Forms and types of prostatitis

Male health problems in the urogenital area depend on many factors. These can be infections, unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition and ecology, weak immunity.

One of the most dangerous ailments of the stronger sex is prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate gland. Unfortunately, men tend to hide their problems, which is very dangerous, as it is fraught with serious complications, up to oncology. That is why, at the slightest sign of malaise in the intimate and genitourinary sphere, a man should urgently consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Prostatitis is classified depending on the cause (bacterial, calculous, congestive, etc.) and the form of the course (acute and chronic).

According to statistics, more than 80% of cases of the disease are caused by non-bacterial causes. In addition, if earlier it was believed that prostatitis is a disease for the most part of elderly men, today this disease is “younger” and increasingly begins to manifest itself in men under 30 years old.

Acute prostatitis

Forms and types of prostatitis

The name “hot” speaks for itself. This means that an acute infectious process of the prostate tissue is observed in the body, which is most often caused by microorganisms (bacteria, less often protozoa or a fungus). In most cases, the cause is abnormal reproduction in the body of Escherichia coli, sometimes the infectious agent is amoeba-proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci and other species. Many of these microbes are permanent components of the microflora of the body, but sometimes, with a decrease in immunity, they begin to multiply uncontrollably. As a result, an acute process of damage to the prostate occurs.

In the presence of concomitant chronic infections, such as untreated caries, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pathology of internal organs, hormonal disorders, after recent surgical interventions, the likelihood of developing prostatitis increases.

The disease develops rapidly. Men can almost immediately recognize acute prostatitis by the following symptoms:

  • General malaise (fever, fever, chills, weakness and weakness). The signs are a bit like the beginning of the development of influenza or SARS.

  • Pain syndrome. This includes acute pain in the perineum, groin and anus, pain in the lower back, lower back, radiating to the legs, muscle pain, and also during bowel movements.

  • Urinary disorders: difficult urination, but frequent, sometimes urinary retention.

  • Problems in the intimate sphere (disorders of ejaculation, erection).

  • Purulent discharge may be observed, most often this occurs in advanced cases.

Diagnosis of acute prostatitis. There are focal and diffuse prostatitis, as well as complicated (up to an abscess of nearby tissues and thrombosis of the prostate vessels) and uncomplicated. After examining the patient, the doctor prescribes tests of biological fluids for the presence of PSA antigen (a specific protein for prostatitis), a test for genital infections and ultrasound of the small pelvis. After that, an accurate diagnosis is made.

Treatment of acute prostatitis. Acute prostatitis requires treatment only in a hospital. In very rare cases, outpatient treatment is allowed, but only in the absence of other infectious diseases and complications, at a young age.

Apply modern methods and drugs, which include:

  • antibiotics of a new generation (in the case of a bacterial type of prostatitis);

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (effective use of suppositories);

  • drugs to reduce edema and restore urine outflow (alpha-1-blockers and alpha-reductase blockers);

  • immunomodulators;

  • microclysters with medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile);

  • physiotherapy (ultrasound, ultrasound, magnetotherapy).

For the prevention of prostatitis, proper nutrition, physical activity, regular sex life with a regular partner is important. It is desirable to avoid hypothermia of the pelvic area and the whole organism as a whole.

Taking the necessary measures on time guarantees a complete cure for a patient with acute prostatitis, however, in the absence of adequate treatment, there may be complications. The most common is the transition of the acute stage to the chronic form.

Chronic prostatitis

In men of mature age (up to 55 years), if untreated, chronic prostatitis gives a complication in the form of prostate adenoma. The disease develops gradually, the symptoms are not acute, and this is its danger.

Chronic prostatitis can be caused both by the penetration of microorganisms into the prostate gland, and by other reasons. It can be congestion in the genital area, age-related changes. Often, even after a complete cure for the infection, the prostate is attacked by its own immune system. This can happen in cases where the body of a man is exposed to various risk factors, namely:

  • transferred infections of the reproductive system;

  • weak immunity;

  • sedentary lifestyle;

  • stress;

  • chronic stool problems due to malnutrition;

  • prostate injury;

  • hypothermia;

  • smoking.

Often, untreated acute prostatitis causes the development of chronic. There is also an asymptomatic form, when the presence of pathogenic organisms is not detected, however, the presence of inflammation of the prostate is present.

The symptoms of the chronic form are somewhat different from the acute form. Patient complaints usually include:

  • difficulty urinating;

  • mild pain in the perineum, discomfort;

  • burning sensation, periodic sharp pain in the groin;

  • weakness, nervousness, apathy;

  • decreased libido.

With exacerbations, the already listed symptoms of acute prostatitis occur.

A reliable result in the diagnosis is given by laboratory methods, in particular, analysis of the secretion of the prostate and blood for PSA protein, as well as palpation of the gland.  

Treatment should not be delayed so that the protracted form does not provoke the development of serious complications, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, vesiculitis, inflammation of the testicles and further infertility. Perhaps the development of adenoma or even prostate cancer. The following methods are used for treatment:

  • antibiotics;

  • Physiotherapy;

  • Prostate massage;

  • Proper lifestyle, diet;

  • Surgical interventions (in advanced cases);

  • folk methods.

In order to prevent chronic prostatitis, acute prostatitis should be completely cured, if it has taken place. Do not wear tight underwear, do not overcool. Healthy nutrition and lifestyle, physical education, regular sex life with a regular partner will reduce the chances of getting sick with an unpleasant disease by several times.

Bacterial prostatitis

Forms and types of prostatitis

This type of inflammation of the prostate can be acute and chronic. It is caused, as the name implies, by various microorganisms (E. coli, Klebsiella, enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Patients have symptoms characteristic of acute prostatitis, after medical diagnosis, the presence of inflammation and changes in the secretion of the prostate gland, urine and semen is revealed. The diagnosis is established after laboratory tests.

Bacterial prostatitis is more common in younger men (20 to 40 years old). It is common among other types of prostatitis quite rarely – about 5-10%.

The development of the disease is facilitated by inhibitory factors, namely:

  • lowered immunity;

  • finding the body in extreme conditions (cold, alcohol abuse, stress);

  • low physical activity;

  • smoking;

  • penetration from the body into the tissues of the prostate pathogens in the presence of infection in it or after surgery.

Signs of bacterial prostatitis. Bacterial prostatitis is divided into acute and chronic. In the first case, a number of syndromes are observed:

  • general inflammatory (high temperature, fever and chills, weakness, muscle pain);

  • local inflammatory (pain in the genital area, anus, rectum, perineum);

  • violations in the urogenital area (frequent urination and difficulties with it, cramps, erectile dysfunction, etc.);

  • the presence in urine, blood, prostate secretion of specific changes.

In the chronic form of bacterial prostatitis, the symptoms are less pronounced, but with exacerbations, all of the above signs occur.

Treatment of bacterial prostatitis. A complete cure is possible if all recommendations are followed, adequate adequate treatment is followed, and the disease is not started. The main active agent is antibiotics, which are used on average for 14 days. Your doctor may prescribe fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, lomefloxacin, levofloxacin), penicillins (amoxicillin), and macrolides (clarithromycin).

In addition to antibiotic therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain. In violation of urination, adrenoblockers and alpha-reductase blockers are prescribed. If the patient complains of insomnia, anxiety, antidepressants can be additionally prescribed. Topical treatment is not recommended to avoid spreading the infection inward.

Calculous prostatitis

Calculous prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate caused by the presence of stones in it. This type is quite rare and occurs mainly in older men who have neglected the treatment of chronic prostatitis. The stones consist of inflammatory exudate, prostate secretion, calcium salts and phosphates. Stones in the body can be of two types:

  • Endogenous – arise as a result of stagnant processes in the prostate. These stones are small, up to 5 mm, and often go unnoticed without causing any painful symptoms.

  • Exogenous – the composition resembles stones in the kidneys or bladder. The reason is chronic prostatitis, the presence of prostate adenoma.

Signs of calculous prostatitis are usually pain in the pelvic organs, sacral spine, lower back. They are aggravated by movement, after sexual contact, with prolonged walking and sitting on an uncomfortable surface. There may be drops of blood in the semen. General prostatitis syndromes are also characteristic, such as impaired urination, decreased erection, ejaculation, apathy and irritability.

The doctor diagnoses calculous prostatitis according to the general condition of the patient. General blood and urine tests, prostate secretion, organ palpation, ultrasound, PSA protein analysis are prescribed.

Treatment of calculous prostatitis. Complications of calculous prostatitis can lead to infertility, adenoma, impotence and prostate abscess. To avoid them, timely detection of the disease and treatment are simply necessary.

In the presence of large stones, surgery is likely, but if possible, doctors prefer to do without it. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, physiotherapy are prescribed, as in chronic prostatitis. Prostate massage with calculous prostatitis is excluded, as this can provoke a rupture of the excretory tract and other complications. Folk methods are acceptable as auxiliary ones.

Prevention of the disease is timely examinations by a urologist, healthy nutrition, sports, regular sex life, avoidance of stress, hypothermia, and the fight against bad habits.

congestive prostatitis

Forms and types of prostatitis

This is a chronic form of non-infectious nature. It develops as a result of stagnation of blood in the pelvic area (in violation of the blood circulation of the venous system) or stagnation of the secretion of the prostate gland (as a result of an inferior sexual life).

There are no inflammatory changes in the composition of urine, semen and other biological fluids.

There are two types of congestive prostatitis – non-infectious and infectious, but in both cases the disease develops in the male body gradually and imperceptibly. Symptoms of congestive prostatitis are mild and include:

  • discomfort and pain in the groin, testicles, perineum;

  • problems urinating;

  • temperature increase;

  • general inflammatory syndrome of the body;

  • anxiety, depression;

  • weak orgasm, deterioration of sperm quality.

Congestive prostatitis is diagnosed based on the results of the tests and examination, as well as the results of the study of venous vessels in the small pelvis. If no infection is detected, several groups of medicines are treated:

  • drugs that improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and metabolic processes;

  • hormonal drugs, muscle relaxants;

  • physical procedures;

  • prostate massage;

  • baths and microclysters with medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula);

  • physiotherapy.

Prevention of the disease is very important so that the first stage does not flow into a chronic form, which is fraught with infertility and other complications. It is important to give up bad habits, a healthy and regular intimate life. Some doctors recommend masturbation in the absence of a permanent partner: this helps to cleanse the male body and renew the secretion of the prostate, and prevents congestion.

You should eat right – eat more foods with fiber, lean meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals. Try to drink less alcohol in combination with fatty, smoked, fried foods.

Infectious prostatitis

This is an infectious inflammation of the prostate caused by pathogenic microorganisms, most often Escherichia coli (sometimes other pathogens). There are acute and chronic forms. The general clinical picture of infectious prostatitis is similar to bacterial. The difference between infectious prostatitis and bacterial is that the first is caused by bacteria, and the development of the second (much less often) can be provoked by other pathogens, for example, fungi, protozoa.

It occurs more often in young men (from 20 to 40 years). It is common among other types of prostatitis quite rarely (5-10% of all cases).

The causes of the disease are both general (weak immunity, colds, unhealthy lifestyle and other types of risk), and the direct penetration of pathogens into the prostate (from outside or from other organs in which the infection is detected).

Diagnosis is described in the sections “Acute prostatitis” and “Bacterial prostatitis”. Treatment – antibacterial drugs in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to reduce edema and restore urine outflow, immunocorrectors and auxiliary methods (folk, microclysters, physiotherapy).

It is imperative to treat infectious prostatitis, since its acute form can smoothly flow into a chronic one, and from here it is not far to infertility, prostate adenoma, stagnation in the genitals, oncology or infertility. The timely destruction of the causative agent of the infection guarantees the complete cure of the man from this insidious disease.

Purulent prostatitis

Forms and types of prostatitis

One of the severe forms of acute infectious prostatitis is its purulent form. The main symptom for making a diagnosis is the discharge of pus from the urogenital opening and the patient’s high temperature.

There are several types of purulent prostatitis:

  • Catarrhal – occurs in conjunction with SARS, tonsillitis, influenza with weakened immunity. Symptoms are mild, mostly in the form of pain and frequent urination (signs resemble cystitis). Timely start of treatment guarantees a positive effect in just a week.

  • Follicular is the second stage of catarrhal prostatitis. It is characterized by the release of pus into the prostate, pain and high fever. Treatment lasts longer, but the effect in most cases is positive.

  • Parenchymal – a more severe form of purulent prostatitis. Here the patient has a high temperature, severe pain, pus discharge. Treatment gives a positive result, but longer.

  • An abscess is an abscess of the prostate tissue. The patient has a fever (up to 39 ° C), sharp pains, a large amount of pus. Treatment should begin immediately, otherwise this stage can lead to serious complications.

Treatment of all stages of purulent prostatitis includes taking antibiotics and concomitant medications to reduce inflammation. Physiotherapy, alternative methods using herbs with anti-inflammatory effects are possible.

At all stages and with all types of prostatitis, in the first place, it is best to deal with the prevention of the disease than to treat it, despite positive forecasts. A healthy lifestyle, sports and the absence of bad habits will bring only advantages, excellent health and a long active life.

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