The film «The Mind of Man»

Character is ingrained habits.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A person begins to acquire character traits already as a child — but at first unconsciously. Children form their own character, choosing from infancy the means of influencing their parents. Parents shape the character of their children by reinforcing certain behaviors. As a rule — unconsciously reinforcing. At an older age, the acquisition and renewal of character traits can occur both consciously and not.

A person begins to acquire character traits already as a child — but at first unconsciously.

Children form their own character, choosing from infancy the means of influencing their parents.

One thing can affect a mother, another can affect a grandmother. Dad, for example, can only be affected by a desperate cry, such that a grandmother will come running and explain to dad what kind of person he is. The child selects these instruments for specific parents, and picking them up, plays them like clockwork. Have you noticed that children usually have different characters: one with mom, another with grandmother, and a third with dad. The character of the child is his way of influencing you personally. Children are smart and quick-witted, they methodically select what works for you personally.

Parents shape the character of their children by reinforcing certain behaviors. As a rule — unconsciously reinforcing.

A brilliant situation with a minibus — a mother is traveling with a child. It’s boring for a child to go, all the more so we don’t go at all, but stand in a traffic jam, and he begins to entertain himself — he taps his fingers on the glass. To which he receives a strict shout: “Do not touch the dirty!”. The child, thinking, begins to knock on the wheel with his legs. «Sit still!» Mom snaps again. The child is trying to get off and climb back into the chair. In response, «Now you get it!». The child sits down and is afraid for some time. But later, boredom takes its toll, and he begins to whine softly. Mom immediately kindly asks to be patient, because we will soon get there and not cry in any case. The child is silent again. Tries to get off — a strict response. Starts whining — attention and affection. In less than five minutes, the child was yelling at the whole minibus for a completely incomprehensible reason, and the mother tried by all means to persuade the child to be silent. So a character trait was formed: if you want to achieve something, scream and cry.

It is possible to educate strong and conscious personalities only in close contact with real obstacles and challenges: Character is formed in a collision.

The developing character of the child is influenced not only by the parents, but also by all his environment. It is especially interesting that parents can largely control this environment.

Dear parents, be careful: choosing this or that sport for your children, you choose their character and destiny. Skiing for long distances — in this sport a loner is formed, who knows how, through tension, on one will, to move towards the goal, which he always looks at a little frowningly. Swimming — less will, more technique and the ability to enjoy life. Tennis is a feeling of a couple, the ability to build tactics, not be afraid to lose and be able to deliver accurate strong blows. Football is a feeling of a team, the ability to catch the excitement and kick backhand, throwing all your aggression into the blow!↑

At an older age, the acquisition and renewal of character traits can occur both consciously and unconsciously.

Unconsciously, it happens in the same way as in childhood — here I shouted — they gave me — I learned to swear and get angry.

Consciously, character traits are usually copied. I saw how others act (I read it, invented it — options are possible here) — I copied it. Started doing the same.

Often already an adult person throws off responsibility from himself to his character — well, this is me — you understand? This is my character … See The Theory of Social Psychoanalysis of Emotions

An educated person is stronger than his character and can form his own character. The psychopath has no control over his character.

Can you change your character?

Yes, of course you can. Most character traits are learned, habitual emotions. Often afraid — got an insecure person. Often in a rage — they got a person with an unrestrained character. But what has been learned can always be relearned. See →

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