Formic acid (E236)

Many have heard about the so-called formic acid, but few people know that there is a synthetic additive based on it, which is marked with the symbol E236 in the European classifier of food additives.

Formic acid is an excellent preservative, which, despite being produced chemically, is beneficial for the human body. There are, of course, some dangers in its use, but they are so insignificant that they do not make this substance forbidden to be eaten.

Description of formic acid, physical and chemical properties

In nature, this substance is found in the secretions of insects, especially bees and red ants, in fact, which is why it got its name. It is also found in needles, nettles and some fruits.

For the first time, the healing properties of formic acid interested scientists around the seventeenth century. The English naturalist biologist John Ray conducted a series of experiments to extract this substance from red ants. Although the experiments were far from humane, because for this it was necessary to act on living individuals with hot steam, they ended in success. As a result of subsequent condensation, an acidic substance was obtained, which was called formic acid.

Later, already in the middle of the nineteenth century, the French chemist Joseph Gay Lussac synthesized this product from hydrocyanic acid, and Marcellin Berthelot obtained it from carbon monoxide, whose experience is still used to obtain formic acid under modern conditions.

In appearance, this substance resembles a clear, colorless liquid with a sharp characteristic odor and a sour taste. Formic acid is highly soluble in water, ethyl alcohol, benzene, ether and acetone. It is highly flammable and extremely explosive, also highly corrosive.

Food additive E236 has a molecular formula in the form of CH2O2. And its structural formula can be represented as: HCOOH.

Other names for this substance include: E236, methanoic acid, Methanoic acid, Formic acid. In French, its name sounds like: Acile formique or Acide methanoique, in German – d-Carbonsaure or Ameisensaure.

Formic acid belongs to the group of preservatives. Such a substance is naturally formed from methyl alcohol, which enters the human body through the skin or respiratory tract. However, this number is very small.

This nutritional supplement is obtained by various methods. The first method is used mainly for the production of acid used for technical purposes. About thirty-five percent of the total amount of the additive is obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of formamide.

And for the food industry, the synthesis process proceeds in two stages. To do this, sodium hydroxide or caustic soda is heated to a temperature of 1300 degrees Celsius and passed through carbon monoxide, thus obtaining the sodium salt of formic acid, in other words, sodium formate. The resulting product is decomposed with sulfuric acid and, in the process of distillation in a vacuum unit, a ready-made substance is obtained. This method is used in industry to a greater extent than the previous one.

Formic acid is the most saturated carboxylic monobasic acid, which in a highly concentrated form can dissolve such resistant polymers as nylon or nylon.

The main manufacturers of food additive E236

The main suppliers of formic acid on an industrial scale are the Germans. Their concern BASF has about eighty production sites in different countries of the world.

The Chinese are practically breathing down their backs: the Jinzhou Lv Zhiyuan Fertilizer Factory corporation has its own chemical plant equipped with five production lines.

In the Russian Federation, the production of the E236 additive is carried out by the Component-Reaktiv company, located in Moscow and possessing the international Golden Arch award, which is awarded for the high quality of its products.

And the industrial enterprise “Khimreaktiv” is one of the leading suppliers of a technical product in the world market.

This acid is considered a high-risk product, therefore, its packaging is subject to high requirements. Suitable for this:

  • plastic cans, 35 kg;
  • 250 kg barrels;
  • IBC-containers, with a capacity of 1200 kg;
  • aluminum or steel barrels;
  • glass bottles.

Containers must be hermetically sealed and include additional gaskets that are resistant to formic acid.

The glass containers are closed with corks, wrapped with plastic wrap and tightly tied.

Many different markings are applied to the packaging: flammable liquids – flammable liquids, EK – caustic corrosive substances and, accordingly, E236 – formic acid.

The use of food preservative E236

Since ancient times, formic acid has been famous for its antibacterial properties, used as an antiseptic and prevented the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Thanks to all these qualities, it is valued in modern life. Such a food additive is actively used in many spheres of life and industrial sectors.

In the food industry, it is used for:

  • production of fish marinades;
  • disinfection of beer and wine barrels;
  • breakdown of sugars in the production of artificial honey;
  • preservation of vegetables and fruits;
  • production of fruit juices.

Such a substance is used both as an independent ingredient and in combination with other products, which are most often benzoic acid and its benzoates.

In the medical industry, the food additive E236 is actively used for:

  • treatment of various neuralgic pains, myositis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, where its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties are involved;
  • treatment and prevention of fungal infections, varicose veins, bruises;
  • local anesthesia;
  • manufacture of anti-pediculosis disinfectants.

Cosmetology also did not bypass this substance. In this industry, it is used:

  • to combat acne;
  • in the manufacture of drugs to stimulate hair growth;
  • as one of the components of a tanning cream in a solarium, however, such a product has a significant number of contraindications.

Formic acid is also used in other industries:

  • household chemicals – for the manufacture of anti-rust and limescale products;
  • beekeeping – with its help they fight mites that are unsafe for bees;
  • agriculture – to preserve the useful properties of fodder crops harvested for the winter;
  • fur and leather industry – to give a uniform color to raw materials, elasticity and clean them from dirt.

The technical product is often used as an anti-icing agent, an antifreeze additive. With its help, oxidation is removed from copper alloys, and cleaning equipment for painting at service stations.

The use of formic acid as a food additive is allowed in the Russian Federation, but in European countries it can only be used for cosmetic purposes. In America, chemical flavors are made on its basis, which are also used in the food industry.

Useful and harmful properties of formic acid

As mentioned above, formic acid is a product of increased danger, but it is harmful only when used in concentrated form. A ten percent aqueous solution of such a substance was awarded the third hazard class.

The maximum daily dose for an adult is 3 mg per kilogram of body weight. Such a substance is completely absorbed in the body and excreted through the urinary system.

In the environment, formic acid is biodegradable, which means it does not harm the environment.

In addition, it helps to improve the process of blood clotting and dilate blood vessels.

But the concentrated substance is considered one of the most dangerous. Inhalation of its vapors in high concentrations can provoke:

  • eye damage, sometimes leading to blindness;
  • pathology of the respiratory tract, even pulmonary edema;
  • various allergic reactions.

Contact with such an acid on the skin causes severe chemical burns. In this case, the lesion should in no case be washed with water, only with a soda solution or a solution of ammonia.

Instead of conclusions

Formic acid is a synthetically derived food additive that is in great demand in many industries: cosmetology, medicine, food industry and others. In small doses, it is an excellent medicine with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Due to this, it is used as a preservative in food processing. However, in high concentrations, this is the most dangerous carboxylic acid, which can provoke the occurrence of various pathologies of the respiratory tract and lead to other negative consequences.

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  1. Vajag faktus par skudrskābi

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