Formula for making a morning sandwich was created in Britain

While the whole world is trying to combat excess flour products in the diet, scientists from the University of Sheffield are coming up with a formula for creating a bun, a favorite in both Scotland and Foggy Albion.

They believe that the traditional scone (which is another name for a bun), a mention of which can be found in British sources about five centuries ago, must be prepared correctly. To do this, all layers of the sandwich must be put on a bun, adhering to the technique of building a sandy palace. Namely, as the layers rise, slightly reduce their thickness – by about 5 mm. This is, first of all.

Secondly, experts limited the scone itself in height, allowing it to be no higher than 2,8 cm with the filling.At the same time, according to the professors, the top layers, which usually consist of jam and cream, should be related to the bun as 2: 1 :one. Only in this case the traditional sandwich will be rightfully called skonom. And weigh, as it should be, 1 grams.

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