Menopause changes every woman’s life. The hormonal background is changing, the appearance is changing, only the woman herself does not change: she always wants to remain attractive, to be loved, to live in harmony with the world and with herself. How to cope with the negative manifestations of menopause, especially if they are aggravated by stress?
Hormonal changes in the body, alas, do not contribute to harmony and tranquility. With the onset of menopause, even the most ardent optimists become depressed, and the character of gentle loving wives suddenly deteriorates sharply. Many women find it difficult to accept the changes taking place in the body, menopause becomes a serious test for relationships with a partner and close family members.
Is it possible to avoid emotional breakdowns during menopause, to go through this period easily and beautifully, without losing health and external attractiveness? The key to solving these problems is not as difficult to find as it seems.
Menopause is usually accompanied by nervousness and sleep disturbances, leading to constant fatigue and increased irritability.
These problems do not arise in a vacuum. Due to the release of the stress hormone cortisol and a decrease in the production of estrogen hormones, the emotional mood worsens in the first place, the so-called mood swings appear, and the changing hormonal background is to blame.
Dramatic events in the world have also joined the unpleasant manifestations of menopause, which cause serious stress from the continuous flow of conflicting information, anxiety for one’s future. All this increases nervousness and the manifestation of menopausal symptoms: pressure jumps, hot flashes become more frequent, there is a constant feeling of fatigue and burnout.
In such a situation, it is important to pay close attention to your well-being and feelings, to understand that such a state is largely due to the changing hormonal background, to try to stop the flow of negative thoughts and focus on taking care of your health, to tune in to improve your condition and bring yourself into shape. There are three important steps to help you do this.
1. Physical recovery
First of all, reconsider your daily routine, exercise should become a part of your life — nothing helps to improve well-being and good sleep like light sports and walking in the fresh air.
A decrease in estrogen production in the body and an age-related decrease in metabolism contribute to the accumulation of adipose tissue, which affects both self-esteem and relationships in a couple. In addition, excess weight becomes a serious health problem: it weakens the immune system, increases the manifestations of menopause, and contributes to the development of many diseases. So weight with age must be kept under control.
To lose extra pounds will help proper nutrition, sufficient intake of vitamins, and, of course, physical activity.
Slowly and carefully (this is important!) bring physical activity back into your life. Feel free to exercise outdoors. In addition to supporting immunity, it will also become psychological support, because there will be people around you with the same problems who are also striving to solve them.
But physical activity and proper nutrition alone are not enough to cope with menopause and take care of your figure. In this difficult period, the body needs the right support from the inside — this is another important step to preserve beauty and take care of your health.
2. Competent support of the body from the inside
Significantly alleviate the symptoms of menopause, normalize sleep and mood will help safe herbal substances from medicinal plants — phytoestrogens. In their action and composition, they have the properties of female hormones estrogens and, in fact, make up for their lack in the body, restore hormonal balance, but do not have harmful side effects, unlike the heavy artillery of hormone replacement therapy.
As a result of their use, the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and bouts of sweating decrease, blood pressure normalizes, general well-being and mood improve, a feeling of comfort and harmony returns, and weight stabilizes. In addition, phytoestrogens have a pronounced anti-age effect, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: it becomes fresher, toned and elastic.
You can find phytoestrogens in biocomplexes specially designed for women.
Particularly noteworthy are those that contain several types of phytoestrogens, as a rule, they are more effective. And even better, if the biocomplex, in addition to phytoestrogens, contains vitamins and minerals needed during menopause, and special plant components that normalize weight and also help improve intimate relationships (yes, these also exist).
For example, biocomplex
The biocomplex also contains another important plant component — Peruvian maca root extract. This is a well-known remedy that has been used for centuries in the Peruvian Andes to improve women’s health and prolong youth. Maca helps to moisturize the mucous membrane of the intimate area, restores libido, enhances sensuality and sexuality, relieves fatigue, and normalizes hormonal levels.
This effect of the drug helps many women improve their sex life, because one of the most unpleasant manifestations of menopause is dryness of the mucosa, which causes discomfort during intimate relationships and makes many refuse sex.
It is important to understand that it is not worth putting an end to sex even with age, because it promotes the natural production of estrogen hormones and thereby prolongs youth, relieves stress and improves well-being, is an integral component of harmonious relationships in a couple.
The synergistic effect of phytoestrogens, vitamins, minerals, as well as useful extracts gives a fairly pronounced effect: it alleviates the symptoms of menopause, transforms a woman, returns energy, vitality and activity, helps to look younger, slimmer, more attractive. In addition, biocomplex
Therefore, it is definitely worth trying and wisely using the support that modern pharmaceuticals offer, because now you can completely live without menopause symptoms and even strengthen your body, which is especially important during a period of worries and stress.
3. Appearance care
No matter what happens in your life, no matter how bad your mood from new wrinkles or gray hair, do not give up in caring for your own appearance. Properly selected stylish clothes, make-up, fashionable haircuts always do their job — they increase mood and self-esteem, attract attention, because even at the age of a well-groomed woman is always pleasant, interesting and desirable.
This is the third, no less important step to be in shape and feel confident. And it’s not in vain that many consider menopause a second youth, since at this time a woman is really more free and happy, she can devote time to herself: do what brings pleasure, find new hobbies and hobbies, communicate, travel, engage in creativity.
Never give up! With proper support of the body, it is quite possible to remain healthy, active and attractive at any age.