For the comfort (life) of the vagina

Who does not have this problem – simply will not understand. Because even a slight hypertrophy of the smaller labia can be extremely troublesome for a woman

– It all depends on the woman, unfortunately, patients usually feel very discomfort when practicing sports, in their intimate life and even when moving around normally – says plastic surgeon Grażyna Nasińska – Jurek from the Medical Esthetic clinic in Warsaw.

Bigger problem

The fact that she has a problem with the labia, 32 years old – Katarzyna realized only recently. – In the past, I just did not pay attention to it, but I started to browse the Internet a bit, read various articles. Compare how I look “down there” with what the Google Images search engine presented to me. Overgrown, and asymmetrically, smaller labia have become a cause of big complexes for me – admits Kasia. – I started to feel ashamed of what my genitals looked like. Yes, I know, this is how nature built me, everyone is different, and in sex it is primarily a matter of fitting. These translations that I was trying to comfort myself with did not help much.

It’s not everything. – The worst thing is that I also feel a lot of discomfort every day. When I wear too tight pants I just feel the pressure and after a few hours it is unbearable for me. There is no question of wearing thongs. Riding a bike – after half an hour I start to think only that something is pressing on me. When I have sex, I or my partner have to help me a little so that he can enter me painlessly. What’s more – I’m still struggling with some infections of the genital tract and I’m beginning to wonder if my defect is sometimes one of the causes. So far I have not decided to have surgery, but as soon as I have more time (so as to calmly recover) – I will definitely do it, for my own comfort and well-being. Money? Even if I do not have them then – I will pull them out of the ground, because I know it will be worth it – admits Kasia.

Smaller lips

It is the smaller labia that usually cause confusion. They are supposed to be smaller, but they protrude beyond the large ones that protect the entrance to the vagina from the outside, and a problem arises. A woman, even performing ordinary activities, may feel great discomfort, for example when riding a bicycle, with inadequate underwear or too tight clothes. However, discomfort is just one inconvenience. It is hard for women to enjoy sex. – It does not necessarily have to be a large enlargement of the labia, and it can be extremely burdensome – emphasizes Dr. Grażyna Nasińska-Jurek.


A procedure that is helpful in this situation is labiaplasty, i.e. the reduction of the labia minora under general anesthesia. The procedure consists in removing excess tissue and suturing it. Convalescence takes 4 to 6 weeks. In this procedure, soluble sutures are used (due to the delicate operating area). General anesthesia is also justified – local anesthesia would be extremely painful in this place. The price of such a procedure in Polish plastic surgery clinics is not excessive and amounts to approx. PLN 4 – PLN 5. zloty.

Although, as Dr. Nasińska-Jurek admits, patients do not line up for this operation, it is much more popular than it used to be. – It is even more characteristic of young women, they are looking for a way to improve the comfort of their lives by using today’s opportunities – admits the surgeon.

Plastic gynecology

The name labiaplastyka, or labiaplastyka, consists of two words – “labia”, which means labia, and plastyka, which means surgical intervention. Labiaplasty is just one of the procedures that can be put in one bag with the name “cosmetogynecology” or “plastic gynecology”. In addition, modern women can choose from a number of aesthetic medicine treatments, such as the transplantation of adipose tissue or hyaluronic acid to the pubic mound.

It is also worth taking a closer look at the problem that may affect every woman giving birth to children. During childbirth, a woman’s perineum is ruptured or incised. Improper stitching of it is often the later cause of true female drama. A stretched vagina makes it impossible to enjoy sex. This is because often, rather than sewing together muscles and mucosa, surgeons only focus on the muscles. In order to repair the damage caused by childbirth and bad stitching, women are increasingly opting for vaginal reduction or perineal surgery. These are the most serious and require the greatest surgical skills to operate on the intimate parts of a woman’s body.

Glossary of Plastic Gynecology:

Labiaplasty (also called labiaplasty) – an operation to reduce the labia minora.

Hymenoplasty – hymen reconstruction. The procedure consists in preparing a fragment of the mucosa on one side and sewing it to the other side of the vagina. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and is associated with a high risk of complications. Some surgeons simply refuse to perform it, believing that it is too big a risk to be borne only for the cosmetic effect.

Vaginoplasty – an operation to reduce or actually narrow the vagina. It consists in removing a part of the stretched muscle tissue and excess mucosa and sewing the vaginal wall.

Perineoplasty – repair surgery of the perineum “damaged” by a heavy childbirth, inadequate incision and then careless suturing.

Vaginoperineoplasty – some doctors terminologically combine vaginoplasty with perineal surgery, hence the name vaginoperineoplasty.

Clitoroplasty – highlighting, exposing the part of the clitoris hidden under the skin folds; such an operation is aimed strictly at improving the quality of the patient’s erotic experiences; the procedure is also called a clitoral lift.

Tekst: Anna Chodacka

The text comes from EksMagazyn – the only women’s magazine that undresses men.

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