Forever Young. Will science make humans almost immortal?

While, perhaps fortunately for us, eternal youth is probably too much of an expectation, biologists will discover potential ways to extend life. There are quite a few possibilities in this regard, from the vaccine to the modifications in the blood.

  1. For centuries, people have been looking for the mythical “philosopher’s stone” that would guarantee them, if not immortality, then at least youth for many years. It turns out that in the light of scientific knowledge, these are not unrealistic dreams at all
  2. The list of candidates for the title of “elixir of youth” includes, among others a vaccine that has already been tested in mice – to great effect
  3. Stem cell research is also quite promising
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Vaccine of youth

Recently, the world has heard about a rejuvenating vaccine developed by scientists in Japan. This is not a joke. A team from the University of Juntendo described a drug in the prestigious journal Nature Aging that caused a decrease in the number of old and, it is believed, unusable cells in mice, which the researchers have even called “zombie cells”. They accumulate in the body over the years. They no longer divide and work, but emit harmful substances and contribute to the deterioration of health. The vaccine provokes the production of antibodies that remove old cells. In the mice treated with it, typical features of old age developed significantly more slowly.

The creators of the new method believe that it will be able to successfully help people. “We can expect the vaccine to be used to treat hardening of the arteries, diabetes and other age-related diseases.” Meanwhile, not only the vaccine can remove old cells. Senolytic compounds, i.e. drugs that act similarly, have recently been investigated.

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A young ghost in young blood

However, another key to youth may be hidden in the body itself. As early as 2005, biologists at the University of California, Berkeley made an unusual discovery when they connected the bloodstream of young and old mice. In the older animal, various organs regenerated and some of the signs of old age subsided. After this discovery, various teams began looking for proteins in the young blood that could stimulate tissue renewal. Indeed, many molecules have been found that appear to be good candidates for such an action.

For example, a group at the University of Pittsburgh found that protein present in high levels in young mice improves muscle recovery after damage when administered to old animals. “We saw a level of functional muscle regeneration in old animals similar to that seen in juveniles, suggesting that in the future, human therapy may be based on this,” said the lead researcher, Dr Fabrisia Ambrosio.

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Purified blood – younger organism

However, some experiments with mice have shown that when blood alone is transfused from young animals to older animals, rejuvenation does not occur. Meanwhile, a recent study by scientists from Berkeley found that a rejuvenating effect can be achieved without the use of blood or even proteins typical of a young organism. It was enough to dilute the plasma. When scientists replaced half of the plasma of the old mice with saline solution and albumin (one of the most important components of plasma), the animals’ brain, liver and muscles were rejuvenated as well or more than the connection between their bloodstream and the young.

«There are two main interpretations of our original experiments. According to the first of them, when two mice were combined, rejuvenation was achieved thanks to the supply of young blood and proteins, or other factors that begin to be lacking with age. However, it is equally likely to explain that as we age, certain proteins in the blood rise, which are harmful, and have been removed or neutralized by a younger animal »- explains Prof. Irina Conboy, author of the 2005 Experiments and New Study.

Further analyzes of the blood after dilution of the plasma showed that the number of harmful proteins associated with inflammation decreased and the concentration of beneficial proteins, e.g. promoting the formation of blood vessels, increased. Meanwhile, the composition of plasma is already routinely changing today in procedures related to the treatment of autoimmune diseases, so the described procedure would not be particularly difficult.

«However, I would advise against looking for a magic potion. It is unlikely that aging can be reversed with a single protein. In our experiments, we found that we could perform one relatively simple and FDNA approved procedure. However, it also positively changes the concentration of many proteins »- emphasizes the co-author of the discovery, prof. Michael Conboy.

Cell therapy

A lot of hope is also connected with the use of the already famous stem cells, i.e. those that can give rise to other cells. For example, researchers at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute in Los Angeles have to some extent rejuvenated old rats by injecting them with heart stem cells obtained from juveniles. Among other things, heart rate and exercise capacity, the animals grew hair faster, and various biomarkers related to aging in the blood decreased.

“Our previous laboratory studies and clinical trials in humans offered hope that we could treat heart damage by administering typical heart stem cells,” says study author Dr Eduardo Marbán. “We have now found that these particular stem cells can reverse the abnormalities of aging heart,” she adds.

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Naturalna apteka

Scientists are also looking for ways to keep youth in nature. Much has been written about resveratrol, present, among others in red wine or dark chocolate, which include has a strong antioxidant effect. Research indicates that it helps to moderate some of the effects of aging. There may be more such compounds, and their effect may be surprising. Specialists from the Universities of Exeter, with the help of a different, but resveratrol-like molecule, rejuvenated old, inactive human cells. In addition to looking younger, they began to divide again.

«When I saw some of the cultured cells get younger, I couldn’t believe it. The old cells looked young. It was like magic »says Eva Latorre, who led the experiment. As it turned out – the telomeres – the ends of the chromosome storing genetic material, which naturally shortened with age, were longer in rejuvenated cells than in naturally young ones. The scientists explain that the substance supported the work of the cellular machinery reading information contained in genes.

Once again: exercise is health

More and more is known about what happens when we use the already known methods of extending life. As you know, for example, exercise helps to reduce weight, lower blood pressure, improve mood, strengthen the body and extend life. Meanwhile, a team from the University of Virginia, in a study in mice, discovered what happens in muscle cells during physical exertion. «Muscle health determines whether the whole body is healthy. Exercise capacity depends mainly on muscle size and capacity, and is the best predictor of mortality in the general population, »says Zhen Yan, author of the study. Just one exercise session was enough for muscle cells to start removing damaged mitochondria – organelles responsible for producing energy. This in turn leads to an improvement in the condition of the muscles.

«Aerobic exercise removes damaged mitochondria from skeletal muscles. If you do this regularly, you are constantly getting rid of your damaged mitochondria, and if you stay in good quality, your muscles are healthier. It’s like removing old broken cars from the streets. The city becomes full of efficient, new cars »- says prof. Zhen Yan. Before scientists develop “elixirs of youth”, it is worth remembering that you can do a lot on your own to gain a healthier old age, and even extra years.

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