Formation and maintenance of a moral and psychological climate in the team

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers of Valery Kharamov’s blog! The moral and psychological climate in the team is a very important component of the process, on which both the efficiency of the work of each employee and the success of the company as a whole depend.

Why is it needed?

A favorable microclimate makes it possible to feel the value of both your work (and, accordingly, your personality) and the enterprise itself. And as a result, there is respect for the leader, recognition of his managerial skills and a desire to cooperate with him, and not compete or sabotage the process. The general friendly atmosphere will be noticed by customers. The number of which will begin to grow thanks to the most effective way of advertising — word of mouth.

The main task of both small firms and large corporations is to create a comfortable working environment, devoid of tension, anger or fear. It is in such conditions that employees will be able to show their skills, jointly make important decisions and look for ways to overcome difficulties. Because they have one goal — to promote their company.

Signs of a low level of psychological climate

Employee Relations

  • Employees are overly demanding and do not forgive mistakes, even the smallest ones, reminding them of them at every opportunity.
  • Lack of trust, against the background of which colleagues do not seek advice or support from each other, even realizing that they have more experience and knowledge. The fear of rejection is so dominant that it is easier for a person to endure criticism from superiors for a defective work result than to live in horror that employees will consider them incompetent in their industry. As for the opportunity to talk about your personal problems and difficulties, there can even be no question. Although there are such individuals who are not aware of their boundaries, therefore they are able to “dump out” the most intimate even to casual passers-by.
  • Inability to express one’s opinion at meetings and other gatherings. It’s easier to sit back and keep silent, because the criticism that follows the manifestation of the initiative can be excessive, or even punishable.
  • Internal omissions lead to the fact that members of the group have insufficient information about the affairs of their company. I mean, their communication is broken. Why the transmission of material about completed tasks or unexpected difficulties occurs with failures. Or absent altogether, if someone wants to harm both the company and the colleague.

Relationship with the company

Formation and maintenance of a moral and psychological climate in the team

  • Members of the group are not able to take responsibility, both for what is happening in it, and for the state of affairs of the company itself in the market.
  • Dissatisfaction with the place of work, the desire to quit as soon as possible and not see anyone else. In the mornings, living powerlessness, and all due to the fact that a large amount of energy is spent on holding tension. Why, by the way, not only the general emotional state, but also health can worsen.

Personal life of employees

  • Difficulties in personal life. The fact that during working hours you have to cope with a mass of negative feelings has a devastating effect on a person’s life outside the professional space.
  • Difficulties with self-esteem. Due to the lack of a feeling that I am in my place, that the environment accepts and recognizes me, a person may well take personally the fact that the relationship did not work out, which is why her self-esteem will rapidly fall.

These factors and signs, by the way, may well lead to depression, especially in men for whom self-expression and professional stability usually come first.

Work strategies

Preventive Methods

  • It is important to take into account the psychological characteristics of each person when applying for a job. Therefore, if during the interview some moments alerted you, think carefully about whether it is worth letting such a person into your company then. Objectively evaluate all the consequences of the manifestation of her character, no matter how professional in her field or a close relative she may be.
  • Certification of employees should be carried out periodically, especially those who have even a minimal number of people in their subordination.
  • Strict control of the number of employees and vacancies. If there is a shortage, part of the responsibilities has to be distributed among all members of the group, or shouldered by one person. And this always threatens with the emergence of anger and irritation, which not everyone has the opportunity to show, which causes a tense atmosphere. And when there are extra workers, then conflicts will be inevitable between them against the backdrop of competition and clarification of which of them is the most important and valuable.
  • In submission to one leader, you should not give more than 6-7 people, otherwise he will not be able to keep track of everyone, and also notice the brewing of the conflict.
  • You already know about the value of boundaries from the article about personal space. With their help, the image of another person becomes clearer, what he loves or does not accept, how you can behave with him, and how it’s better not to, and so on. The same is true in the work process, if people do not understand what values ​​exist in their company, norms, traditions, plans and attitudes, they may experience anxiety, which will provoke conflicts and feelings of dissatisfaction. Therefore, the formation of a healthy atmosphere must begin with the definition of the boundaries of the company.

Conflict situations

They are inevitable, because people are different, with different opinions, life and professional experience, mood and general well-being are in a single process and space. Are you fighting with your family members?

This means that you have noticed a difference in something, and do not yet know how to deal with it. It is not the conflict itself that is terrible, but what it «poured out», especially if it is hidden.

Measures to improve the climate

Formation and maintenance of a moral and psychological climate in the team

Organize a vacation togetherand not only on official holidays. This will not only improve the microclimate, but will also help bring all group members closer together, and possibly create more informal relationships.

A collective celebration will help relieve unnecessary tension, improve the emotional state, perhaps clarify some of the nuances and difficulties in relationships, as well as create common impressions and memories, returning to which over time, employees will feel closeness and solidarity. The main thing is that they are positive.

And do not force to attend such events, it can cause a storm of anger. Over time, they themselves will join, as there will be a desire to participate in the general discussion and celebration.

Trainings. Often, in various corporations, it is practiced to attract coaches and psychologists in order to create a harmonious atmosphere in which there will be a desire to work and give all the best. Some trainings allow you to achieve not only professional, but also personal growth. They allow, for example, to raise your self-esteem, learn how to make decisions, cope with tension and aggression, as well as improve your communication skills.


  1. Highlight informal leaders, give them more power and encouragement, because it is they who are trusted by the team, it is their opinion that they will support, and seek help in case of difficulties. Therefore, if the unspoken leader respects and appreciates you, then by cooperating with him, you can be sure that everyone else will share his opinion, with the exception of special instances. And to become the most chosen group, see an article about ways to cultivate leadership qualities in yourself.
  2. See this article for conflict resolution.
  3. If you managed to build relationships with employees, do not forget about such a nuance as maintaining the created atmosphere in the group. As the saying goes: «To break is not to build.» So try not to devalue and nullify all efforts. Literally one miss at first will be enough for everything to come back. If you have changed the approach to colleagues and the work process, then no matter how provoked you are to return to a more familiar system, do not give in. Criticism and punishment must be fair so that no one can doubt your competence. Check out the rules and guidelines listed here.
  4. Show by your own example how to talk with colleagues, support and help. If you are a leader, then prove that you trust your subordinates. Try to relax control, give a more serious task and provide an opportunity to show your abilities by asking for advice in resolving some difficult issue.
  5. Managers are not gods, no matter how geniuses they may be, which is why they may well make mistakes. It is important to only be able to apologize to subordinates, this will not make you weak, but on the contrary, it will strengthen your authority and show that you are also a living person. Learn, if you do not know how, to make concessions and seek compromises with people, even those of lower rank.
  6. Choose a leadership style depending on the situation and environment. If you are authoritarian, then at the moment when the situation in the team reaches its peak, you risk receiving a lot of resignations, or, in extreme cases, set-ups, slander, and so on. Look at the model that scientists have developed, just for the purpose of learning how to determine when and how to behave.


Creating a favorable atmosphere in the team is not an easy process, but definitely worth it to make every effort. So try it and you will succeed!

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