For what repairs you can lose your home: 18 major violations

The news is full of frightening headlines: raids have begun in Russia to check the layout of housing. For a too free approach to repairs, they can write out a fine, summon them to court, force them to return everything as it was, or even deprive the apartment altogether.

Almost everyone considers a change in the layout of housing. At least one centimeter deviated from the plan recorded in the technical passport, and that’s all – the repair must be coordinated with the BTI. If this is not done, difficulties are inevitable: it will be impossible to sell the apartment, uncoordinated innovations can be noticed by the inspectors of the housing office, and this is already a showdown in court and fines.

Examples of redevelopment are the wildest. For example, in Moscow, a man decided to build a giant aquarium in his apartment. So gigantic that it took up an entire room. In order to bring his plan to life, the landlord removed the load-bearing wall and replaced it with a glass one.

“Of course, I isolated this room, made it waterproof, filled it with water, seaweed and launched real sturgeons. It was, of course, very beautiful, but can you imagine what kind of water load and weight fell on the floor, “- told the TV channelRen-TV»Realtor Vladimir Pushkarev. 

Now a creative fish lover will have to return everything to its original state, and at the same time pay a fine. But the demolition of load-bearing structures is not the only taboo in redevelopment.

List of violations

In rooms and kitchens

  • Demolition of fully or partially load-bearing columns and beams.

  • Expansion of the living room area due to the area of ​​the bathroom or kitchen.

  • Combining a kitchen with a gas stove with a living room.

  • Expansion of the kitchen due to the area of ​​the bathroom or living room.

  • Relocation of kitchen equipment if the kitchen is combined with the living room

  • Manipulation of ventilation ducts.

  • Reducing the kitchen area to 5 sq. m.

  • Changing the gas stove to an electric one without the consent of the gas workers.

  • Lack of a door to the kitchen if the kitchen is equipped with a gas stove.

In the bathrooms

  • Displacement of bathrooms in an apartment building, even by a centimeter, is a direct likelihood of setting up its own so-called “wet zone” above the kitchen or living quarters of neighbors below.

  • Poorly done waterproofing.

  • Lack of a sill between the bathroom and the corridor; a sill between the balcony and a room in a panel house.

  • Exit from the toilet directly into the room.

  • Transferring a riser of a water supply or sewage system to another place.

On the balcony

  • Carrying out radiators to a loggia or balcony, wanting to heat it.

  • Combining a balcony with rooms – in this situation, it is important to put a French window and check the status of the window sill blocks.

  • Balcony superstructure.

The fine for violation of these requirements is small: 2 – 2,5 thousand rubles. It is much sadder that all the innovations will have to be removed, and this is already very costly. In addition, legal fees will also have to be paid. If you refuse to comply with the requirements of the court, the result will be completely sad: the owner will be deprived of ownership, and the apartment will be put up for auction.

Lawyer, head of the company for the approval of GOROD redevelopment.

In any apartment, the boundaries of the premises are laid initially. It is according to this plan that the main coordinating bodies – BTI and MZHI – are checking. According to statistics, 2 out of 5 planning decisions of a designer cannot be implemented, the calculations are wrong and the view on the layout is wrong. Therefore, all plans must first be coordinated with the BTI – even before the repair begins.

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