For years, she complained of pain every day. The truth turned out to be terrifying

A 68-year-old woman lived for 20 years with a surgical needle in her belly. The item was left with her after an operation performed in the 90s. All the time she had the feeling that something was clearly wrong, and she was still in pain. Over the years, doctors have downplayed the matter, claiming that “this is her beauty” and that she “must sting from time to time”.

  1. The woman found out about a medical error by accident
  2. Earlier, she complained of ailments that were not taken seriously by specialists
  3. Due to the law, the victim of a bug cannot claim compensation
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Interia described the case. The woman had been fighting for compensation for some time from the hospital where she was operated on. Despite obvious negligence on the part of the medical staff and irrefutable evidence, the 68-year-old will not be compensated.

If I hadn’t slipped on the sidewalk a year ago, I would never have known what I had lived with for over 20 years. Now the stomach doesn’t hurt anymore. But a sense of injustice, and yes

He complains in an interview with the Interia portal.

For 20 years she lived with a surgical needle in her belly. He won’t get any compensation from the hospital

A 68-year-old patient, practically immediately after the operation, began to complain that “she was suffering from pain, pain and stabbing all the time”. It bothered her, but the doctors constantly downplayed it. She had to learn to live with endless pain and discomfort. It was only by accident that she underwent an X-ray examination. This revealed that she had a 3,2 cm surgical needle in her body. The object was a source of constant inflammation, which could have ended tragically. Has been removed.

You can find the rest of the article under the video:

It was already so corroded (the needle – ed.) That it broke when it was pulled out. They were even a little scared of it

recalls the 68-year-old.

A woman hired a lawyer to fight for compensation for 20 years of daily pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, the legal provisions turned out to be inhuman in this case. The case of the 68-year-old has expired. Had she reported it 10 years earlier, she would have had a chance of being compensated.

How could I ask for it earlier, since I had no idea that I live with a needle in my stomach? After all, I found out last year. How was I supposed to know? It is unfair

admits the patient, not hiding her profession.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Dr. Agnieszka Bolikowska – the founder of Linguistics, creator of the 6oMethod® method, will tell us about what slow learning is. How to break the language barrier? How to learn to make mistakes? You will learn about this and other aspects of language learning in today’s episode. Listen!,nId,6127107#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome

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