Forged fences and gates: welded, combined, sketches, 65 photos

The fence of a personal plot should be reliable, durable, vandal-resistant, and even beautiful. There are few materials that meet all these requirements. One of them is metal. Metal fences are perhaps the most common, and the most beautiful of them are wrought iron fences and gates. And they certainly are reliable and durable. 

Forged or welded

Welded and forged fences and gates are made from the same material, but they use different technologies. In both cases, the elasticity of the metal is used. But it is used in different ways, in different conditions and processes. During the forging process, a metal blank (a rod is usually used for fences) is heated, brought to a certain temperature, and pressed to give it the desired shape. The variety of forms is great: heated metal becomes many times more plastic, which allows forging openwork and twisted elements from it.

Having collected a certain number of forged blanks, they are combined into sections, which are then mounted on support pillars. Due to the fact that the work is carried out with softened metal, it is possible to combine the elements of the fence into a single whole with almost no seams. Due to this, the forged fence looks very neat.

Classical forging is a long and expensive process, but the fence turns out to be unique

When creating welded fences, the elasticity of the metal is also used, but in a cold state. Twisted and curved elements are also made from the rod – the process is called “cold forging”. To obtain elements of a welded fence of different shapes, there are special devices that allow you to change the shape of the workpieces without heating. But, in a cold state, the plasticity of the metal is less, less and possible variations.

When creating welded fences, the elements are combined by welding. This causes the presence of welds. Here in this – in less artistic value and in the presence of seams – is the main difference between welded and forged fences. Otherwise (in functionality, durability) they are the same. What else is the difference? In price and production time. Forged fences and gates require much more time to manufacture and cost more, as the process requires special skills and high qualifications. Welded to do faster and easier, respectively, and the price is less.

Forged-welded fences are not so expensive and look interesting

There is also an intermediate view – forged-welded fences. In them, the elements are made by forging, and in the section they are assembled and fastened to each other by welding. Such fences look no less presentable than forged ones, but they are cheaper, since the manufacturing process is less laborious.

Types of forged fences

It will be about in combination with what materials wrought iron fences and gates are made. It’s no secret that metal lace is too transparent and serves only as a physical barrier, and even then if the sections are of solid height. To close the courtyard from view, it is necessary to place an opaque material behind the forged weave. We will talk about what to combine a wrought iron fence with.

Another example of a classic forged fence

Poles for forged and welded fences

Forged or welded sections of a metal fence can be mounted on metal or brick (stone) pillars. These are the two types of support that are used in most cases. If you are going to make a combined fence (an opaque material is installed behind the forged section), the best option is with brick pillars. The windage of the combined fence is high, and such a foundation will be reliable and will withstand any wind.

There is another common option – a stone foundation into which metal poles are mounted. This option for the fence can be considered optimal: it is not as heavy as with stone pillars, but, at the same time, reliable.

With metal or profiled sheet

Quite often you can find a combination of a forged section of the fence, behind which a painted metal sheet is installed. Alternatively, a roofing sheet can be used. It has a factory paint finish that is designed to withstand the weather. In this case, the forged elements are painted black, and the color of the metal behind it is selected to match the color of the roof of the house or cottage.

But the profiled sheet has a formed relief, which not everyone likes in combination with forging. In this case, a sheet of metal is used. But it must be carefully treated with anti-corrosion compounds, coated with a primer and only after that with paint. In this case, the appearance of the metal will remain for a long time. This option is good because you can pick up any color you like: bronze, silver, some unusual shade.

The combination of a forged fence with a metal sheet gives a very reliable fence. The strength of the metal sheet is enhanced by a lattice of forged rods. In addition, it turns out organically and beautifully. Openwork bindings of forging on a colored background look bright and impressive.

With polycarbonate

Often, forged fences and gates are supplemented with polycarbonate. This material is not only cellular, but also sheet. Sheet is more durable and able to withstand even a blow from a stone, and some models are bulletproof and are used in banks. Although special strength is not needed behind the interlacing of the fence rods, such material can be a salvation from vandals.

Polycarbonate can be dyed in different colors. Most often, matte white or with a slight tint is used, and brown and bronze are also popular. Even dyed in mass, they are translucent. Behind such a fence, movement is guessed, and details and details cannot be considered.

Polycarbonate of any type is easily cut, so it can be used to decorate only some parts of the fence, for example, you can make colored inserts.

with tree

The wood itself is both decorative and strong enough to create fences. Wooden fences and gates are a large group, but in combination with forged elements it turns out even more beautiful.

There are two options for forged or welded wood fences. The first is a forged metal frame with rare metal elements. This frame is filled with densely spaced boards. It is difficult to say which of the materials is the main one. If you take it by quantity, it’s wood, but the frame is made of metal, which unites everything, although the metal part itself cannot be a fence: the weave is too rare. Sometimes it’s just a frame around the perimeter and patterns on top / bottom. Interesting, by the way, fences are obtained. Many look like fabulous – they will go well with a wooden house.

The second type is sections of a full-fledged wrought-iron fence, covered with boards from the back (from the side of the yard). In rare cases, boards are inserted into metal frames. The main difference is that the metal frame can be a fence without boards, they are just an addition.

Schemes and sketches for welded and forged fences and railings

Having your own home makes you gain knowledge in various areas – even if you don’t do everything yourself, it is very desirable to control the work of hired workers. Then the result is guaranteed to be at least not below average. And the style, design and other individual things, in general, you have to choose yourself, otherwise the designers will do what they think is fashionable or beautiful.

For inspiration, we have collected a number of sketches and diagrams of forged fences. Some of them are simpler, some are very individual. For the first, it is not difficult to find performers, but if you want to order a fence from those that are “more difficult”, you will have to look. And it’s better to see at least a couple of samples with your own eyes.

It can be traditional and cold forging
Sketches of wrought iron fences
More complex options
This is forging of the traditional type, and fine work
Main focus on the top
More geometric option
Forged polycarbonate gate project
straight palace style
Only for a pompous mansion

Photos of beautiful and unusual wrought iron fences

It is not for nothing that sculptures are made of metal. The material is very plastic, durable, allowing you to embody any fantasies and ideas. Looking at the photos of some forged fences and gates, you often wonder: is it just a fence, or an object of artistic value?

After all, it’s beautiful … Really?
song in metal
And the gate itself, and the fence, and the pillars, and the arch of the gate – everything is very, very beautiful
The beauty of the picture is emphasized by well-chosen paint
For an imposing cottage
Unusual option
Rural sketches on metal
Obviously someone likes stories about dragons
metallic lace
Welded fence does not mean boring
Still, traditional forging is for solid people
It turns out that not only chasing makes it possible to create paintings in metal
And don’t take your eyes off!
It will definitely be remembered

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