Formation of a tomato in one stem

Often on the beds you can see very bare bushes of tomatoes, on which there are practically no leaves, but at the same time a huge number of tomatoes flaunt. What’s the matter? Why do gardeners so “ruthlessly peel off” tomatoes? But the reason for this is not at all a hatred of plants, but, on the contrary, in an effort to help the vegetable crop bear fruit in large volumes with minimal energy consumption. This “denudation” is the result of the formation of a bush, in which the side stepchildren and lower leaves are removed. The formation of tomatoes in one stem is the most commonly used crop growing scheme. It is suitable for tall, medium and even stem tomatoes. We will talk about how to properly perform such a formation without harming the plants, and we will talk below in the article below.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Why form plants

Many gardeners, growing tomatoes for the first time, do not even think about the need to control plant growth and form tomato bushes. As a result, they get lush, fairly beautiful bushes with a small amount of tomatoes on the branches, which are still green by the end of the season. How does it happen? Why, subject to all the rules of watering and fertilizing, it is not possible to get a good harvest of vegetables?

And the thing is that plants spent their energy throughout the growing season not on the formation of flowering brushes, ripening and pouring tomatoes, but on building greenery in the form of stepchildren and leaves. As a result of such an incorrect redistribution of nutrients and moisture, the farmer receives a low yield, but just a beautiful plant in the garden.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

To prevent such a situation, farmers have developed a method for the formation of tomato bushes. It involves pinching, pinching and removing some leaves. Depending on the agrotechnical characteristics of the plant, farmers use the methods of forming into one, two or three main stems. At the same time, the formation of tomato bushes in one stem is an excellent technology for both tall indeterminate and low-growing determinant varieties of tomato.

The technology for the formation of tomato bushes allows you to improve the process of growing crops, namely:

  • increase the yield of vegetables, make them larger, poured;
  • speed up the harvesting process;
  • accelerate the process of fruit ripening with the onset of the autumn period;
  • correctly redistribute the load on the bush from the resulting greens and vegetables;
  • make plantings less dense, thereby preventing the development of viral and fungal diseases, improving air circulation;
  • facilitate the care of plants;
  • extend the fruiting period of tomatoes with limited growth.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Thus, a simple procedure for the formation of bushes allows the plant to develop correctly, giving all its strength to increase productivity. However, one should not thoughtlessly break off stepchildren and leaves on tomato bushes, because the process of plant formation should be gradual, methodical. It must be carried out with knowledge of the matter and compliance with certain rules.

Basic principles for the formation of tomatoes in one stem

It is necessary to start the process of forming tomatoes 1-2 weeks after the plants have been planted in the ground. Plants are formed in the greenhouse and on the open ground, following the same rules, adhering to the same principles.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

The basis of the formation of tomatoes is the technology of removing stepchildren. Stepsons are called shoots that form in the axils of tomato leaves. On seedlings of tomatoes, stepchildren are unlikely to be seen, since these shoots, as a rule, develop only after the formation of 5-6 true leaves. Tomatoes are especially active in growing side shoots with a sufficient amount of moisture and micronutrients in the soil. Plants from the root to stepchildren transfer a large amount of nutrients, thereby taking away resources from the fruits formed on the main stem. That is why gardeners try to remove stepchildren at an early stage of their development.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

The situation with tomato leaves is about the same. Nutrients rise from the root along the stem of the plant, which are used up, among other things, to ensure the vital activity of the leaves. To save energy, the lower leaves of tomatoes can be removed during the formation of a bush. At the same time, the leaves at the top of the tomato plant should always be preserved. They are a kind of pump for raising nutrients from the root up the trunk.

Pinching the top of the plant is recommended at the end of the growing season to accelerate the ripening of existing fruits. After pinching, the plant stops its growth, but at the same time seeks to form as many stepchildren as possible. They must be removed regularly to redirect nutrients to the fruits of the plant.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Schemes for the formation of tomatoes in one stem

In practice, farmers use two different methods of forming tomatoes into one stem: classic and stepped. The classic method of forming tomatoes in one stem is used when growing indeterminate tomatoes in a greenhouse and on open ground. Stepwise formation of tomatoes is suitable for indeterminate and determinate plants. When used for tall bushes, the method allows to reduce the length of the shoot without reducing the duration of fruiting. For low-growing determinant tomatoes, including standard varieties, the technology allows to significantly extend the period of fruiting after independent topping of the main shoot.

Attention! The step formation method is often used for determinant tomato varieties in a greenhouse, where favorable conditions for fruiting persist until mid-autumn.

Classic scheme

The classic scheme for the formation of tomatoes in 1 stalk is only suitable for indeterminate tall tomatoes. More often it is used in a greenhouse, where it is convenient to tie plants to the frame of a stationary structure.

To implement the technology, it is necessary to remove all the resulting lateral stepchildren at an early stage of growing a crop. This is done at a time when the length of the side shoot is a little more than 5 cm. Such a shoot has already developed leaves and is easy to distinguish from the fruiting brush of the plant. When all side shoots are removed, only one main stem develops, on which inflorescences will form, and subsequently the fruits themselves.

Removal of the lower tomato leaves must be carried out in parallel with pinching. Only the lower leaves should be removed, in the axils of which there are no fruiting brushes. 3 sheets can be deleted at once, but no more.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Advice! Pasynkovanie and removal of the lower leaves must be carried out at least 1 time in 10 days.

In this case, only one main fruiting shoot will actively grow. Closer to autumn, it must be pinched in order to speed up the ripening process of the vegetables on the trunk. Pinching consists in removing the upper part of the stem so that 2-3 leaves without inflorescences remain at the top of the plant above the extreme fruiting brush. This will keep the circulation of nutrients in the stem of the plant.

How to properly pinch the main stem of indeterminate tomatoes is shown in detail in the video:


How to pinch the main stem of tomatoes in a greenhouse. Growing tomatoes.

It is convenient to tie up tall tomatoes formed into one stem in a greenhouse with twine. It is a kind of movable trellis. At a time when the height of the shoots reaches the ceiling of the greenhouse, the ropes can be lowered, providing additional space for the growth of the tomato. A diagram of such a garter can be seen below.

When forming indeterminate tomatoes into one stem, you can also tie the main long shoot to vertical supports located along the greenhouse ceiling. Some growers offer the stem of the plant to bend down to grow back when it reaches a height equal to the height of the greenhouse ceiling.

As a result of the formation of a tomato bush in one stem, you can get the same bare plant stems with a large number of tomatoes. The yield of such tomatoes is very high and will surely please even an experienced gardener.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Scheme with partial abandonment of stepchildren

Stepchildren on tomatoes can also perform a very specific task. On them, as well as on the main stem, ovaries are formed, which can contribute to an increase in crop yield. Some gardeners use this property, leaving several stepchildren on tomatoes until the first ovaries appear. After that, the stepchildren are pinched so that they do not build up excess green mass and do not consume the valuable energy of indeterminate tomatoes. The scheme for the formation of plants in one stem with partial leaving of stepchildren is shown below in figure “B”. Figure “A” for comparison shows the classic scheme for the formation of a tomato bush in one stem.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Important! This bush formation is used only for indeterminate tomatoes. One of its advantages is some slowdown in the growth of the main shoot.

Scheme of step formation

The stepped formation of a tomato allows you to solve the problem of tying up the long main shoot of an indeterminate bush. With a stepwise formation, farmers repeatedly use pinching. So, tall bushes are formed according to the classical principle described above. However, approximately in the middle of the main trunk, one of the strongest lateral shoots (stepson) is left. It develops and grows parallel to the main stem, but as soon as the fruits appear on it, the main long shoot is pinched. It is worth noting that caring for such an escape is similar to caring for the main stem. It also needs to be pinched and the lower leaves removed on its surface.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

If the growth of the left shoot is active and until the end of the growing season its height is expected to exceed the height of the ceiling in the greenhouse, then the operation to leave the side stepson can be repeated. Only this time the stepson should be left on the new main shoot. Conventionally, such a scheme is shown below in the picture.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Important! The stepwise method of forming tall tomatoes with unlimited growth is convenient to use on open ground, where the height of the support is limited.

With the help of such a scheme, it is possible not only to reduce the length of the main shoot of an indeterminate tomato, but also to extend the fruiting period of determinant plants. Their peculiarity lies in the ability to independently manage, limiting their growth. So, depending on the variety, the plant can form from 6 to 9 flowering brushes on one shoot. In order to increase the volume of fruiting, they use the method of stepwise formation of a bush into one stem. At the same time, all stepchildren are also removed except for one. The main fruit-bearing stem can be pinched off or left to grow on its own. After the formation of fruits on an additional shoot, one more stepson should be left. This scheme allows you to repeatedly increase the number of tomatoes on undersized and medium-sized tomatoes. The technology is especially relevant when growing determinant tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, where favorable conditions for fruiting remain for a long period of time.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

Important! Using the scheme of stepwise formation, it is possible to increase the yield of undersized crop varieties to the indicators of indeterminate varieties.

Thus, when purchasing tomato seeds, it is necessary to pay attention to the agrotechnical properties of the variety and evaluate its tallness. After all, it is from this criterion that the care of plants and the method of forming their bushes will depend.

When shaping tomatoes, you need to remember!

The formation of a bush must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. So, it is best to remove the stepchildren and leaves of the plant in the morning, when there is an increased filling of the vegetative organs. At the same time, during the daytime, the resulting wounds will heal and will not allow harmful microorganisms to penetrate into the trunk. This is especially true when pinching bushes in the second half of summer and autumn, as well as during cold snaps and rains, when there is a threat of late blight infection.

Formation of a tomato in one stem

When pinching, it is important to leave a small part of the shoot in the axil of the leaf. This will prevent the formation of a new side shoot in this place. The size of the left hemp can be 1-3 cm.

When removing leaves and stepchildren, special care must be taken so as not to damage the delicate skin of the tomato. To do this, experienced gardeners are advised not to break out excess greenery, but to remove it with scissors or a blade. The tools used should be disinfected, for example, with a manganese solution. This will prevent the spread of a possible infection between plants. The same measure to prevent the spread of infection should be provided when breaking out the shoots by hand. It is recommended to do this with gloves, which, when moving from one plant to another, must be treated with potassium permanganate.

Formation of a tomato in one stem


Compliance with such simple recommendations for working with tomatoes will allow you to properly form the bushes without harming them and without infecting them with infectious diseases. In general, care for tomatoes under any growing conditions should consist not only of fertilizing and watering, but also of the formation of bushes. By removing unnecessary greens, you can correctly redistribute the flow of nutrients and moisture in the plant stem, thereby increasing productivity and facilitating the fruiting process for the crop. The method of forming into one stem can be used for tomatoes with different agrotechnical characteristics. In this case, the technique will act differently, but in each case it will only help improve the process of plant vegetation.

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