It is better to work on yourself under the guidance of a master. The key to success is clear goals, quality samples, training, feedback.
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How many hours a day do you love your loved one, that is, work on yourself?
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It is quite possible to work on yourself, develop yourself on your own, relying on your own strengths. This is how Mikhail (Mikhailo) Lomonosov, Alexander Suvorov, Napoleon Bonaparte, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and many, many other famous people who left a big mark on the history of their country worked in their time. They did it without any outside help — and they succeeded! So, it can work for you too. Another thing is that today it is faster and more efficient to work on yourself with the help of more experienced people: teachers, educators, psychologists and coaches.
Psychotherapists can be useful here as well, but their role is rather auxiliary. The specialization of psychotherapists is treatment, not education, they are still busy with something else: they help a person rise from a problem state to a healthy state. In the broadest sense, this can also be called personal development, but it’s more accurate to talk about help in recovery, in restoring normal, effective functioning. Repair should not be confused with tuning.
With good support it is always better to work, and one (or one) many do not succeed.
“What I used to call working on myself was just thinking about problems, evaluating my own behavior, reading philosophical and spiritual literature and the absence of specific cases …”
And yet, you can and should work on yourself. The main thing is to do it correctly, so that there are results, and the work brings joy. You need to work on yourself smartly, fun and with pleasure. Smart — that is, doing exactly what is needed, and in the right way. Successful people don’t practice 1000 moves 3 times. They practice 3 movements 1000 times, but these 3 movements are the ones they need. Fun — because it works more efficiently. And with pleasure, so that tomorrow I would like to work again.
How to make sure that work on yourself leads to meaningful results? The key to success is clear goals, worthy examples, training, feedback. And even better — a high-quality and time-tested technique. Today, the most popular self-development system in Russia is Distance, a system of planned personal development developed by N.I. Kozlov. Today, with the help of the Distance, you can work on yourself from any city and from any country in the world — online, via the Internet. We invite you to the Distance online!
For those who plan to work completely independently, we give basic tips.
From life kick to lifestyle
As a rule, people begin to work on themselves because life gave a kick and a specific, very important task appeared. Not just a whim arose “Here, I will work on myself!” — it passes quickly, and when something became very necessary in life, when a real need arose. However, life kicks many, and not everyone goes on a beautiful flight. It is also required — a head on your shoulders, an understanding that whining and talking about your problems is futile, that only you yourself will pull yourself out. You yourself. Good. Life pushed, you made the right conclusions and took care of yourself. How long can you hold out? This is the main question, and your main task is to make sure that you like working on yourself. If you understand that you are succeeding, that you have results and it is worth it, you will move on. Your task is to make working on yourself a habit and a way of life, so that it would be simply strange for you to live differently, because you are the one who is always in development, and wallowing and feeling sorry for yourself is no longer you! Further see →
Starting with goal setting
The desire to work on oneself most often begins with the fact that a person is faced with certain problems, but dealing with their own problems is a dead end path. The easiest way for people to see their problems is what bothers them and what hinders them. You can deal with your problems for a long time, usually it is unproductive↑. In order to effectively move forward, another thing is important — it is important to learn how to correctly set goals. The first thing that will help you is to describe in the most lively and free way everything that you dream about, that you want to receive in this life. Recorded? Are you happy? And now there is work to be done — you need to turn your desires into goals. Desires and goals are different things, not everyone knows how to set goals correctly. We remind you of the basic requirements: goals must be formulated positively, goals must be specific, goals must be written down. Yes, more — the goals must be adequate … See →
Pulling up resources
Whatever wonderful goals you have, it is useful to remember that no one will bring you anything on a silver platter, you need to achieve or organize everything yourself. It is wrong to rely only on your own strength, it is reasonable to use the help of those who can and want to help you, but even this help and support is your concern. Everything is done by people, and you will have it when you have the necessary qualities and abilities, when you become a person worthy of your goals. Therefore, start with yourself: take a piece of paper and describe yourself: in the left column list all your problems and shortcomings, in the right column — your strengths and virtues, in the middle column write down everything that is just your features … See →
We draw up a work plan
In the work plan, you should have: areas of work, stages of work and specifics — when, where and how. And who will help you with this. Sometimes it’s easy to make such a plan, sometimes you may not be able to cope with it yourself, you may need the help of a specialist. See →
The important thing is to start. In order not to get stuck in plans and dreams, you need to quickly move on to business. There are observations — if you have conceived something and within 48 hours have moved to action, to implementation — your plans are worth something. If you have thought about it, but you put it off and haven’t started doing anything, your plans will never come true. So, hurry up to take the first step, to carry out at least some, but concrete business. See →
A variety of techniques can help in working on oneself: a detailed presentation of the beginning, the presence of an instruction or a sample, speech inserts, reminders, fines and rewards … See →
Until you have learned to work on yourself, you may experience a variety of difficulties. “It doesn’t work right away, the new is scary. It seems that he is already used to the new, but he lost his way and returned to the old course … «What to do with it — see →
And we remember what Churchill wrote: “Victories are not final, failures are not fatal, only the courage to continue matters!”
Support in working on yourself
It is not easy for one to move forward, and if possible, it is better to work on oneself with someone, it is good if in a group of like-minded people, and under the guidance of a master. The master will help you more accurately determine the direction, suggest effective techniques and methods, give high-quality feedback, help you not to forget your wonderful intentions, create the necessary motivation. If you find out who and where is doing what interests you, be sure to come and get acquainted with these people. Psychological training can give you a lot, but you need to get on a good, high-quality psychological training. If you can afford it, we recommend finding your own coach or starting to work at a Distance, where you will have both a leader and a group of like-minded people next to you. See →