Formatting margins and page orientation in Excel

If you’re not happy with the default page orientation or margins in Excel, you can always change them. Microsoft Excel will allow you to set both portrait and landscape orientation, as well as adjust the size of the fields in accordance with your wishes. How to do this, we will analyze in this lesson.

Many of the commands used in Excel to prepare a workbook for printing and exporting to PDF can be found on the tab Page layout. These commands allow you to control the display of your data when printing, including page orientation and margin sizes. Commands such as print headers и Breaks, allow you to make your book more readable.

Layout Mode

Before making changes to the markup, you can view the book in the Page layoutto visualize what the result will look like.

  • To switch to layout mode, find and press the command Page layout in the lower right corner of the book.

Page Orientation in Excel

Excel has two page orientation options: Landscape и Book. In landscape orientation, the page is laid out horizontally, and in portrait orientation, it is placed vertically. The portrait view is useful for sheets with many rows, while the landscape view is best for sheets with many columns. Regarding the example below, portrait orientation is more suitable here, since the sheet includes more rows than columns.

Formatting margins and page orientation in Excel

How to change page orientation in Excel

  1. Click the Page layout on the tape.
  2. Choose a team Orientationand then from the drop down menu option Book or Landscape.Formatting margins and page orientation in Excel
  3. The page orientation will be changed.

Field Formatting

The margin is the space between the content and the edge of the printed sheet. By default, the field sizes in each Excel workbook are equal to the preset value Normal. Sometimes you may want to adjust the size of the fields so that the data is laid out as comfortably as possible. Excel includes several preset field sizes.

  1. Click the Page layout and select the command fields.
  2. Select the appropriate margin size option from the drop-down menu. As an example, we will choose Narrow fieldsto fit as much data as possible.Formatting margins and page orientation in Excel
  3. The fields will be resized according to the selected option.

Custom fields

Excel also allows you to set custom field sizes.

  1. On the Advanced tab Page layout press command fields, and then from the drop-down menu select Custom fields.Formatting margins and page orientation in Excel
  2. A dialog box will appear Page settings.
  3. Enter the required values ​​for each field, then click OK.Formatting margins and page orientation in Excel
  4. The margins of the document will change.

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