Format Painter – Easy Way to Copy Formatting in Excel

Team Format Painter (Format Painter) makes it easy to copy the formatting of a selection in Excel and transfer it to another selection. With just a few clicks, you can copy formatting details such as font, alignment, font size, borders, background color and transfer them to one or more other cells.

On any Excel sheet, select the cell with the formatting you would like to copy. Then on the tab Home (Home) select a team Format Painter (Format according to the sample). You will see dotted lines around the selected cell:

A small paintbrush will also appear near the mouse pointer – this indicates that the format was successfully copied into memory. Now just click on the cell to which you want to apply the copied format:

Ready! The selected cell will instantly change, and the mouse pointer will return to its usual form.

If by tool icon Format Painter (Format by sample) double-click, then the copied format can be applied several times already. In addition, you can apply formatting immediately to a group of cells in Excel by simply dragging a selection across the entire group. When you’re done, click on the command icon Format Painter (Format Painter) again to turn it off, or press Esc.

Tool Format Painter (Pattern Format) is simple and very useful. It will save you a lot of time when you are working on creating spreadsheets in Excel with complex formatting.

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