For the first time in Poland, the world’s smallest pacemaker was implanted

Doctors from clinical hospitals in Poznań and Zabrze implanted the smallest pacemakers in the world. The device is 10 times smaller than a standard starter.

The operation was performed through the femoral vein with a puncture in the groin directly into the heart. Such an operation is much less invasive than traditional implantation, which requires a surgical incision and the creation of a special “pocket” under the skin on the patient’s breast.

– Implantation through vein puncture in the groin prevents the patient from scarring in the area on the breast, which is typical for classic systems. For some patients, this “cosmetic” aspect may be an important argument when applying this method of treatment. Please note that currently the new type of pacemaker can only be used

in some patients who require a pacemaker, this will be determined by the type of medical condition. It seems that the advantages of the new method are so great that with the further development of this technology, we will only implant this type of pacemaker in a few years. We are glad that Polish patients can be covered by this innovative method of treatment now – says Dr. n. med. Oskar Kowalski, who performed implantations in patients in Zabrze

The first Micra TPS pacemaker implantation took place in December 2013 at a hospital in Linz (Austria). To date, the device has been implanted in over 1000 patients worldwide.

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