For three decades now, we have been celebrating World Smoking Cessation Day

Today is the World Quitting Smoking Day, which we have been celebrating on the Vistula River since 1991. But what if we can’t quit? Is it possible then to reach for intermediate solutions and deal with the addiction gradually, step by step?

How many smokers will announce an ambitious resolution today? Probably many. How many will survive in it – rather few. Quitting an addiction such as smoking is one of the most difficult challenges faced by modern man. All statistical data confirm that it is rare to break with cigarettes overnight and permanently. Persevering in the decision can be real torture for smokers. It turns out, however, that one can approach the matter in a different way than in such a radical way. It is about switching to alternative products to cigarettes that significantly minimize the adverse health effects of smoking.

Until recently, nicotine patches, gums, and even acupuncture or hypnosis were used. When these solutions don’t work, we look for something else. For example, an e-cigarette. Reaching for it instead of “regular” cigarettes can be a good transition period between addiction and being free from tobacco.

The vast majority of international studies indicate that e-cigarettes and the so-called Tobacco heaters are potentially less harmful by about 90-95 percent. compared to traditional cigarettes (although they are still not completely harmless). They do not contain the most toxic substances for our health. What’s more, the British Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) survey from August 2018 shows that as much as 52 percent. 3,2 million adult e-cigarette smokers in this country have stopped smoking. In turn, a recent study from Spain shows that as many as 9 out of 10 people who use e-cigarettes in this country have reduced or quit the habit of smoking thanks to choosing alternative products. Today, officially, the e-cigarette is considered potentially less harmful than a “regular” cigarette in countries such as Germany, France and Great Britain.

Where does the lower harmfulness of using an e-cigarette come from? Well, it does not burn at all, so it does not emit the most harmful substances for the body. New generation tobacco heaters are also popular on the market, which also do not burn but heat the tobacco; Thanks to this, the smoker experiences a feeling comparable to traditional smoking, but provides his body with much less harmful substances. Before they reach the market, the equipment undergoes thorough tests. In the case of glo hyper +, for example, there were 44 behavioral tests, 164 chemical analyzes, 46 clinical studies and 0 tests determining the effects on the body’s cells.

The World Stop Smoking Day in Poland has been celebrated for thirty years and its origins date back to the first half of the 70s in the USA (in response to an action by one of the newspapers, as many as 24 people refrained from smoking for 150 hours). There are many ways to quit, but the key is to reduce the negative impact of smoking. The solutions alternative to “ordinary” cigarettes largely eliminate these factors, and, what is equally important, they may indirectly lead to a definite quitting of the addiction.

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