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